The course consists of five papers in theory and five practicals. The course is to be completed by assignment three periods each of 55 minutes duration for each theory paper per week. Three periods per practical per week. The number of students in a practical batch shall not exceed fifteen.
There shall be at least one zoological excretion tour or educational tour within year. It will be pertain different zoological region of a country, covering sea coast, forest, national park, sanctuaries, inland fisheries center, research institution, museum etc. The students are expected to submit tour report, a small dissertation work pertaining to local area and laboratory journal should be duly signed by teacher concern and head of the department during their practical examination.
The students shell be required to produce any one items of a and b given bellow at the time of practical examination.
a. Small scientific script
b. Hand prepared charts or models or slides.
Pattern of Theory Examination
Paper No. |
Title |
Duration |
Marks System |
Marks System |
External |
Internal |
VI |
Ecology and Environmental Biology |
3 hrs. |
70 |
30 |
Genetics and Biotechnology |
3 hrs. |
70 |
30 |
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
3 hrs. |
70 |
30 |
IX |
Developmental Biology |
3 hrs. |
70 |
30 |
X |
Toxicology, Aquaculture and Medical Zoology |
3 hrs. |
70 |
30 |
Pattern of Practical Examination
Paper No. |
Duration |
Marks System |
Marks System |
External |
Internal |
VI |
5 hrs. |
35 |
15 |
5 hrs. |
35 |
15 |
5 hrs. |
35 |
15 |
IX |
5 hrs. |
35 |
15 |
X |
5 hrs. |
35 |
15 |
Unit - 1 Aim of Ecology :
6.1.1 Sub division of ecology, scope of ecology
6.1.2 Medium and substratum - water and soil
6.1.3 Ecological factors - Temperature & light
Unit - 2 Population Ecology :
Density-total count, Sampling method, natality, mortality, Population growth and equilibrium
Community ecology-types, characteristics, structure, stratification, ecological niche and succession
Unit - 3 Ecosystem :
Structure, types, energy, flow, biogecochemical cycles-types, Nitrogen cycle, O2 cycle, Phosphorous and Sulpher cycle
Unit - 4 Animal relationship :
Symbiosis, commensalism, mutualism, antagonism, antibiosis, parasitism, predation, competition
Unit - 5 Environmental pollution and wildlife conservation :
Pollution : Classification of pollutants, air pollution, water pollution, land
pollution and noise
Wild life conservation : Aims of wild life conservation, necessity for
conservation, causes for wild
- Endangered species of India
- Sanctuaries and national parks of Gujarat
Pra.1. To take data of maximum and minimum temperature from local climate.
Pra.2. Titration of dissolved gases (O2 & CO2) in Water
Pra.3. Titration of Water hardness, Clorinity, Alkalinity, pH
Pra.4. Soil analysis : Physical & Chemical properties
Pra.5. Population counting method
Pra.6. Study of pond ecosystem
Pra.7. Study of terrestrial ecosystem : Artificial farm / Mountain / Forest.
Pra.8. To study animal relationship through Charts /Specimens / Live observation
Pra.9. Analysis of polluted water
Pra.10. Analysis of polluted soil
Pra.11. Study of endangered species of India through chart or visit to Zoo / Sanctuary / National Parks.
Pra.12 Study of Sanctuary and National Parks of Gujarat.
Reference Books :
1. Odum : Ecology (Amerind)
2. Odum : Fundamentals of Ecology (Saunders)
3. Ricklefs : Ecology (W.H. Freeman)
4. Kerbs, C.S. : Ecology, Harper and Row, New York, USA
5. Hiseth, G.D. and K.D. Baumerdner : Population Biology, VanNestrand, New York.
6. N. Arumugam : Environment, Ecology and Pollution, Saras Publication
7. N. Arumugam : Concept of Ecology, Saras Publication
8. Somitroghose : Environmental chemistry Dominant Books
9. Sharm, P.D. : Ecology and Environment, Rastogi Publication, Meerat.
Unit - 1 Histological Perspectives :
Mendelian inheritance patterns and laws of heredity Co-dominance and incomplete dominance.
Varieties of gene expression.
Multiple alleles, lethal gene, gene inter action, epistasis.
Unit - 2 Chromosomes :
Morphology, shape, size, number, structure, different types Giant chromosomes.
Sex determination, sex chromosomes, system and sex linkage, non-chromosomal inheritance.
Unit - 3 Human genetics :
Method to study human inheritance, pedigree analysis, study of karyotypes and ideograms, abnormality in sex chromosomes and autosomes.
Population genetics - genetic variation, polymorphism inbreeding, gene pools, gene frequency, genetic drift, Hardy Weinberg genetic equilibrium.
Unit - 4 Biotechnology :
Definition and scope, Biotechnology in India, Research and Development in priorities, Recombinant DNA, Tools
and techniques.
Unit - 5 Applied Biotechnology :
Restriction enzymes, Reverse transcriptases and ligages, Isolation and syntheses of genes, Vactors and
physical and chemical methods, gene transfer method and production of Insulin, Interferon, growth hormones
and vaccines by Bacteria through recombinant DNA technology.
Pra.1. Examples based on Mendelian inheritance and modification of Mendelian inheritance
Pra.2. Preparation of Mitosis & Meiosis stages
Pra.3. Study of Giant chromosomes from Salivary gland of Chironomous larva / Drosophila larva
Pra.4. Method to study human inheritance and pedigree analysis
Pra.5. Study of Karyotypes / Idiograms
Pra.6. Examples based on Hardy - Weinburge law
Pra.7. Preparation of Media for microbial study
Pra.8. Staining technique for microbial culture
Pra.9. To Prepare different microbial culture
Pra.10. Classification of Bacteria by different methods
Pra.11. Study of different techniques in Biotechnology through charts
Reference Books :
1. Strickberger : Genetics (Mac Millan)
2. Farnsworth : Genetics (Harper & Row)
3. R.W. Old and S.B. Primrose : Principles of gene manipulation : An introduction to genetic engineering
4. R.A. Meyers (Ed.) : Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (VCH Publishers)
5. Glick : Molecular Biotechnology
6. V.Kumarasan : Biotechnology, Saras Publication
7. Virbala Rastogi : Text of Genetics, Rastogi Publication, Meerat
8. Gupta, P.K. : Text of Genetics
9. Varma P.S. and V.K. Agrawal : Genetics and Evolution
10. Jain, B.K. : An introduction of genetics
11. Maneyyan : Genetics and Genetics Engineering
Unit - 1 Basic to learn to Biochemistry :
8.1.1 Introduction to bioorganic chemistry
8.1.2 Overview of biophysical chemistry :
- Acid and base, Buffers, Solution, Diffusion, Osmosis
8.1.3 Tools of biochemistry :
- Chromatography
- Electrophoresis
- Photometric - colorimeter
- Centrifugation
Unit - 2 Chemical constituents of life :
8.2.1 Carbohydrates
8.2.2 Lipids
8.2.3 Proteins, and amino acids
8.2.4 Enzyme - nature of enzymes, classification, Properties and Kinetic assay
Unit - 3 Metabolism :
8.3.1 Design and regulation of metabolism
8.3.2 Selected examples from carbohydrates, lipids and amino acids
Unit - 4
8.4.1 Organization of DNA - Viral, Bacterial and Eukaryotic cell
8.4.2 DNA replication - General principles, enzymes and inhibitors
8.4.3 Types of RNA
Unit - 5
8.5.1 Genetic code
8.5.2 Transcription - basic detail
8.5.3 Protein synthesis
8.5.4 Regulation of gene expression
8.5.5 Gene transfer - general concepts, genetic disorders, and gene therapy
Pra.1. Criteria of relationship of quantitative experiment
Pra.2. Principals of Cholorimetry
Pra.3. Preparation of different Buffers
Pra.4. To study Peper - Chrometography
Pra.5. To study principal and use of Electrophoresis, Calorimeter and Centrifuge
Pra.6. Determination of Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats from given unknown solution
Pra.7. Estimation of DNA
Pra.8. Determination of restriction enzyme action
To prepare different atomics ball models based on impirical formulae of
carbohydrates, Amino -
Fatty - acid, Nitrogen, Bases, Pentose sugar.
Pra.10. To study the effect and action of Enzyme (with different aspects)
Reference Books :
1. J. Daenell, H. Lodish and D. Baltimore : Molecular Cell Biology, Scientific American Book, Inc., USA
B. Alberts, D. Bray, J. Lewis, M. Raff, K. Roberts, and J.D. Watson : Molecular
Biology of the Cell;
Garland Publishing Inc., New York
3. Stryer, L : Biochemistry (Freeman)
4. Conn et al : Outlines of Biochemistry (Wiley)
5. Samuel Delivin : Vitamins minerals and Hormones (Sarup & Sons)
6. Samuel Delivin : Amino acids and Proteins (Sarup & Sons)
7. Samuel Delivin : Enzymes (Sarup & Sons)
8. Satyanarayan. S. : Biochemistry
Unit - 1 Gamatogenesis :
Primordial germ cell, Spermatogenesis, Or genesis, Parthenogenesis, Vitalogenesis, structure, size and type
of sperm
Unit - 2 Fertilization and Parthenogenesis :
Significance, External and Internal fertilization, Morphological and Physiological changes in fertilization. Natural parthenogenesis, Artificial parthenogenesis.
Unit - 3 Cleavage to Gastrula ion and Extra Embryonic Membranes :
Types of eggs, size, shape and egg membrane, types of cleavage, laws of cleavage, factors affecting
cleavage, types of blastula.
Gastrulation : Process, metabolism and molecular changes during gastrulation.
Formation of three germinal layers and extra embryonic membranes.
Unit - 4 Organizer and Organogenesis :
Frogs and click with reference to their development of various organs.
Unit - 5 Post Embryonic Development :
Insects - metamorphosis and role of hormones in metamorphosis Amphibia-metamorphosis in Frog and Neoteny.
Pra.1. To study gametogenesis in different gonads.
Pra.2. To study different types of Ova based on yolks and study of abnormal eggs.
Pra.3. To study different types of Sperms.
Pra.4. To study different types of Cleavages / Blastrulation / Grastrulation (Comparative account)
Pra.5. Preparation of click embryo to study organization.
Pra.6. To study of life cycle of Frog through museum specimens / Filed study.
Pra.7. To study of metamorphosis in Insects (Mosquitoes, Silk mouth and any one Pest)
Pra.8. To study reproductive organs of Hen.
Pra.9. Mounting of Sperms of any vertebrate.
Pra.10 To study different types of Placenta.
Reference Books :
1. Balinsky : introduction to Embryology (CBS College Publishers)
2. Berril, NJ : Developmental biology (Tata-McGraw-Hill)
3. Davenport : An outline of animal development (Addison - Werley)
4. Grant : Biology of Developmental System
5. Subramanyan, T : Developmental Biology (Narosa Publishing House)
6. Rao, K.V. : Developmental Biology : A modern synthesis (Oxford - IBH Publishers)
7. Arumugam N.A. text book of embryology (Saras publication)
Unit - 1 Toxicology :
Principals systematic toxicology, application, toxic agents and mode of action
Pesticides, metals,
Radiations, Carcinogens, Poison.
10.2 Environmental toxicology - food additives, air, water, and soil pollutants.
Unit - 2 Aquaculture :
Marine fisheries
10.2.1 World fisheries : Production, utilization and demand.
10.2.2 Marine fisheries of India
Fishery resources, their exploitation, area, season, production, efforts, Utilization and demands.
10.2.3 Estuarine and brackish water fisheries of India : characteristics species and their exploitation.
Unit - 3 Fresh Water Fisheries :
10.3.1 Fresh water fisheries of India : River system, Reservoir, Pond, Tank fisheries,
Captive and
cultured fisheries.
10.3.2 Fishing crafts and gears.
10.3.3 Fisheries with reference to crustacean and molluscs (culture)
Unit - 4 Medical Zoology :
10.4.1 Study of common parasites in human being (Protozoan, Helminthes, Arthropods)
10.4.2 Brief introduction to pathogenic microbes (Viruses and Bacteria)
Unit - 5
10.5.1 Brief account of life history : Mode of infection and pathogenicity of the
following pathogens -
with reference to man. Prophylaxis and
A) Pathogenic protozoans - Entamoeba, plasmodium.
B) Pathogenic helminthes-Seistosoma (blood fluke), Tape worm, Ascaris
lumbricoid, Trichinela,
- Epidemic diseases such as typhoid, cholera, small pox-their
occurrence and eradication
Pra.1. To determine the effects of toxicants in living animals.
Pra.2. Effects of toxicants on internal organs of animals (by histotechnique).
Pra.3. Fish byproducts.
Pra.4. Identification of common fishers of Gujarat (Fresh water and Marine).
Pra.5. Fishing Crafts, Gears and veriuos Boats used in fisheries.
Pra.6. Visit to the fisheries center (Fresh water and Marine) and to prepare study report.
Pra.7. Importance of Crustacean and Molluscans on basis fisheries science.
Pra.8. Common parasites in human being.
Pra.9. Study of Pathogenic microbs.
Pra.10. Local survey of common diseases in human.
Pra.11. R.B.C. and W.B.C. Counting in treated and non-treated animals.
Pra.12. Blood group study.
Reference Books :
1. Jhingran, V.G. Fish and Fisheries of India. Hindustan Publishing Corporation, New Delhi.
2. Mills, Dick, Aquarium Fish, DK Publishing Book, DK Publishing Inc., New York-10016.
3. Bal, D.V. and K.V. Rao, Marine Fisheries. Tata McGraw-Hill, Neww Delhi.
4. Bomford, Mason and Swash, Hutchinson's Clinical Methods, Beilliers Tindal, ELBS edition.
5. College, J.G., Duguid, J.P., A.G. Fraser and B.P. Marimion, Practical Medical Microbiology.
6. Nayar, B.V., Pest Management and Pesticides Indian Scenario, Namratha Publucations, Madras.