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S. Y. B. Sc.



Unit - I    Nitration :  Introduction, Nitrating  agent, Aromaticnitraction, Kinetic and mechanism of aromatic nitration, Nitration of Paraffinic hydrocarbons (60-80) Typical Industrial nitration : Nitrobenzene,  m-Dinitrobenzene, (107-115), p-Nitroacetanilide (117-119)

Halogenation : Introduction, thermodynamics and kinetics of halogenation reactions. (204 - 222), Chlorination in Presence of catalyst (265-267) Technical Halogenation : Monochloroacetic acid, chloral, (227-282), Chlorobenzene (284-288)

Sulphonaction : Introduction sulphonating agent (only) (303-306), Chemical and physical factors in Sulphonation, Kinetic - mechanism and  Thermodynamics (337-358)

Commercial Sulphonation : Aromatic susphonates ; Benzene sulphonic acid from benzene (337-381) sulphonilic acid from aniline (338-384)

Unit - II Oxidation : Introduction, Type of oxidative reaction, oxidizing agent (486-503) kinetics and Thermochmistry (542-549), Liquid pahse oxidation, vapour phase oxidation (503-524).

Commercial manufacture : Ethanol to Acetic acid (509-510, 520-521), Oxidation of methanol (518 - 520), Oxidation of Tolune (532 - 536)

Hydrogenation : Introduction, Kinetic and thermodynamics of hydrogenation reaction (590 - 608)

Synthesis : The methanol synthesis : (619 - 623), Hydrogenation of Acids, Esters to alcohols (625 - 627), Hydrogenation of Fat (612 - 619)

Unit - IV Alkylation : Introduction, Types of alkylation, Alkyleting agent, Thermodynamic of reaction (804 - 825), Manufacture of alkyl  benzene (829 - 830), Diethyl amine, Dimetyl aniline (850 - 852)

Esterification :Introduction, Esterification of organic acid, catalytic Esterification, completing esterification (694-705).

Manufacture : Alkyl resins, vinyl acetate, methyl methacrylate (736 - 741), Cellulose Esters (742 - 744), Nitroglycerine (746 - 749).

Unit - V  Amination :

[A] By Reduction : Introduction, iron and acid reduction, other metal and acid reduction (129 - 168)  catalytic, sulfide electorlytic, metal and alkali reduction (129- 198).

Manufacturing :

    1.    m - nitroaniline (188)

    2.    Aniline (180 - 183)

    3.    2-Amino - 4 nitophenol (189)

[B] By Aminolysis :

Introduction, aminating agent (388 - 397), physical and chemical factors affecting amonolysis (426-432) 

Hydrolysis : Definition, gydrolyzing agent (750 - 756), Kinetic and  theromdynamics and mechanism

(761 - 772)

Note :- Ask any to flow-diagram on Uni. paper

References :Unit process in organic synthesis : 5th ed. by P.H. Groggins, Tata Mc-Graw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.





What is air pollution, composition of air, Sinks of atmospheric gases, Chemical reaction occuring in air due to sum  light, Reactions in tropashese, Reactions of air in stratoshea,  Reactions of air in mesophase and ilnosphase, Source of air pollutions, Majors sources, Other sdources of air Natural sources and (2) Man made sources, Other sources of air pollutants and particular matter, Emissions of major industrial airplloutants, Air pollution episode, Classification & effect of air polluants,Gaseous pollutants (1) Oxides of nitrogen (2) Oxides of sulphur (3) Oxides of carbon (4) Hydrocarbons (5) Particulates polutants, Green house effect, Ozone layer, Aci rain. (Page...36 to 110)


Introduction, Definitions of water pollution, Types of water pollution ( Physical pollution of water- Chemical pollution of water Biological pollution of water - Physiologyical pollution of water) Types of water pollution (ground water pollution - surgace water pollution - Lake water polluton - River water pollution) Global river water pollution, water pollution im majour river of india, Ganga action plan-Sea water pollution - Introduction, What is marine pollution, source of oil pollutants in sea water, Effect of oil pollution in marine water. (1) Effect of oil pollution on man (2) Effect of oil pollutions on birds.control of oil pollution in sea water., Sources of water pollution (1) Seqage & domestic water (2) Industrial effuuents (3) Agricultural dischranges (4) Fertilizers (5) Detergents (6) Toxic metals (7) Silation (8) Thermal pollution., Classification of water pollutants, Water pollution control. (Page........112- 166)


Importance of soil formation, factors affecting soil formation  Composition of solid, Types of Soil, sources of soil pollution,  Chemical absorbent on the soil, soil pollution by soluble salts,  Mining & soil pollution, waste added to soils, solid waste applied to soils, Food processing waster, Effect of industrial pollutants, Effect of urban waste product. (Page......167 - 180)


Introduction, What is noise, Sources of noise pollution, Measurement of noise, Types of noise, Effect of noise pollution, Prevention & Control of noise pollution, Control of other types of noise.


Air pollution control, Water pollution control, treatment of industrial west water, Soil pollution control. (Page.....263 - 312, Ref : 2 )


Emissions and Indian standards :  Industrial emissions, Liquid, Gas, Environment legislation, water (Prevention and control act), Water management in India, Air prevention and control (Page.....15- 37, Ref : 3)

                (B)        SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT

  Introduction (26.46), Generation of solid waste (26.49), Hazardous waste, Properties of solid waste (26.51). Site handling, Storage and processing, short and long term actions for effective  Industrial solid waste management (26.54)


Introduction, Principles of accident prevention, storage  transportation, toxic flammable and exposure item and storages,  Co lour Coading, Corrosion, Occuotional hazards

    References :

(1)        Industrila chemistry by B. K. Sharma

(2)        Principles of environment chemistry by H. Kothandraman and Swaminathan.

(3)        Pollution control in process industries by S. P. Mahajan.

(4)        Perry's chemical engineers hand book, sixth eddition, Mc. Graw Hill International edditions.


Section - I

(A)    1.  To analyze the Brass for it major constituents - copper ( Gravemetrically) and Zinc (volumetrically).

        2.        To analyze the cupro-nickel for it major constituent - copper (volumetrically) and Nickel (gravimetrically).

        3.         Determination of solids contents in given sample of industrial west water sample

(Suspended solid & Dissolved solid Gravimetrically).

(B)    1.         Colorimetric estimation of chromium in given industrial west water.

        2.         Colourinetric estimation of iron in vitamin tables.      

        3.         Ph-Metric determination of  acid concentration of industrial effluent and find required quantity

                     (gm/liter) of caustic sode.

        4.         Conductometric determination  of acidity of west water sample.

        5.         Potentiometric determination of alkalinity of the west water sample.

Section - II

(A)        (Any eight)

1.        Preparation of p-Nitro acetanilide from acetanilide.

2.        Preparation of sulphanilic acid from aniline.

3.        Preparation of Triphenylethane from benzene.

4.        Preparation of O-benzoyl benzoic acid from benzene.

5.        Preparation of P-Nitrobenzoic acid from P-Nitrotoluene.

6.        Preparation of anthraquinone form anthracene.

7.        Preparation of P-Bromo acetanilide from acetanilide.

8.        Preparation of P-amino benzene sulphonyl chloride from acetanilide.

9.        Preapration of P-amino benzoic acid from P-Nitrobenzoic acid.

10.      Preparation of phenyl azo - B- Naphthol aniline.


        1.        Volumetric        :        Percentage purity of P-toludine.

       2.        Volumetric        :        Percentage purity of benzoic acid.

       3.        Volumetric        :        Determination of ascorbic acid in lemon juice.

       4.       Volumetric         :        Estimation of sulfa drugs  :

Section - III


1.        Conductmetric  : To study the effect of substituent on dissociation constant of acetic acid.

2.        Potentiometric  :  To determine the composition of halide in a  mixture of three halide. (CI, Br, I)

3.        spectrophotometer  :  Find the purity of food colour (Lemon Yellow or purple red )

4.        Viscometer  :   Determine the isoelectric point of relation, examination of the effect of aging.

5.        Polarimeter  :   To find out the order of reaction and velocity constant for the inversion of cane sugar by


6.        To find out the refractive index and molar refractivity of liquid.

7.        To study electrical behavior of material at various temperature and  find out temperature coefficient of



         1.        Determination of dissolved oxygen.

        2.        Determination of B.O.D.

        3.        Determination of C.O.D.

        4.        Identification of plastic sample

        5.        Limit test : Iron, Lead, Arsenic (Any two)

Monographs :

Hydrochloric acid, Sodium hydroxide, sodium carbona sulpuric acid   and Benzoic acid.

Flow-diagram        (On separate drawing paper :24" X 15" size)

        (1)        Monochloro acetic acid from acetic acid.

        (2)        Chloral from ethanol

        (3)        Acetic acid form acetaldeyde

        (4)        Oxidation of methanol

        (5)        Hydrogenation of cotton seed oil

        (6)        The methanol synthesis

        (7)        Vinyl acetate from acetylene

        (8)        Nitro glycerene from glycerene

        (9)        Ethyl benzene from benzene


Dissertation :

       Industrial Visit/OR (If possible) join  training of 10 Dats.
