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T. Y. B. Sc.
English (Compulsory)

Text  :     One text will be prescribed. The text to be should have interesting reading material in simple language so that the students may not develop apathy it. The questions on the text will carry 25 Marks.

General questions of paragraph type. 10 Marks.
Short questions. 15 Marks.

Grammar  :The following topics shall be prescribed.
Unit 1.      Gerund / Participles / Infinitives. 5 Marks.
Unit 2.       The Reported speech. 5 Marks.
Unit 3.       Modals. 5 Marks.
Unit 4.       Conjunction. 5 Marks.
Unit 5.       Transformation. 5 Marks.
  -  Modes of expressing conditions.
  -  Modes of expressing a confessional or contrasting clause.
     The questions on grammar will carry 25 Marks.

Comprehension :   Comprehension of an unseen passage. 10 Marks.
Essay Writing :   An essay.     10 Marks.


Translation :  A question of translation of an unseen passage from English 10 marks into Gujarati.
N.B. : The work book assignment is compulsory for the student and 5 marks of internal evaluation are reserved for it.
Text : Pleasant prose selection oxford university press.

Text Contemporary English


(1)    General Descriptive Question (Any one out of three)  10 Marks

(2)    Short Questions (Any five out of eight)                   15 Marks

(3)    Grammar -

        (1)    Analysis of Modal Auxiliaries                          05 Marks

        (2)    Synthesis                                                  05 Marks

        (3)    Transformation of Sentences                         05 Marks

        (4)    Non-finite verbs                                          05 Marks

        (5)    Correction of Sentences (with errors of concord, tenses, prepositions, articles etc.) 05 Marks        

(4)    (a)    An essay of about 300 words on any one of the five topics        05 Marks

        (b)    Translation of an unseen English passage into Gujarati or Hindi    05 Marks

(5)    (a)    Comprehension of an unseen passage                                     05 Marks

        (b)    Precis writing of the passage giving suitable title                      05 Marks


Books recommended for language work :

(1)    Contemporary English Grammar and Composition by David Green

(2)    A Practical English Grammar by Thomson and Martinet 

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