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PAPER VI (Molecular Genetics)


1.    DNA as the genetic material :
     Heredity working, Patains functuaning the correct cinfirmading discovery of DNA - the university genetic matorial, Corponents of DNA, as double halix DNA replication.

2.    Gones and Chromosomes :
     Discovery gene, Role of chromosomesin caredity, Genes lie of chromosomes and in a linesrarray.? Genetic map in continuque. One gene-one protbin cistron.

3.    Protein synthesis and Localization :
     Protein Microcycles of chain clongation , Macrocycle Genetic code,  Ribosomes , Modification of accuracy. Protein Localization Signal Peptides and  the early steps, Sorting mechanisms in translocation Post ternslational translocation, Molacular mechanism of  pretein secretion, Secretion to the - exterior by Gram-negative bactaria.

4.    Gene variation and Transfer :
      Complementation, Random vorsus directed change, Muthition, Phonotypic  classed, Conditional mutations, Detection and selection of mutants, Mutation  rages., Suppession of mutations, Gano transfor, Envolutionary significance, Transformation, Transformation, Transduction, Conjugation, Protoplast fusion  Plasmids, General Properties Classification, Incompatinility groups, Conguhative transposons, Resistance plasmidss, Bactrriocinggens and Batteriocins, significance.

5.    Molacular aspects of DNA replication and variation chromosme.
     Chromosme replication, Mechanisms of replication of bacterial chromosome  modification of DNA, restriction condonucleseases, Mechanisms of recombination, Different types of recobination, Consequences of recombination, Gone- conversion, Mechanisms of antigenic veriation, Damagus and their repair, Factors determines sensitivity to DNA-demagine agents mutation, Mutation,  Classes of change in DNA sequance, Consequences of mutation for protein, structure, Induction of mutations, Action of chemical mutation, Sontaenaeous  mutations, Suppression of mutation, Invitro mutagenesis, DNA repair and mutagenesis in higher organisms, Transposable aloments., mechaanism and  consequences of transposition, 

    Plasmids : Mechanism of replication and conjugation, Gene manipulation.

 6.    Regulation of Gene Expression :
      Transcription of DNA, Enzyme of induction and repression, Regulation of intitiation of transcription, Regulatory responses to growth rate; Ribosome synthesis, Protein breakdown, Adaptation to stress., Regulation of DNA replication and cell division.

7.    Multiplication and Genetics of Bacteriophages :
     Model systems, Multiplication, Phage genetics, Multiplication of bacteriophages  with cyclic-single-stranded DNA, RNA Phages.

8.    Lysogeny and Transducing Becteriophages :
     Lysogeny, Phages as tranaducing agents , Phages as vectors for DNA cloning. Regulation of transciption termination and of translation.

PAPER VII  (Microbial Physiology)


    1.    Microbial Metabolism : Fueling Reactions :
       Role of ATP in metabolism, Other compounds with high-energy bonds, Role of reducing power and precusor metabolites in metabolism, Biochemical of fatty acids metabolism of amino acids, Fueling reactions of aneerobic hetero trophs, Fueling reactions of autotrophs, Photosynthesis.

   2.    Microbial metabolism : Biosynthesis, Ploymorization Assembly Methods of studying biosynthesis :
       Assimilation of nitrogen and sulfur, Stategy of biosynthesis, Synthesis of lipid constituents from acetate, Polymerization of building blocks : General priciples Polymerization of nucleotides into DNA, Synthesis of DNA, Synthesis of protein Synthesis of polysecharides, Synthesis of peptidoglycan, Assembly of  biopolymers into cellular components.

    3.    Metabolism of specialized microbial system :
       Archaebacteria, Energy metabolism in methanogens, Photophosphorylation in  methanogens, Photosynthetic bacteria,  Cynobacteria : nitrogen fixation, Purple bacteria and Green bacteria, Chemoauto trophs, Utilization substrates, Nitrifying bacteria, Sulfur oxidizers, Ironbacteria., Hydrogen bacteria, Mathanotrophs, Gram-negetive fermentative subacteria, Fermentation patterns, Fumarate respiration, Nitrate respiration, Sulfur-reducing bacteria, Pathway of sulfate reduction, Diversity  of sulfur reducers, Clostridia. Anearobic dissimilation of aminoacid, Lactic acid bacteria, Patterns of carbohydrate fermentation.

    4.    Unicellular Endospore formars :
       Endospore formation, Other biochemical events related to sporulation, Activation  termination and outgrowth of endospores.

    5.    Regulation :
       Type of control mechanisms, Patterns of regulation.

    6.    Membrane Transport :
       Entry of nutrients into the cell.

    7.    Review of Basic chemistry :
       Nature of organic molecules, Types of chemical bonds, Functional groups and organic Isomerism, Macromolecules comprising microorganisms, Carbohydrares Lipids, Proteins, Nucleic acids.

PAPER VIII (Immunology and Diseases)


       1.    Immune response, Antigens, their sources, Cell mediated immunity, immune system, Anatomy and decelcpment T and B Lyphocytas, Theoretioel - concepts, Antibedy diversity : Generation, theories Co-operation and regulation. 

        2.    Asseys and Application of the immune Response : Measurement of humaral antibodies, Lettice hypothesis, Pracipition, agglutination complement-fixation tests, Redioimnunoasseys, Elosm, Special seroligical tests, Measurement of cell mediated immunity Other diagnostic application of immunoassays, Classification of cellular antigens tests to evaluted virulence, intecuteneous diagnostic tests in viva tests, immunotherapy.

        3.   Dysfuntional immuniy :  Immurpdasifications, Hypersensitivity reaction, Transplantetion and immunessuppression, Autoimmuce diseases.

        4.   Epidemiology infections diseases : Epodemiological technique, Role of host in finfection diseases, Arborne Waterberna, Foedborne, Arthropode-borns tren, Transmission by direct contact.

        5.   Principles of deagnostic  medical microbiology :  Prophylactic Immunization.

      6.  Microbial agents of Disease : Bacteria :  Treponema Pallidum, Neisseria, Escherichia, Salmonell shigella, Vibro, Rickettsis, Chlamydia, Staphylococo, Streptopossus, Bacillus, Clostridium, Corynebacter, Myrobacteri um.

        7.  Microbial agents of disease : Viruses :  Poliovirus, phonovirus, FMD virus, influenza virus, virus Mumps virus, Rabit virus, Variola virus, Herpes viruses, Hepatitis virus. 

        8.  Microbial agents of deases : Fungi and Protozoa fungal diasease : Dermotomycoses, Systemic mycoses, Photozoan diseases : Ambioses Malaria, Hemoflagellate inflections.

        9.  Microbial descreases of crops : Symptoms of plant seseases and mechanism of microbial pathogenicity. Transmission of plant pathogens., Virol, Viroid, Bacterial, fungal diseases Control of crop diseases.


PAPER IX (Micro Technology)


1.    What is biotechnology ?
2.    Genetic Engineering :
   Aims of genetic engineering, Techniques of gene manipulation, Techniques of genetic engineering, outline of gene procedure, Generic monipilation of qycaryetic cells Site-directed mutagenesis, Achievements and Prospects for genetic engineering, Achievements , Problems, Future.

3.   Enzyme Technology :
   Enzyme exreaction and purification, Immobilization methods, Applications of biocatelysis.

4.   Pollution microbiology :
   Pesticide microbiology, Biological control, Biodegradation of environmental pollutants, Microbially Enhanced recovery of mineral resorces, Biodeterioration of materials.

5.  Medical laboratory Technology :
  Clinical chemistry, Instrumentation, Lovibond comparator, Colorimeter, Auto Analyser, Chromato graphy, Electrophoresis, Endocrine function tests, Estimation of blood glucose and sugar liver, function tests, Detection on bilorubin and its derivatives, Renal function tests.,Blood urea estimation, principles method using dicetyl monoxime.

6. Histology :
  Logging of specimen, Preparation of tissues, Fixation by formalin and Zender's fluid, Processing of tissues, Preparation of sections, Routine heamatoxylin and staining procedure.

7. Heamatology :
  1.   Introduction. :  structure and function of blood cells, blood maturation.
    2.   Blood-coagulation, Tests for blood coagulation.
    3.   Principles and significance of blood transfusion :   Discovery of human blood groups,  Principles  of immunohaematology, Human blood group systems, Clinical significance of blood transfusion.
    4.   Collection and processing of blood for transfusion : Preparation for blood collection,  blood  collection, Transportation and storage of blood, Preparation and use of blood components.

PAPER X (Industrial Microbiology)


1.   Introduction to fermentation processes :
   Range of fermentation processes, chromological development of the permantation industry, component parts of fermentation process.

2.   Collection preservation and improvement of industrial Microbiology :
3.   Media for Industrial fermentations.
4.   Elerilization :
      Introduction.  :   Media sterilization : Deleterious reaction, Advantages of batch and continuous sterilization Design of batch sterilization,  
      Process :    Introduction, methods of batch sterilization Design of continuous sterilization.
      Process :    Continuous sterilization types advantages and method for sterilization of air.

5.   Development of Inoculate for industrial fermentation :
      Introduction :  Development of inoculate for years , bacterial, fungal and streptomyceate Processes.

6.   Fermenter design :  
     Introduction :    Basic functions of fermentation, Body construction, 
      Nuration and egitation :     Introduction, impaller, Stirrer Glence and Bearings introduction. Baffles, Sperger, 
      Introduction achievement and maintenance of aseptic condition, cerrury and purification of formation   preduscts., Removal of microbial cells and other solid matter from separation.

7.   Preciplecerion :
     Flimatory :    Introductions , theory of filtraction-introduction. ceatrifuge : introduction, cell aggregation and 
     Flocculation range of centrifges-introduction, Cell specimen ; introduction, Physical-mechanical and chemical methods-introduction, Liquid-liquid extraction, Solvent proparly, Chromatography, Drying., Crystallization, Whole brith processing.

8.  Typical firmatetion processes :
  Paniodilin, Apotone butenox, Induatimiaschel, Lyaina, Vinegar, Gluopinc acid, Microbial cells as fermantation products : Baker's yeast and read yeasts Bacterial, insecticides, Idgums and fungrops, yidemin, Enzymes as fermation products : Amylysis Processes, Citric acid.

10.  Analysis microbiology :
   Molecular genetics  

      Topic 1,2            Benjamin Lewis (1985)
      Topic 3,4            Davis and others (1990)
      Microbiology, 4th Ed.
