Greetings and Welcome

            Talent 2015, as it is, will be the biggest talent show seen in the history of the Computer Science department.It is aimed to explore the talent of students from the core and to give them a rostrum on stage to show their skills. The function is leveled to give the best and whole and sole contribution of the Faculties as well as Students.

            The eventual progress are directed, with much coveted support, by our department's head Mr. B.M Patel. Without him this dream seems like a faded Mona Lisa.

            Not only Talent but also the management skills and the designing framework of the department are engaged to manifest this mega tic event. Upon a titanic budget and bulky preparations, we here make this site dedicated to the active support of the students and faculties. May this prove the elendil light to them.

            The site will take you through the information about current status of the coveted function, that is going to be held by Christmas.

            We heartily thank you for taking interest in this ongoing ibex of the herculean work.