The students at second B.Sc. can select ELECTRONIC as a special subject will offer THREE THEORY PAPERS viz. PAPER III, PAPER IV and PAPER V and THREE PRACTICAL as prescribed for the University Examination. The medium of instruction at this level is in "ENGLISH".
The course is to be completes by assigning THREE PERIODS each of fourty minutes duration for each THEORY PAPER PER WEEK. FOUR PERIODS for each practical PER PAPER PER WEEK. For TUTORIALS and PRACTICAL the class may be divided into batches. The number of students in a TUTORIAL & PRACTICAL batch should not exceed TEN. PATTERN OF EXAMINATION There will be three papers in THEORY & three PRACTICAL in the University Examination.
Unit - 1 (A) Ch-4 The Diode clamper & Voltage Double or (Art. 4.2to 4.7) Shut Rectifier with Filter, shung Rectifier & Filter Application in a VTVM, Half wave or cascade voltage Doublers, Half - wave voltage Double Application on in a VTVM, Full-wave voltage Doublers, Half-wave voltage Multiplier.
(B) Ch-6 Zener Dioes, Tunnel Diodes & Thermistros (Art 6.1 to 6.7 & 6.11 to 6.17) Zener Diodes Zener Diodes Specification the voltage regulator circuit, Design of a voltages regulator circite. Effect of supply voltage variations Zener Diodes the tunnel diode, Application of the tunnel diode Thermostats. Externally heated Thermistor self -Heated Thermistor Operation Application in the self-Heated mode, Ac voltage regulator.
Unit -2 (A) Ch-2 Rectifying circuits & DC power supplies (Art 2.0 to 2.11) The Bridge Rectifier, comparison of rectifier circuits. Ch-3 Fitter circuits for power supplier (Art 3.9 to 3.14) The choke input or LC Filter Ripple Faction an LC Filter, value of the Criticallnductance Multiple LC Filter, the CLC of TT Filter, comparison of filter circuits.
(B) Ch-7 General Amplifier characteristics I : Distortion. (Art-7.1 to 7.16) Concept of Amplification. Amplifier Notations, Current Gain (Ai) Voltage Gain (Av), Power Gain (ap), Amplifier Input Resistances (Ri), Amplifier Output Resistance (Ro) Maximum power Transfer, Conversion Efficiency, Classes of Amplifier Operation, Harmonic Distortion, Three Point Method of calculating Harmonic Distortion, m Five-point Method of calculating Harmonic Distortion, Oscilloscope of an Amplifier's Dynamic Transfer curve, Measurement of Harmonic Distortion, Other Types of Amplifier Distortion.
Unit - 3 (A) Ch-8 General Amplifier characteristics II : Doubles (Art 8.1 to 8.12) Decibels, Other Equations for Decibel computation, Aero Decibel Reference Level, Use of a Voltmeter as a Decibel Indicator, voltmeter Range correction Factors, Impedance correction Factor, frequency Response curves, Amplifier Bandwidth, Use of an output power meter, phase Relationship in Amplifiers, Squire wave testing Haring Response, Loudness levels.
(B) Ch-3 Ac-circuit analysis. Bridge circuit, Inductance & Capacitance Bridge wien Bridge, Bridge-T & Twin-T, Networks.
Unit - 4 (A) Ch-14 Hybrid Equivalent circuit for a Transistor. (Art 14.1 to 14.7 & 14.9 to 14.10) Conversion of an Amplifier circuit to a standard From, General "Black - Box" Theory, Hybrid h-parameters Obtaining the Hybrid h-parameters, Typical h-parameters values, Amplifier Equations, Voltage & current Gains Taking into Account Rg of Source, Dependence of Amplifier characteristics on RI & Rg, Comparison of CB, CE & CC cha.
(B) Detailed Study of the circuit components : Constructional & Other details. Resistors, Inductors, Capacitors, Transformers, Batteries
Unit - 5 ch-2 Resonant Circuits (Art 2.1 to 2.14 ) Selective circuits, Series resonant circuit, series circuit as a selector The q-of a series circuit parallel resonant circuit, Discussion of Q values, Selectivity of parallel resonant circuit , Further discussion of sharpness of resonance curves, Design of an anti-resonant circuit, comparison between series parallel resonance, coupled circuits, Terms used in coupled circuits, The ai-core transformer Behavior of resonant circuit tuned to the same frequency & copied together, Fidelity of receivers.
Unit - 1 (A) Ch-1 The common Base Amplifier. (Art 10.1 to 10.7 ) Analysis of the common Base Amplifier, The Amplifier as a whole, Power Relationship , Efficiency, Phase Relationships a CB Amplifier, Input waveform considerations, Harmonic Distortion.
(B) Ch-12 Thermal Stability I : Transistor Biasing. (Art 12.1 to 12.12) Factors contributing to Thermal Instability, Effect of Temperature Increase, Stability Factor-5 Common Base Stability, Collector to Base Bias, Disadvantages of collector to Base Bias, Emitter Bias, Voltage Divider Bias with Emitter Bias, Emitter Bypass Capacitor, Summary of stabilization circuit, Additional Stability Factors, Bias Compensation.
Unit - 2 (A) Ch-11 The Common emitter Amplifier. (Art 11.1 to 11.9) Graphical Analysis of a common Emitter class A Amplifier Input & Output Resistance, Effect of Adding as AC Load, Conversion, Efficiency of a Class A Amplifier with a Direct coupled Resistive Load, Phase Relationship in a CE Amplifier Waveform considerations, Harmonic Distortion Calculation Oscilloscope Display of characteristic curves comparison of Basic Transistor Amplifiers.
(B) Ch-16 High Frequency Response of the transistor Amplifier (Are 16.1 to 16.8) High Frequency Model for the common Emitter Amplifier, Approximate CE High Frequency Model with a Resistive Load, CE Short-circuit Gain, High Frequency current Gain with a Resistive Load, High Frequency Response of Cascaded CE stages, Amplifier High Frequency Response of a Transformer coupled Amplifier, Transistor Noise.
Unit - 3 Ch-15 Low Frequency Response of the Transistor Amplifier. (Art 15.1 to 15.8) Effect of an Emitter Bypass capacitor on Low Frequency Response, Effect of a coupling capacitor on Low Frequency Response, Cascading of CE Stage Mid Frequency Response of cascaded stage. Amplifier Low Frequency Response to a square wave, Transformer coupled Amplifier, step Response of a Transformer coupled Amplifier.
Unit - 4 (A) Ch-17 Negative Feedback in Transistor Amplifiers. (Art 17.1 to 17.6) General Theory of Feedback, Reasons for Negative Feedback Loop Gain, Types of Negative Feedback In Transistor circuit, The Darlington connection, Biasing the Darlington Amplifier. High Frequency Response to a square wave,
** Low frequency Response of a Transformer
(B) Ch-11 CRO
Unit - 5 (21.14) Ch-21 field Effect Transistor Amplifier. (Art 21.1 to ) Advantages & Disadvantage of the FET, Basic construction of the JEET, Characteristic curves of the JEET, Principles of operation of the JEET, Effect of VDS ON Channel ohmic Region & Pinch-off Region, characteristic Parameters, common sout Amplifier, Fixed Bias with Temperature of FET Parameters, common sout Amplifier, Fixed Bias with self Bias, The common Drain or Source Follower. The common Gate FET Amplifier, Frequency Response of the FET Amplifier, other Amplifier configurations.
(1) Digital Principles & Applications by Dorld P.Leach & Albert Paul Malvino. Fourht Edition (MC Graw Hill)
Unit - 1 (A), (B) & Unit-2 (A) (B)
(2) Electronic Devices Applications & Integrated circuits by Mathur Kulshreshta & Chandha.
(pub : Umesh Publications, Delhi)
Unit - 3 (A)
(3) Programming in FORTRAN IV by K.D. Sharma (EWP).
(B) unit- 4, unit-5 (A) & (B) Ref. Back : Programming in FORTRAN IV Rajaraman (PHO New Delhi)
(4) (I) Mathematical Methods in Physical Science by M.L. Boas.
(II) Text Book of Applied Mathematics by Wartikar & Wartikar. (Poona Vidhyarthi Griha Prakashana, Poona)
(III) Applied Mathematics for Engineers & Physicists by L. A. Pipes.
(IV) Engineering Mathematics by Chaudhari & Manocha (Mohindra pub : Chandigarth)
Unit-5 ( C) & (D)
Unit - 1 (A) Ch-1 Logic Circuits (Art 1.1 to 1.7) Binary Number system, Inverters, OR Gates And Gates, Boolean Algebra NOR Gates, NAND Gates. Ch-3 Circuit Analysis and Design (Art : 2.1 to 2.8) Boolean Laws and Theorem, Sun-products Methods, Truth Table to Kamaugh Map, Pairs Quads and Octets, Karnrugi Simplifications, Don't care conditions, Product-of sumsmethod. product-of-Sums Simplification.
Unit - 2 (A) Ch-4 Number systems And Codes (Art : 4.1 to 4.9) Why Binary Numbers are Used, Binary-To-Decimal conversion, Decimal-to-Binary conversion, Octal Numbers, Hexadecimal Numbers, The ASCII Code, The Excess-3 code, The Gray code, Troubleshooting with a Logic Pulsar.
(B) Ch-5 Arithmetic circuits (Art : 5.1 to 5.9) Binary Addition, Binary subtraction, Unsigned Binary Numbers, Sign Magnitude Numbers, 2's complement Represtation, 2's complement Arithmetic, Arithmetic Building Blocks, The Adder-subtracter, Binary Multiplication and Division.
Unit - 3 (A) Ch-17 Pulse And wave shaping Circuit (Art : 17.1 to 17.6) Linear Wave shaping circuits, Non-linear Wave shaping circuits, Actable Multivibrators (AM) ,Bistable Multivibrators (BHV), Monostable Multivibrator (MMV) , Schmitt Trigger Circuits
(B) Ch-17 Logical Operations And Transfer statements. (Art : 4.1 to 4.11) Logical constants, Logical variables, Logical Expressions Order of Evaluation of a Logical Expression, Logical Assignment Statement, Transfer statements, Unconditional Go To Statement, Arithmetic IF statement computed GO TO statement, Assigned GO TO statement.
Unit - 4 Ch-3 Language Fundamentals and construction of simple FORTRAN Programs. (Art 3.1 to 3.12) Introduction, constants and variables, Arithmetic Operations, Integer Mode and Real Mode Arithmetic, Arithmetic Expressions, Mathematical Functions, Arithmetic assignment Statement, Simple Input/Output statements, PAUSE, STOP & END Statements, Writhing, Punching & Preparing a FORTRAN Program, Examples of simple FORTRAN Programs, Reducing Execution Time.
Unit - 5 (A) Ch-1 Prelude To Digital computers (Art 1.1 to 1.3) Introduction, Organization & working, Programming Languages.
(B) Ch-2 Principles of Programming (Art 2.1 to 2.3) Introduction, Flowcharts, General Appearances of a FORTRAN Program.
(C) Fourier Analysis ; Fourier series & Its Applications to various complex wave-forms, Half-wave & full-wave Output signals square wave, Triangular wave, Saw tooth wave, Pulse step signals, obtain Harmonic
series for each case.
(D) Lap lace Transforms, power series, Taylor series, The wave equation.
(1) Electronic & Radie Engineering by M. L. Gupta.
(2) Electronic Devices & circuit Vol I & II by G. K. Mithal.
(3) Electronic Fundamentals & Applications, by J. D. Ryder (PHI)
(4) Network Analysis by G. K. Mithal.
(5) Network, Linew & fields by J. D. Ryder.
(6) Electronic Principles by Malvino (THM) 3rd Edition,
(7) Digital Electronics by W.H. Gothmann (PHI).
(8) Electronis Devices & circuits by Milmen & Halkias.
(9) Integrated circuit Electronics by Millmen & Halkias. (MC Graw Hill)
(10) Industrial Electronics by Noel (Morris.)
(11) Electronic Devices Discrete 7 Integrated by Nashelsky and Boylestad.
(12) Digital computer fundamentals by Malvino.
(13) Pulse. Digital & Switching waveform by Millman & Taub. (Mc Graw Hill)
(14) Electrical Technology by B. L. Theraja. (Khanna pub. New Delhi)
(15) Electronic Devices 7 Circuits by Y. N. Bapat.
(16) Electronic Instruments & Measurement Techniques by cooper & Helfrick (PHI)
(17) Electronic Troubleshooting by Herrick.
(18) Basic Radio & Television by S. PS. Sharma.
(19) communication Engineering by Anoka Singh.
(20) Solid State Pulse circuit by D. A. Bell.
(21) Digital Integrated Electronics by Tab & Schilling.
(22) Basic Electronics by Mehta Vishwanathan.
(23) Instrumentation Devices & Systems by C. S. Rangam, G. R. Sarma, V.S.V. Mani, ( TMH Pub. Co. Ltd.)
PAPER - I (1) Study of Electric components.
(2) Study if Laboratory Instruments. Simple Meter, Multimeter, Electronic Multimeter (VTVM),
Digital Multimeter, A.F.O. & C.R.O.
(3) Semiconductor Diode characteristics. (Germanium & Silicon Diode) Calculate forward
Static & Dynamic Resistance (Rd. & rd.).
(4) Characteristic curves of PN Diode & Determination of Electronic charge by using Rectifier
(5) Dynamic characteristics of a Diode.
(6) Half wave & Full wave Rectifier with Resistance load. (Ripple Factor & Voltage Regulation)
(7) Bridge Rectifier.
(8) Half wave & Full wave Rectifier with capacitor input to Filter.
(9) Full wave Rectifier with L-Section & TT Section Filter.
(10) To Study LOW-PASS Filter using RC Network. (ACTIVE FILTERS)
(11) To design & construct Battery Eliminator.
(12) To determine energy gap in a semiconlnctor diode (OA 79 Ge Diode)
(13) To determine base spreading resistance of a Transistor. (AC 125)
(1) Zener Diode Characteristics & zoner Diode voltage Regulator circuit.
(2) Characteristics of SCR.
(3) Common Base (CB) Transistor static characteristics.
(4) Common Emitter (CE) Transistor static characteristics.
(5) JEET Amplifiers.
(6) To measure h11 (Input Impedance), h12 (Reverse voltage Amplification factor), h21 (Forward current
Gain) & h22 (Output Admittance) Parameters of CE Transistor.
(7) To Study the characteristics of Tunne Diode.
(8) JJT as-a Relaxation Oscillator.
(9) To Study the characteristics of Thermistor.
(10) To study series Resonance circuit.
(11) To study Parallel Resonance circuit.
(1) Fixed-bias with & without Emitter Resistor.
(2) Collector to Base feedback bias circuit.
(3) Potential divider biasing circuit.
(4) Single stage Transistor Amplifier. (Load-gain variations)
(5) Frequency response of a single stage CE, RC coupled Transistor Amplifier.
(6) Emitter Follower (common collector ) Amplifier.
(7) Series current feedback circuit. (amplifier with an unby passed emitter resistor)
(8) To study wien Bridge (as a frequency selective network)
(9) FET as a Voltmeter.
(10) To study basic logic gates using discrete components (AND, OR, NOT, Gates)
(11) To construct NOR & NAND gates verify the truth table.
(12) Introduction to IC Chips, Logic gates using IC chip 7400.
(1) Basic Electronic & Linear circuits. by N. N. Bhargava
D.C. Kulsherstha & S.C. Gupta (MC Graw Hill New Delhi)
(2) Basic Kulshershtha A Text Lab Manual. by Paul B. Zbara Albert
P. Malvino. (MC Graw Hill New Delhi)
(3) Industrial Electronics Text Lab Manual by Paul B. Zebra (Mc Grow)
(4) Basic Electronics Practicals by Softie (New Heights New Delhi)
(5) Experiments in Electronics by suoramanium.
(6) Advanced Practical Physics & I, II by chauhan sing.
(Pragati Prakashan Meerut.)