The library provides all the
traditional services like Reference,
Bibliographical, Literature search, User, Education,
Inter Library Loan, Photocopy, Audio Visual, Cyber
Cafe- Internet, OPAC, Newspaper clipping, CAS, etc.
Since last fifteen years the library is also
organization weekly discussion group called 'Characha
vartula' for students. It meets every Wednesday
hence calleThe
scope of this MOU will include the areas of
teaching, research, cultural exchanges,
faculty/staff and student exchanges, and any other
related areas that are mutually determined to be
appropriate by the partner institutions in the
future. Under the framework of this MOU, any and all
departments and units of the partner institutions
have the ability, in coordination with the
respective points of contact identified in Article
4.1 of this document, to develop and engage in joint
activities. The content and special conditions of
such activities shall be specified by the
collaborating departments in a Supplementary ands
Specific Agreement or Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
to this MOU that will govern their relationship.
This MOU does not require either WCU or HNGU to
assume any financial obligations unless such
obligations are mutually and clearly agreed upon, in
writing, between participating departments in
Supplementary Agreements. d as
Budhavariyum. Average 25-30 students are regularly
attending it and discussion on various subjects.