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S.Y.B. Sc.


               A syllabus with unit system effective from June 97

Unit-1      Physiologyical propertis, Diffusion, Geaeous exchange osposis, plasmoliable. Iactomical properties of memberanes passive and active transport, Biochemical factors regulating the transport, role of lonophores,  jenion equilibrium, vernest equation, group (translocation acros a memberene)

Unit-2    Photosynthesis, Photosythesis microbes, oxygenic/non oxygenic reaction, centers, electron transport, photophosphorylation, calvin photoraspiration and it's significance. Effect of light, lomperature, ph, co, concentrationon photosysnthesis measurement of the photosynthetic yield

Unit-3      resprirtory pathways, Respiratody pathway, breaddown of crabohydrates through glyculysis Kreb's cycle. mentation, pentose phosphate pathway, oxidative and substrate level phosphorylation, significance of Kerb's cycle gluconeogensis,  regulation glycogenesis and glycogenolyssis.

Unit-4      Nitrogen metabolism, Nitrogen fixation in symbiotic and free living system, photosynthetic and nonphntosynthetic systems, oxygen and hydrogen regulation of nitrogen fixation, notrification, cenitrafication and ammonifying bacteria, pathway of nitraly assimaletion in photosynthetic and cn-photosynthetic systems, trnsamination and deamination reactions.

Unit-5     Methylntrophs, Methanogens and methylatraophs, sulphur utilising bacteria, sulphate reduction pathway. Economic importance of  methylotraophs and sulphur utilising bacteria. use of pucleotides as nitrogen source for growth of certain mecroorganisms (pathway of nucleic acid breakdown).



   1.        Demonstration of plsmolysis, osmosis, acive and passive transport mechanism.

   2.        Measurement of nitrate uptake by microorganisms.

   3.        Measurement of nitriate uptake by resuctase by microorganisms.

   4.        Measurement of nitrae and nitrite reductse by microorgamisms.

   5.        Demonstration of evalution of oxygen in light and uptake of  oxygen in dark by photosynghetic microorganisms.

   6.        Demonstration of photosynghetis electron transport by 2-6- dichloriphenol indophenolreduction tese.

   7.        Effest of different inhibnitors on dichlorophenon-indophenol reduction.


   1.        Microbial physiology by Moat and Foster.

   2.        Principles of Biochemistry by Lehninger.

   3.        Comprehensive Biotechnology Vol I, II, III, and IV.

   4.        Mocrobiology by pelczar, Reid and Chan.


Unit-1    1    Symbiotic association General account about the microbes used as biofertilizer Rhizobium taxonomy, physiology, host hizobium interaction, mass cultication, carrier base innoculants and serology   Frankie -Woodland and Actinorhizal fixing plants the endopytes  host plant        

             2    Microbial disease of crops  Symtome of plant diseases and mechanism of microbial pathogenicity Transmission of platn pathogens  Viral diseases Viroid  disease  Bacteriral disease Fungal Disease

        3.   Control of crop disease.

Unit-3     4.    Pesticide microbiology   Biomagnification  Biodegradation

Unit-3     5    Biological control    General of animal dieases  Vital Pestaocides    Bacterial Posticides and   Fungal Pesticides

Unit-4     2    Associative and non symbotic association Assocpitillym rhizophere competence and host plant specificits, taxonomy  and physiology, carrier base incoulant,associative effect of different microorganism. Azotobacter -Classification, Characteristics, ecology, physiology, crop response to Azotobacter incoulum, maintaince and masscultivation Cyanobacteria (blue green algae), Azolia and Anabaeana Azolli association, nitrogen fixation factors affecting growth, blue green alage and Azolla in rice cultivation. VAMmycorrhizal association, types of mycorrhiazal association, taxoonomy occurrence and distribution, phosporus nutrition growth and yield, collection of VAN, isolantion, stock plants and inoculum production of VAM

Unit-5       3   Production and quality control in biofertilizers. Isclation and identification off different nitrogen fixing merobers, assesment of nitrogen fixing abillty of different galsd contiolice and oeld conditions, direct and measur production, fermenter, circent and indial metrology contorl ISI Standards colum requirement pending marketing and storages, inoculum requirement of application .



     1.        Modulation by Rhizonium

     2.        Sourting of vital number of nodules from legume plants

     3.        Isolation of  VAM spores from soil sample.

     4.        Demponstration for the germination and identigication of  VAM spores .

       5.        Demonstration of nitrogen fixing ability of bacteria in different nitrogen medium.

     6.        Demonstration of cynobacterial growth for nitrogen fixation and easurement of   heterocyst frequency.

     7.        Demonstration of nitrogen fixation by gas liquid chromatorgraphy.

        1.        Measurement of soil PH, temperature, mousture and electrial  conductivity and correlation with the microbes.

        2.        Measurement of total phosphate, nitrate and ammonium in soil.

        3.        Measurement of organic matter in soil.

       4.        Isolation of fungal phytopathogens form infected plants.

        5.        Isolation of soil fungi associated with composting for cellulose degradation.

        6.        Isolation o factinomycetes from soil.

        7.        Isolation of chermophilic microorganisms from soil

        8.        Isolation of free living nitrogen fixer from soil.

        9.        Demonstration of mycorrhizal associations in soil.



        1.      Soil microbiology by martin.

        2.        Pesticide microbiology by Hill and Wright.

       3.        Plant diseases by R.H.Singh.

        4.        Plant pathology by R.S.Malhotra.

        5.        Principle of plant infection by vender plank.

        6.        Microbiology by Pelczar. Reid and Chan.



UNIT-1        1.    Food spoila, Representative spoilage process. Spoilage of fruit and vegetables Spoliage of

meats Spoliage of other  foods.Indicates of human pathogens associated with food

Unit-2          1.    Food Preservation Methods Asepsls. Siltration and Centrifugation High temperature Pasteuriation

Canning Low Temperature Dessication Anaerobiosis Controlled Atmosphere

Unit-3         1.    Chemical Preservation Salt and  Sugar Organic Acids Nitrates and nitritres Sulphar dioxide, ethylene oxide, propylene oxide Wood stoke Antibiotics                    

    2     Microbiological production of food.

Unit-4          4     Leavening of breads Alcholic beverages Beer, distilled liquars and wines Vinegar

Unit-5        5     Fermented dairy products  Buttermilk, sour cream Indian foods fermented Meets

Unit-6        6     Fermented vegetables Pickles, Olives, Soy sauce Single coll protein


