
Vocational Hindi (At Under - Graduate Level)


Subject Objectives :

    The introduction of the Functional Hindi course mainly aims at exposure of the younger generation to the nature, usages and terminology of Hindi recognized as official Language of the Union by the constitution 

    This imparts the practical knowledge of the language required to be used for internal working and to gain proficiency in official correspondence in Ministries Department of C.O.I, Officers of semi-government, public undertakings, Corporate Bodies, Banks, Railways, Airlines, Corporation and companies.       

    This course is intended to make efficient to go straight away into the job-desks / helps them to take up self employment. 
    The matches to the present and future employment opportunities. 


Job Potential :

       I    Self :     (1)    Tutor

                        (2)    Job-Typing

                        (3)    Free lance Translator

      II    Wage :  (1)    Hindi Translators

                        (2)    Hindi Assistants

                        (3)    Interpreters, Announcers compare

                        (4)    Job in shops and Firms

                        (5)    Job in Advertising Agencies

                        (6)    Reporters (Hindi)

                        (7)    Steno-cum-Typist and Assistant

                        (8)    Receptionist


Pre-requisite of admission : Candidate must have studies Hindi at 10+2 level.


Syllabus :


1st Semester :

Paper - I        Official Language Policy of Government of India.

Paper - II       Practical Grammar of Hindi and conversational Hindi  


2nd Semester :

Paper - III      Translation, Terminology and Phrases.

Paper - IV      Official Correspondence in Hindi


3rd Semester :

Paper - V       Noting and Drafting

Paper - VI      Commercial and Business correspondence


4th Semester :

Paper - VII    Interpretation

Paper - VIII   Press Communication


5th Semester :

Paper - IX    Broadcasting and Radio / Television.

Paper - X     Typing, Telex and Computer Programming in Hindi.


On the Job Training - 1    After 4th Semester

Paper - XI   (a)           


On the Job Training - 2    After 4th Semester

Paper - XI   (b)           

Paper - XII  Entrepreneurship Development


(b)    Permissible combination of Subjects :

        (1)    Functional Hindi and English and any other language.

        (2)    Functional Hindi and English and any other subject.



(A)   Theory :

        Constitutional provision for introduction of Hindi - (Article-34) - Official Language Act 1963 and rules framed thereafter in 1976 - Presidential orders 1960 - Official Language Resolution 1968 - Hindi Training and incentives - Annual time and band programme of Official Language Implementation Committee (as decided by Ministry of Home Affairs).

(B)   Practicals :

        Preparations of a few quarterly progress reports on use of Hindi by collecting date from Nationalized Banks / Public Undertakings / Corporations and companies.      

(C)   Reference / Reading Material :

        1.     ;\3 SL ZFHEFQF < ;\PClZAFA] HUgGFY4 S[gN|LI ;lRJF,I4 lCgNL 5lZQN4 ;ZF[HLGL GUZ4 lN(CLP

        2.     ZFHEFQF Vl3lGID < VlB, EFZTLI lCgNL ;\:YF ;\34 #$4 S[F8,F DFU"4 lN(CL



(A)   Theory : 

        Nature of Hindi Language-Rules relating to formation of sentences in comparison to English - Usages, Gender, Number, Verb, Adjective, suffixes and Prefixes with special emphasy on 'Ne' and other 'Vibhaki Pratyaya'. Phonology - the syllabus - accent rhythm in connected speech - Intonation - Hindi in situations.

(B)   Practicals :

        Grammar should be taught with illustrations and not by memorization of rules - emphasis shall be on exercises - practice of correction of sentences, spellings - common errors and correction thereof.  

(C)   Reference / Reading Material :

        1.     VF3]lGS lCgNL jIFSZ6 VF{Z ZRGF < 0F"PJF;]N[J G\NG 5|;FN4 DF~TL EJG4 9FS]ZJF0L Z[F04 58GF

        2.     X]wW lCgNL S[; ;FB < ZFH[gN|5|;FN lCgNL4 0F"PJF;]N[J G\NG 5|;FN4 DF~TL EJG4 9FS]ZJF0L Z[F04 58GF

        3.     lCgNL V\U|[HL AF[,TL 0LSXGZL < 5]:TS DC,4 BFNL AFJ,L4 lN(CLP



(A)    Theory :

          Translation : Concept - Nature - Types (Full length translation and gist translation) - scope. Bilingualisation of documents coming under Section 3 (3) of the O.L. Act (General orders) - Translation of Official letters - Reminders Acknowledge - Reports - Agenda - Minutes - proceedings of the Meetings.  

          Study of terms and words commonly used in Ministries, Undertakings, Banks, Corporations and Companies, Officers, Railways, Airlines, legal terms - usages thereof - phrases / sentences - Rules pertaining to coinage of terms and words.  

(B)     Practicals :

        1.    Students are required to translate the items referred to above.

        2.    Submission of a typed booklet containing about 250 terms/words relating to an area as would be
               mutually  decided by the Teacher and students.  

(C)     Reference / Reading Material :

       1.    Comprehensive Glossary of Administrative Terms (English-Hindi) - (Computer Date-based) -
              Commission for scientific and Technical Terminology, Ministry of Human Resource Development -
              Government of India 1991.  

       2.    SFIF",I SFI"AF[3 < ClZAFA] S\5GL4 5|EFT 5|SFXG4 Z)54 5FJ0L AFHFZ4 lN(CLP

       3.    SFIF",I ;CFlISF < ;\P ClZAFA] S\5GL4 ZFH5]T ZFI4 ;}I"GFZFI6 ;S;[GF4 S[gN|LI ;lRJF,I slCgNL 5lZQNf4 ;ZF[lHGL GUZ4 lN(CLP



(A)    Theory :

          Type of correspondence i.e., originating letter - reply to a letter, Acknowledgement - Reminders, Demi-Official letters Memorandum - Circular, order - Endorsement - Inter - departmental Notes - Standards Drafts - Tenders - Notices - Advertisement for vacancies - Press communiqués - Reports.

(B)    Practicals :

         Preparation of draft letters on the cases, references on given subjects to be selected form among the above.

(C)    Reference / Reading Material :

         1.    jIFJCFlZS lCgNL < 0F"P DC[gN|lDttF,4 XAZL ;\:YFG4 !Z<!*)4 VFI"3D" lA(0L\U4 lA,F" ,F.g;4 lN(CLP

         2.    SFIF",IG lCgNL < 0F"P S[XZL,F, JDF"4 VF[D 5|SFXG4 ZFI5]Z sDwI5|N[Xf



(A)    Theory :

          General Introduction to :  Noting, language and style required to be used therein, Case-history-flagging of references buildings, up of the case, arriving at the conclusion and proposal for action - characteristics of a Note and formalities required to be followed.

          Study of different types of Drafts, language and Style required to be used therein - formalities to be considered while addressing Seniors / Juniors / Head Office / Regional Office / Government Officials etc. 

          System of filling papers and document :

(B)     Practicals :

          Practice in putting up various types of cases to higher ups on given subjects, sample notes on references along with suitable drafts.    

(C)     Reference / Reading Material :

          1.    l8%564 5|FZ]564 TYF 5|]O 59G < VF[D 5|SFXG l;\U,4 5LTF\AZ 5la,;L\U4 ***4 .58" 5FS" ZF[04 lN(CLP

          2.    jIFJCFlZS lCgNL EFU<Z < VF[D 5|SFXG l;\U,4 5LTF\AZ 5la,;L\U4 ***4 .58" 5FS" ZF[04 lN(CLP



(A)    Theory :

         Nature of commercial and Business Correspondence - Difference between official, commercial and Business Correspondence, letters of offer - quotations - Invoice / Bills - Receipts - letters of placing orders - Advice and payments, Redressed of grievances settlement of claims - letters regarding Banking transactions - letters regarding insurance, vocabulary of commercial and Business letters.   

         Introduction to advertising and copy writing - Area and scope - Importance - Language and befitting adjectives effectiveness of expression - qualities of a successful copywriter.

(B)    Practicals :

         Collection and Translation of advertisement appearing - in various magazines and periodicals etc., from source language to target language.   

(C)     Reference / Reading Material :

          1.    jIFJCFlZS lCgNL < 0F"P DC[gN| lDtT,4 XAZL ;\:YFG4 VFI"3D" lA(0L\U4 lA,F" ,F.g;4 lN(CLP

          2.    5|FDFl6S VF,[BG V[g0 l8%56 < lJZFH V[DPV[P4 ZFH5F, V[g0 ;g;4 SFxDLZL U[84 lN(CLP



(A)    Theory :

         What is interpretation ? - Scope - Area - Role - Qualities and responsibility of an Interpreter briefing and explanation - authority over the language (English - Hindi and regional languages) - Difference between Interpreter and Translator - Extempore Translation - Editing - Interpretation of conclusions of meetings and discussions - Message of speech and gist of lectures.    

(B)    Practicals :

         GroupWise discussion on selected subjects and interpretation thereof - Practice in extempore translation - practice for conveying the message of speeches - lectures, programmes etc.



(A)    Theory :

         Introduction - concept - Nature and Area - Major subject Matters of Press Release - summarization - Language and style - Terminology - Review and Editing - Authority to issue Press Release - Legal aspects of Press Release - Tenders - Notices. 

         Press Reports - Arts of Report Writing - coverage - Language and style - Review and Editing - Preparation of Draft Report Prof Reading.

(B)    Practicals :

         Preparation of Hind version of Press - News Items, Tenders, Notices - published in English Newspapers Preparations of sample Press Release.

(C)     Reference / Reading Material :

          1.    5l+SF ;\5FNG S,F < ZFDR\gN| lTJFZL4 VF,[B 5|SFXG4 lN(CLP

          2.    ;DFRFZ5+ jIJ:YF5G < VG\T UF[5F, X[J0[4 DwI5|N[X lCgN U|\Y VSFNDL4 EF[5F,



(A)    Theory :

         Fundamentals of Broadcasting - Radio/Television as medium of communication - Radio and Television Network in India and Educational Radio and Television - Current affairs and General knowledge.

(B)    Practicals :

         Voice training and training in the techniques of broadcasting on the Radio/Television Practical training in facing the camera.

(C)    Reference / Reading Material :

         1.    The Art of Broadcasting by S.P. Jain

         2.    Radio news writing and Editing by Carl Warren

         3.    The techniques of Television Production - G.Millerson.

(D)    Equipment :

         Audio / Visual aids, Mike etc.   



(A)    Theory :

         A brief introduction, growing importance and increase demand of typing, stenography, Telex, computer operation - Introduction to Computer programme - Data Entry - Programming (Basic).

(B)    Practicals :

         Training in Typing, stenography, Telex operation and computer programming in Hindi.

         Practicals to be decided in consultation with institutions where Hindi Telex / Computer have been installed.

(C)    Equipment :

         (1)    Installation of Bilingual Computer and Telex machine.   

         (2)    Typewriter (Manual and Electronic)

PAPER - XI (A) ON THE JOB TRAINING - 1 (After 4th Semester)


(1)    The students are required to attend a few meetings of OLIC conducted by Ministry of Finance / Banking Division / nationalized Banks / Corporations and Companies.

(2)    Visit to nearby institutions and study the practice and methods adopted by disposal of case - study of filling system prevailing in the different offices.

(3)    To attend meetings, discussions, seminars, conferences and action - Plan meetings and preparation brief report on them - Review and Editing. 

(4)    Visit to press - Discussions with PRO of firms and Institutions.

PAPER - XI (B) ON THE JOB TRAINING - 2 (After 6th Semester)


(1)    Visit to the Radio / Television stations - Exposure to the Radio Broadcasting / Television casting.



        The students will be imparted training in the Universities / Colleges which have necessary instruction for computer training and training in Hindi Typing and stenography.


        At the introductory level the students could be deputed to the courses conducted by other Training Establishments Centres.



1.    Unit Cost for 30 students 

       1)    Books / Journals - About Rupees One Lakh.

       2)    Equipment : (cost to estimated)

              1.    Installation of Bilingual Computer and Telex machine.

              2.    Minimum 10 Hindi manual Type-Writer and 3 Electronic Typewriters would be required.

              3.    Audio-Visual aids, Mike etc.

       3)    Building : (Cost to be estimated)

              1.    Room - 1 for office.

              2.    Lecture Halls -3 wit required amenities

              3.    Room - 1 for type-writing class.

              4.    Computer Room with A.C. Space as per specification.

              5.    Room for Telex-machine.

        4)   Man-power :

              a.    3 full time teaches with proficiency in functional Hindi, official language policy, Translation and
                     Journalism as well as well as possessing knowledge of  various offices.

              b.    Special lectures by Guest - Speakers. Two special lectures for each paper in each Semester i.e.
                     24 lectures in total.   

              c.    Technical support staff :

                     1.    Computer Trainer - 1

                     2.    Typewriter Tutor - 1

                     3.    Tutor for Stenography - 1

                     4.    Tutor for Telex operation - 1

2.    Modalities of Examination and Evaluation :            

       The semester examination may be held in the month of December & May/June respectively on such dates as are found to be convenient in the context of academic schedule. Supplementary examination may be held for candidates in Sept. / Oct. or Feb. / March. In the case of Field Trip Report where warranted by exceptional circumstances, a delay of 30 days may be permitted.  

3.    Linkage :

       The successful candidates of this course shall be eligible to seek admission to the P.G. Diploma in Functional Hindi. (This course is equivalent to Master's degree.) 

       F.G. Diploma in Functional Hindi (Translation) course has already been approved by UGC and many Universities have already introduced this course. Karanatak University, Dharwad also has made the venture and the scheme is on the pipelines. 



Paper Name of Paper  L.P. Week T P Total
House on the Job Training
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1. 1st I I Official Language Policy of Government of India 2 2 2 6 3 4 --
2. I II Practical Grammar of Hindi & Conversational Hindi 2 2 2 6 3 4 --
3. II III Translation, Terminology & Phrases 2 2 2 6 3 4 --
4. II IV Official Correspondence in Hindi 2 2 2 6 3 4 --

On-the-Job Training for one month

6. 2nd III V Noting and Drafting-2 2 2 2 6 3 4 --
7. III VI Commercial & Business Correspondence  2 2 2 6 3 4 --
8. IV VII Interpretation 2 2 2 6 3 4 --
9. IV VIII Press Communiqué's  2 2 2 6 3 4 --
10. On-the-Job Training for the one month
11. 3rd V IX Broadcasting and Radio / T.V. 1 2 3 6 3 4 --
12. V X Typing, Telex and Computer Programming in Hindi 1 2 3 6 3 4 --
13. VI XI Project 6 hrs. Viva-Exam
14. VI XII Entrepreneurship Development 2 2 2 6 3 4 --




1.    The UGC should provide 100% funds to college where this course is to be introduced.

2.    To begin with, the Universities should select one college each in the districts coming under their jurisdiction.

3.    Such colleges as have sufficient infrastructure should be selected.

4.    Gradually the course may be extended to other places / colleges.

Eligibility :

Permissible combination of subjects including pre-requisite of admission.

    (a)    Pre-requisites of admission : Students must have studies Hindi at 10+2 level.

    (b)    Permissible combination of subjects.

Staff Requirement :

Manpower :

    (a)    3 full time teachers with proficiency in functional Hindi, official language policy. Translation and
            Journalism as well as possessing knowledge of various offices.

    (b)    Special lectures by Guest - Speakers. Two special lectures for each paper in each semester i.e. 24
            lectures in total.

    (c)    Technical support staff :

        1.    Computer Trainer                        1

        2.    Typewriter Tutor                        1  

        3.    Tutor for stenography                 1 

        4.    Tutor for Telex Operation            1


Unit cost for 30 students :

Books & Journals                               Rs. 10000/-

Equipment                                     (cost to be estimated)

Installation of Bilingual Computer & Telex machine. Minimum 10 Hindi manual typewriter and 3 Electronic  Rs. 3,00,000/- Typewriter would be required. Audio Visual Aids, Mike etc.

Schedule of Calender :

This is a three year course.

Note :  Detailed syllabus and mode of examination have already been submitted.

    For purpose of monitoring and successful implementation of this course, it has been suggested that in each institution where these courses are run, there shall be a monitoring cell with a Coordinator to establish functional links between the particular course and the other courses run for the undergraduate classes. It is also suggested that one of  Readers / Lecturers who has been taken to teach a special course allotted to the college should be made a coordinator.

    In case of establishment of Language Laboratory,  It is suggested that there shall be a common language laboratory for various languages taught with all the Hi Teach Gadgets like Video and Audio equipments so that the facilities are not duplicated for each language course.         
