Student selecting Zoology as special subject will offer THREE theory Papers viz. Paper-IV and Paper-V and THREE Practical as prescribed for the University Examination. The Course is to be completed by assigning three periods each of Fifty-five minutes duration. For each theory Paper per week, Three periods each Practical per week. For Practical the class may be divided into batches. The number of students in a Practical batch should not exceed FIFTEEN.
Objectives of the proposed New Syllabus in Zoology subject for the Second Year B.Sc.
The new syllabus in Zoology for the Second B.Sc. Examination, which is being proposed herewith, have been framed with some definite aims and objectives in mind. The considerations which played a major part in redesigning the syllabus are indicated below :
One of the aims has been to meet the growing demands of specialization well as
flexibility in the combination of different subject of the science
2. Emerging areas of Biological Service, based on
Biodiversity, Taxonomy, Physiology, Molecular Biology, Behavior science etc. have been given due
3. Special emphasis is laid on the needs of the local conditions, the environment and the requirements of society. An effort has been made to link education with fieldwork and productivity.
4. Applied branches of Biology are intended to give special emphasis on meeting the local requirements, the field work should be planned so as to have direct relevance to the North Gujarat Region.
5. In the study of animal types, the animals of special interest in North Gujarat are included. For instance, study of the Biodiversity, Taxonomy etc.
6. The Practical orientation of the syllabus will enable the student to apply the knowledge acquired by him to the study of regional problems for instance, the study of local crops, their susceptibility to the pathogens and preventive measures.
7. Topics of major importance for society have been given their due place e.g. Neurobiology, Endocrinology, Evolution and Behavior.
8. An effort has been made to include topics in Applied Biology, the study of which will help in increasing productivity and in providing employment opportunities including self-employment. Some instances are mentioned below :
(a) Study of some topics in physiology, such as Total and Differential W.B.C. Count, Total R.B.C. Count, Determination of Blood Groups, Estimation of Hemoglobin, Measurement of Blood Pressure, Detection of Blood Sugar Level, Detection of abnormal constituents of Human Urine etc., will enable the student to set up a pathology laboratory.
(b) The Practical exercises for submission will include activities like animal collection, preservation, stuffing animals, skeleton preparation; alizarins preparation, preparation of permanent slides, charts, models and of plastic-embedded specimens etc. The skills so acquired will enable a student to start a Biology supply house.
(c) Study of Wild life, its conservation and management gives students a scope to get employment as wildlife tourist guide, demographer and also as a Forensic Investigator in wildlife to check illegal trade of endangered.
In order that teachers should be given an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the basic attitudes orientation implied in the new curricula and to prepare them for effective implementation of these objectives.
Finally, in view of the present rapid pace of development in Biology, it is recommended that the University shall make it mandatory by rule to review, and necessary, reframe these syllabus every three years.
There shall be at least one zoological Excursion tour of one week every year. Which is compulsory. The students are expected to submit tour report during their Practical examination duly signed by Head of Department at the end of each year.
Students have to submit one assignment concerned with modern topics related to syllabus at the end of the duly singed by head of the Department.
Theory |
Duration |
Marks System |
3 hrs. |
70 |
30 |
3 hrs. |
70 |
30 |
3 hrs. |
70 |
30 |
Practical |
5 hrs. |
35 |
15 |
5 hrs. |
35 |
15 |
5 hrs. |
35 |
15 |
Allotment of periods and weightage of marks given to each unit in each Paper are as follows :
Marks Weightage |
I |
Taxonomy and General type |
20 hrs. |
14 |
II |
Type Study |
20 hrs. |
21 |
Histology |
20 hrs. |
07 |
IV |
General Topics |
20 hrs. |
14 |
V |
Development Biology |
20 hrs. |
14 |
I |
Biomolecules |
27 hrs. |
14 |
II |
Nucleic acids |
18 hrs. |
14 |
Physiology |
15 hrs. |
14 |
IV |
Physiology of Blood and Nervous system |
12 hrs. |
14 |
V |
Endocrinology |
15 hrs. |
14 |
I |
Poultry Science |
12 hrs. |
21 |
II |
Fisheries of Gujarat |
10 hrs. |
14 |
Entomology |
18 hrs. |
14 |
IV |
Pathology |
09 hrs. |
14 |
V |
Biostatistics |
12 hrs. |
07 |
- Primary knowledge of Taxa, Category, Rank and Lineus
Hierarchy;General characters of chordates
- Classification of chordates upto orders
- ASCIDIA: General morphology; Body wall; Digestive system; Retrogressive metamorphosis
- - SCOLIODON: Digestive system; Arterial system and Reproductive system
- - FROG: Skeletal system; Portal system; Urinogenital system and Nervous system
- CALOTES: Digestive system; Respiratory system; Arterial system; Venous system
- Introduction of Microtome and Microtomy
- Structure of Mammalian tissue: Stomach; Small intestine; Liver; pancreas; Lungs; Kidney; Testis; Ovary
- Identification of Fishes; Amphibians; Poisonous and Non-poisonous snakes; Biting mechanism of Snakes
- Migration of Fishes; Accessory respiratory organs in Fishes
- Parental care in Fishes and Amphibians
Types of Egg and cleavage; Fertilization; Blastulation;
Gastrulation; Three germinal layers; Organogenesis
-Macromolecules and Micromolecules:
Monosaccharides- Isomerism, Havarth’s and Fisher formula(general formula) and Classification
Oligosaccharides- Maltose, Lectose, Sucrose, Cellobiose; General structure and their importance
Polysaccharides- Homopolysaccharides: Starch, Glycogen, Cellulose
Heteropolysaccharides: Mucopolysaccharides
-Protein: - Classification of Amino acids by different methods,Peptide formation and protein formation, Jwinter ion of amino acids,
Structure of Protein molecule, Secondary bond of protein
-Lipid: Classification, Fatty acids, Lipid formation, Alcohol
-Organization of DNA; Replication of DNA;Types of RNA, Energy rich component,Protein synthesis
- Muscle physiology: -Types of Muscles;Ultrastructure of skeletal muscles; physiology of muscle contraction and
Energy flow during Muscle contraction
- Digestion and absorption of Food stuffs: Protein, Carbohydrates, Lipids, Nucleic acids
- Excretion : Structure of Nephron; Urine formation and Urea cycle
Blood: - Transport of gases
Nervous system: Types of neurons; Conduction of Nerve impulse through nerve fibers and synapse
-Structure and function of Endocrine glands: Pituitary; Thyroid; Adrenal; Endocrine pancreas
-Feedback mechanism of Hormones
- Introduction; Reproductive system of Hen; Formation and structure of egg; Types of Poultry house; Introduction of Poultry
birds; Incubation; hatching and rearing of chick; Types of brooders; Poultry diseases; Poultry product; Primary knowledge of
dairy industry
- Classification of Fishes; Boats and Nets (Gears); Pomphret fishery; Pearl fishery; Prawn fishery; Preservation of fishes; Fish
- Types of Pests and its life cycle (in brief); Types of damage and controlling measures of following pests: Locusts; Crop pests;
Vegetable pests; House hold pests
- Apiculture; Sericulture; Lac insects
- Types of parasites and brief life history; Pathogenesity and controlling measure of following:
Trypanosoma; Tape worm; Ascaris; Filaria worm; Encylostoma
- BIOSTATITICS: Mean; Median; Mode and Standard deviation
Classification of Protochordata to mammals up to orders with reasons:
Protochordata: Ascidia; Salpa; Doliolum; Oikoplura; Amphioxus
Cyclostomata: Lamprey; Myxene
Pisecs: Scoliodon; Hammer headed shark; Electric ray; Sting ray; Acipenser; Hippocampus; Arius;Salmon; Eel; Hilsa ilisa
Amphibia: Ichthyophis; Toad; Alytes; Hyla;Salamandar
Reptiles: Turtle; Varanus; Draco; Chaemeleon; Snake; Crocodile
Aves: Sparrow; Dove; Duck; Kite; Koel; Owl; Parakeet; Kingfisher; Hoppoe
Mammals: Platypus; Marsupials; Mangoose; Hedge hog; Bat; Loris; Porcupine; Scally ant eater; Squirrel
Study of anatomy of different groups of vertebrates through charts and models(as per theory)
Study of mounting and permanent slides:
Scoliodon: scroll valve; placoid scales; ctenoid scales; yolksac placenta
Frog: skeleton system; skin; medulated and non-medulated nerve fibres
Calotes: hyoid apparatus; pecten; columella auris
Demonstration of microtome and process of microtomy
Study of following mammalian tissue thro’ permanent slides:
stomach; small intestine; liver; pancreas; lung; kidney; testis; ovary
Identification of following vertebrates by using specific key:
Fishes; Amphibian
Identification of poisonous and non-poisonous snakes
Study of accessory respiratory organs thro’ specimens
Study of types of eggs on the basis of amount and distribution of yolk thro’ models and hen egg.
Study of types of cleavage thro’ permanent slides/models
Study of blastula and gastrula in amphioxus; frog; and chick thro’ permanent slides.
Detection of Carbohydrates
Glucose; Fructose; Maltose; Lactose; Sucrose; Starch
Detection of Protein-egg albumin
Detection of fat(Oil)
Study of chemistry of milk
DNA isolation from endosperm of coconut
Action of amylase activity on the substrate(starch)
Demonstration of simple muscle twitch
Detection of normal and abnormal urine thro’ biochemical test
Detection of haemoglobin gm/%
Study of endocrine gland thro’ permanent slide (as per theory)
Study of reproductive system of Hen thro’ model
Study of egg thro’ boil egg
Study of poultry house by model/chart
Visit to poultry farm and preparation of study report
Visit to dairy industry and preparation of study report
Types of brooder by models
Study of boats and nets thro’ models
Study of specimens related to fisheries
Study of fish byproducts
Visit to fisheries farm/dept./industries within Gujarat and preparation of report
Study of common pest and crops related to North Gujarat
To study life cycle of economically important insects: Apis, Lac insect; Silk moth
Study of permanent slides:
Trypanosoma; Tape worm (scolex); Filaria worm; Encylostoma Tape worm (W.M.); Ascaris
Preparation of questionary for data collection
Exercise for tabulation
To prepare graphs
Examples based on mean, median, mode
Examples based on standard deviation
Latest Updated on 22nd, June, 2009