Its annual budget for purchasing of books is
Rupees 20,00,000 (University Budget), 28,44,000 (UGC Budjet), 2,00,000
(E-Journals) and for periodicals is Rupees 3,00,000 Total Rupees 3,44,29,146 has been spent for purchasing of the books.
The library received the late Dr. B.J.Sandesara's personal library as a
gratis. It contains about 4,252 books and some back volumes of literary
and indological journals. The collection is very rich in the areas of
Gujarati and Sanskrit literature, History, Culture Jainology and
Indology. The library is also planning to build up a local history
museum and Hemachandrachary a corner. Hemachandracharya was a versatile
scholar and a great jainnologist of Patan (also known as Anhilwad Patan)
who flourished in the 12th century. The documents are being classified
according to D.D.C. and A.A.C.R.-II
is followed for
The library provides all the traditional services
like Reference, Bibliographical, Literature search, User, Education, Inter
Library Loan, Photocopy, Audio Visual, Cyber Cafe- Internet, OPAC, Newspaper clipping, CAS, etc. Since last
years the library is also organization weekly discussion group called
'Characha vartula' for students. It meets every Wednesday hence called
as Budhavariyum. Average 25-30 students are regularly attending it and
discussion on various subjects.
Office Time: 10.30 A.M. - 6.10 P.M.
Reading Hall: 8.00 A.M. To 8.00 P.M. on
Examination Period 10:00 P.M.
Stack Room : 8.00 A.M. To 8.00 P.M.
(2nd and 4th Saturday, Sunday and Holiday : 8.00 A.M. to
4.00 P.M.
Password : hngu775
Password : bentham
has sanctioned Rs. 7.50 lakhs under the plan of
computerization and networking of University
Libraries for the purchase of computer system. Out
of this grants the library has acquired necessary
equipment as suggested by the INFLIBNET centre. With
this systems the library has made a beginning in
creating database of books using SOUL 2.0
software currently data of the 58,928 books have
been computerized by using of SOUL Software
developed by INFLIBNET.
Besides data of
44 current
journals/ Periodicals are
also computerized. |
Shri Mohanlal Patel
“Amrut Parv” Committee had donated 5,00,000 lakhs on
28-12-2001 University Library organized Lecturer Series
From the interest received from donation amount.
Umashankar Joshi levturer series is also organized every
year by the university library.
urdvarohan saptah” organized every year by the
university library.
(4) Shri Manibhai Prajapati (X-Librarian
HNGU, Patan)