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Paper - I Compulsory English


A-Stream Text Book : Jubilee English Reader, Jay Publishers
B-Stream Text Book : Easy English Prose, Jay Publishers


Grammar and Composition :

    (a) Basic language skills : grammar and usage
The ability to fill in blanks, correct errors, choose correct forms out of alternative choices, join clauses, sentences as directed, replace indicated sections with single world / opposites / synonyms etc.
To be assessed by objective / multiple-choice tests : 1 x 20 = 20% credit

    (b) Comprehension of an unseen passage
This should imply not only (a) an understanding of the passage in question but also (b) a grasp of general language skills and issues with reference to world and usage within the passage and (c) the power of short independent composition based on themes and issues raised in the passage.

    (c) Composition : Paragraph-writing

    (d) Precise / summary writing
There should be formal training in composition and precise / summary writing through instruction, discussion and written work. The students should not be left to conduct these exercises on the strength of their general reading and understanding of the language.


Topics of Grammar :

(1) Primary auxiliaries do, have, be
(2) Nouns : kinds of noun; number, gender
(3) Pronouns : kind of pronouns
(4) Articles
(5) Tenses
(6) Subject-verb concord
(7) Conjunction

Paper - I Special English

Part-I Reading Fiction (50% credit)

Prescribed Texts :

(1) Chaucer, (a) The Knight's Tale } In modern English rendering (b) The Pardoner's Tale }
(2) Henry James, The Europeans
(3) Manohar Malgonkar, The Devil's Wind

Part-II Reading Drama :

Prescribed Texts :

(1) Aeschylus, Agamemnon
(2) Shakespeare, A Mid Summer Night's Dream
(3) Ibsen, A Doll's House

Note : Basic ideas about the genres of novel and drama as illustrated in the texts must be imparted. The aim is to compel the students to original texts. Whether they have read well or not should be tested. The question-bank must be prepared accordingly.


Format of the Questions Paper :

            Questions 1 and 2 should be set on Paper-I (Fiction). Each questions must have an internal. (Marks 14 and 14)

            Question 3 should seek explanation of the passage from the plays of Part-II with reference to context. (Marks 15)

            Question 4 is to be an essay-type question on the plays of Part-II with an internal option. (Marks 13)

            Question 5 : Two short notes out of four on the topics from both Fiction (part-I) and Drama (Paper-II) (Marks-14)

Paper - II Reading poetry

Part-I Reading poetry : Three Groups : 50% credit

Group - I Sonnet

(1) Surrey. 'A complaint by night'
(2) Edmund Spenser, 'One day I wrote her name'
(3) Shakespeare, 'True Love'
(4) John Donne, 'Death be not proud..'
(5) John Milton, 'On his Blindness'
(6) W.Wordsworth, 'Scorn not Sonnet'
(7) Lord Byron, 'On the Castle of Chillon'
(8) John Keats, 'On First Looking into Chapman's Homer'
(9) Matthew Arnold, 'Shakespeare'
(10) G.M. Hopkins, 'No worst, there is none...'

Group - II Odes

(1) Ben Jonson, 'An Ode. To Himself'
(2) Thomas Randolph, 'An Ode to Mr. Anthony Stafford'
(3) William Collins, 'Ode to Evening'
(4) S.T. Coleridge, 'Dejection An Ode'
(5) Wordsworth, 'Ode on the Instimations of Immortality'
(6) Wordsworth, 'Ode to Duty'
(7) P.B. Shelley, 'Ode to the West Wind'
(8) P.B. Shelley, 'Ode to a Skylark'
(9) John Keats, 'Ode to a Nightingale'
(10) John Keats, 'To Autumn'

Group - III Elegy

(1) Milton, 'Lycidas'
(2) Gray, 'An Elegy Written in a Country Church Yard.
(3) Tennyson, 'In Memorium'
(4) Arnold, 'The Scholar Gipsy'
(5) Goldsmith, 'The Deserted Village'

Note : A Short History of English Poetry by Birjadish Prasad (Macmillan India Ltd.) is recommended for background reading.

Part - II Practical criticism : 40% credit

The prescribed text book :

Thaker, P.K., Appreciating English Poetry : A Practical Course and Anthology, Orient Longman, 1999.

Part - III Prosody : 10% credit

The prescribed book : Bernard Blackstone, Practical English Prosody Longman, 1965.

Note : 

1.  There shall be questions on all the three parts.
2.  There shall be a questions-bank for the Part-I. For the Part-II and III unknown passage will be given for appreciation and scanning.

Format of the Questions Paper :

Q.1 Critical appreciation of a sonnet with an internal option from the same group (Marks 12)
Q.2 Critical appreciation of an ode with an internal option from the same group. (Marks 12)
Q.3 Critical appreciation of an elegy with an internal option from the same group. (Marks 12)
Q.4 (A & B) Critical appreciation of two unseen passages with no internal options. (Marks 14 and 14)
Q.5 Scanning (one out of three passage) (Marks 7)


Text Book :

(1) George Orwell, Animal Farm 50 Marks
(2) Composition : 50 Marks
1.  Precise or Summary        2.  Comprehension             3.  Report Writing
4.  Practical Translation       5.  Advertisement Writing    6.  Dialogue-Writing


Paper-II Special English

Objectives :
(I)     To consolidate the  students' knowledge of composition that they have acquired in the H. S. C.
(II)    To teach them all the factual details of the twentieth century poetry and drama.
(III)   To cultivate in-Depth study of the prescribed texts.
(IV)   To develop taste for literature and ability for critical appreciation.
(V)    To teach the concerned literacy forms in practical application to the extent their peculiar features are illustrated in the prescribed texts. The definitions of the following should be covered in the objectives questions :
Plot, Character, Setting, Humor, Wit, Pathos, Irony, Surprise, Farce, Rhyme, Rhythm Stress, Pause, Simple, Metaphor, Personification, Alliteration, Rhetorical question, Parallelism, Contrast, Repetition, Inversion, Ellipsis, Collocation, Theme, Dramatic irony Dramatic monologue, Metonymy, Imagery, Synecdoche, Apostrophe, Soliloquy, Aside, Enjambment, End-stopped line, Onomatopoeia,  Meter, Iamb, Trochee, Spondee,  Anapest, Dactyl, Amphibrach, Amphimacer, Syllable, Assonate, Consonance, Synesthesia  Antithesis, Oxymoron, Transferred epithet,  Euphemism, Bathos, Anticlimax, Climax, Hyperbole, Monometer, Demeter, Trimester, Tetrameter, Pentameter,  Hexameter, Heptameter, Octometre etc.
(VI)   To develop skill in recitation of poetry.
(VII)  To develop reading skill in dramatic dialogues.
(VIII) To develop oral and written communication skills.
        Structure :
                            There shall be in this paper
                        (a)    One twentieth century play
                        (b)    Fifteen selected  poems from the twentieth century.
        Format of the question paper :
                             There shall be two selections of the question paper :
                        (a)    Objectives and one line answer questions (15 Marks)
                        (b)    Essay type questions (40 Marks)
                        (c)    Viva voce (5 Marks)
        Details of (a) above :
                        (I) Objectives questions :
The part (1) will be a printed question paper with blanks and spaces. It has to be completed and returned within ten minutes. There shall be ten objective questions with blanks to be filled in, each carrying one mark. The exhaustive list of all possible questions covering factual details of twentieth century poetry and drama, chiefly British, should be made available to the students . the list is conceived as a part of the syllabus. The questions must be chosen from the list. The paper-setter is not free to frame his own questions.
                    (II)  There shall be in this section also five one line answer questions, each carrying one mark   The questions will be printed. Below each question some space must be left. In the  blank space the candidate must write out his/her answer. The answer must be in one sentence only. An exhaustive list of all possible question will be a part of the syllabus and it should be made available to the students along with the syllabus has to They must to choose questions only from this list S/ he is not free to make his own Questions.
        Details of (b) above :
                Question 1 :    This will be a question to test the students skill in the composition of
                                      (I)    Letter (personal)  (5 Marks)
                                      (II)    Précis Writing (5 Marks)
                                that they have acquired in the H. S. C. This need not be taught.      
            Question 2 :
                            This must test literary critical knowledge of the prescribed play (10 Marks)
                Question 3 :
                            This must test literary critical knowledge of the prescribed play & poems            (10 Marks)
             Question 4 :
                            This question asks for critical appreciating of one of the prescribed poems. one must be attempted out of three.  The critical appreciation should include at least the following points.
                    (1)    General modern temper.
                    (2)    Individual characteristics of the concerned  poet.
                    (3)    Brief summary of the poem.
                    (4)    Paragraph wise discussion of each of the poetic excellences and  peculiar ties of style and content in the poem.
                    (5)    Conclusion.      (10 Marks)
                            The exhaustive list of all possible question on the prescribed play & poems of the questions 2 and 3, must from a part of the syllabus and be made available to the student. The  paper setter has to chose question from the list only. She is not free to frame his/her own internal option.

            Question 5 :
                            This shall be a question of short notes on both the tests-one play and fifteen poems. Students must write two short notes out of four. An exhaustive list of all possible topics for short notes shall be a part of the syllabus and made available to the students.  (10 Marks)

            Details of (c) above :
                             Five marks are reserved for viva. There shall be a common viva voca for both the papers. Paper I and Paper II. The following items be tested in the viva.
                        (1)  Skill in recitation of poetry.
                        (2)  Skill in reading dramatic dialogues
                        (3)  Skill in reading simple prose.
                        (4)  Competence in oral communication.

            Instruction :
                            For testing skill in the recitation of poetry students should be asked to recite lines from the prescribed poems. For testing skill in reading dramatic dialogues the students should be asked to read from the prescribed plays. For testing reading skill in simple prose. they must be asked to read from the tests prescribed in Paper. I. For testing competence in oral communication the exhaustive list of all possible questions with answer regarding communication situation in our day to day living, should be worked out. This must be made available to the students in advance. It from a part of the syllabus. (5 Marks)

        Background reading for Critical Guidance :
1. Marjorie Bolton            The Anatomy of Poetry (Rutledge and Keg an Paul)
2.  C. B. Cox & A. E.  D    The Practical Criticism of Poetry (Edward ArnoldDyson Ltd.,  London.)                       

3.  Marjorie Bolton           The Anatomy of Drama (Rutledge & Keg an Paul, London)
4.  Robert Gordon            How to study a play (Macmillan, London)
5.  Elizabeth Drew           Enjoyment of Literature (Dent & Co, London)           
6.  B. Parsed                  A Background to the study of English literature (Macmillan, India)
7.  H. B. L. Moody           Literary Appreciation (Long man, London)
8.  Logouts & Castalia      History of English Literature (Macmillan India Ltd.)          
9.  A. S. Horn by             An Advance Learners Dictionary of Current English OUT  & ELBS.

Paper-VII    (S.S.)

            1.    (a)    Use of dictionary (elementary), and
                   (b)    Expression of future, purpose, ability, permission possibility,  obligation and condition.
            2.    Rapid Reading (Elementary) One abridged and simplified prose text-book shall be prescribed for the purpose of teaching this skill. Rapid reading comprehension shall be tested through an unseen passage of narrative prose of about 300 words. There shall also be one question of a general nature on the comprehension of the prescribed text book.
            3.     Social and Personal letter - writing.
            4.     Elements of conversation English.
            5.     Translation of sentence from Gujarati or Hindi into English and  Vice-vers  a or paraphrasing a short simple poem.

        Note :  All the topics listed above shall carry equal marks. A suitable grammar book  will be prescribed.
        Text :   Gore- Rabindranath Tagore (McMillan 'Stories to remember) Simplified and abridged.

                                     BOOKS RECOMMENDED FOR LANGUAGE WORK. 

           An intermediate General English course by K. N. Divides and M. L. Tickoo (Orient Legman's)