With Effect From June-2009
Paper Marks
ES 201 Environmental Pollution and Control Technologies 100 Marks
ES 202 Environmental Health and Monitoring 100 Marks
ES 203 Environmental Impact Assessment Law and Public Participation 100 Marks
Practical-II 75 Marks
Dissertation /Case Study 75 Marks
Total 450 Marks
ES 201 - Environmental Pollution and Control Technologies
Section I
Unit 1 Introduction to Environmental Pollution
1. Definition of Pollution, Pollutant and significance of Pollution control
2. Types of Environmental Pollution: Air, Water and Land Pollution, their sources and impact on man and materials
3. Noise pollution, Nuclear pollution their sources and impact on environment
4. Solid waste pollution and their effect on environment
5. Environmental Pollution through medical waste and E wastes and their impacts
Unit 2 Chemistry and control of Air Pollution
1. Measurement of air pollution, sampling techniques and testing of air qualities.
2. Formation of Photochemical Smog its impact and control mechanisms
3. Interaction of SOx, NOx and Carbon monoxide with atmosphere
4. Control Techniques of Industrially emitted SOx, NOx and other gases
5. Particulate air pollution, its impact and control
Unit 3 Chemistry and Control of Water Pollution
1. Dissolved chemicals, heavy metals, synthetic compounds and domestic wastes and their impacts on fresh water quality
2. Sources and processes of marine water pollution, oil spills, other petroleum products, industrial effluents, etc. Impact of marine pollution on
marine life and resources.
3. Treatment of polluted water, water purification, domestic and industrial waste water treatment, desalination of water
4. Measures and control of marine water pollution, protecting and sustaining living marine resources.
5. Watershed management, recharging water resources and challenges to water pollution control
Section II
Unit 4 Controlling Land and Noise Pollution
1. Interaction of pollutants with soil components and soil organisms.
2. Bio-mining, Leaching and microbial immobilization.
3. Soil contamination by radio nucleoides, industrial effluents and solid wastes and their control measures.
4. Measurement of Noise Pollution
5. Various devices used in noise pollution control
Unit 5 Managing wastes and environmental degradation
1. Introduction to waste, their classification and significance of their management
2. Solid and hazardous wastes, their disposal and management
3. Detoxification of toxic waste and their removal
4. Medical wastes their hazards and management
5. Management of: Industrial, domestic and municipal wastes
6. Low waste approach, 3R Rule and polices in India
Unit 6 Recent advances in Monitoring Environmental Quality
1. Monitoring and measurement of Air and water quality in the industry
2. Introduction to Cleaner production (CP) management
3. CP Methodologies
4. Industrial effluent disposal and reuse
5. Overview of Environmental Management System (EMS)
6. EMS Audits and its significance
ES 202 - Environmental Health and Monitoring
Section I
Unit 1 Introduction to Toxicology
1. Definition of toxicology, LC50 and LD50, toxic chemicals and xenobiotics
2. Routes and rates of administration, environmental/behavioural factors, effects and response
3. Types of Toxicity studies: Acute, sub-acute and chronic toxicity
4. Chemical Interactions: Additive, synergism, antagonism and ideosynchrotic reactions.
5. Dose response relationship, statistical concept of toxicity, translocation of toxicants
Unit 2 Mechanisms and principles of Environmental Toxicology
1. Mechanism of toxicity: Biotransformation of toxicants (conjugation and hydrolysis), Free-radical toxicity,
2. Concept of bioequivalence and bioavailability
3. Bioaccumulation of pollutants/xenobiotics, antidotes: related case studies
4. Bioaccumulation and detoxification: hyperaccumulation, bioconcentration, biomagnification of toxicants; Techniques for removal of toxicants
from ecosystems
5. Biomarkers and bioindicators
Unit 3 Heavy metals and Chemical Speciation in Environment
1. Definition and sources of heavy metals
2. Heavy metals in the environment (marine, fresh water and terrestrial ecosystems), bioavailability and bioaccessibility
3. Metal uptake by organisms and the mechanism, metal uptake from solution and food, availability of metals from sediments, factors affecting
the metal uptake
4. Introduction to Chemical Speciation, speciation analysis
5. Speciation study in water and soil or sediments
6. Speciation approaches - direct and combined speciation methods quality control in speciation, role of chemical models, bioreporters and
biosensors in chemical speciation studies
Section II
Unit 4 Environmental Planning and Risk Assessment
1. Environmental Planning through mathematical modeling
2. Possible steps in modeling approaches, Applications and Limitations of modeling in Environmental Planning in industries
3. Applications of GIS in environmental planning: Concept of green city, green belt and green industry
4. Environmental Risk: Basics and definitions
5. Evaluation of Risk, Risk Assessments through public perception and Risk Communication
Unit 5 Monitoring and Assessment of Biotic Environment
1. Standards for environmental quality assessment and monitoring
2. Monitoring ecosystems and biological diversity: Birds and Mammalian diversity
3. Indicator species in the ecosystem and their monitoring
4. Monitoring streams, wetland, rangeland and other man made ecosystems
5. Monitoring marine environment
6. Preparation of Action Plan for monitoring and management of ecosystems
Unit 6 Industrial safety and Environmental Management
1. Introduction to industrial safety management and its significance
2. Hazard identification, assessment and control techniques
3. Industrial hygiene and health
4. Legislation on safety and health in India
5. Introduction and concept of applied ergonomics
ES 203 - Environmental Impact Assessment, Law and Public Participation
Section I
Unit 1 Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Audit
1. Concept, Process and Evaluation methodology
2. Preparation of EIA statements
3. EIA and sustainable environment, Warner and Preston study
4. Concept of environmental audit
5. Setting up an audit programme and Carrying out environmental audits
6. EIA and Audit case studies
Unit 2 Introduction to Environmental Laws in India
1. Introduction to Indian constitution and environment protection
2. Environmental Protection Act (1986)
3. Overview of prevention of air and water pollution , forest protection, wildlife protection, hazardous waste, factories and other acts and their
4. Scheme of eco-mark
5. Introduction and significance of ISO 14000
6. Right to Information Act (2005) and its applications in Environment Protection
7. Study of Case Laws
Unit 3 Environmental Education
1. Background, goals, objectives, guided principles of Environmental Education
2. Strategies for development: authorization, EE methodologies, evaluation and EE modeling
3. Environmental movement in India, NGO and their role; Eco-tourism, Eco-development and environmental ethics
4. Nature Education Camps and their impact evaluation on environment
5. EE Case studies
Section II
Unit 4 Effective Communication techniques for Environment Conservation and Management
1. Communication basics and Concept of Environment Communication, Leadership and Management
2. Project planning and management, Fundraising protocols and Grant writing Process
3. Stakeholder consultation process, Messaging, Advocacy and behavioural change
4. Strategic communication and Media relations
5. Negotiation and Conflict resolution, Building Consensus and Harvard Negotiation Principles
6. Rio Earth Summit: Convention on Nation’s Biodiversity, UN convention on climatic change
Unit 5 Environment and Disaster: Management and mitigation
1. Definition, types of disasters, and their impact on man and environment
2. Natural disasters and management
3. Manmade disasters, their impact and solutions.
4. Nuclear/ Atomic disaster, ionization and its effect on human life, radioactive pollution and its management
5. Disaster management, relief operations, role of administration and NGOs, emergency supply and rehabilitation
Unit 6 Recent Advances in Environmental Science
1. Environmental crisis, a global perspective: Problems their causes and remedial measures
2. Population growth and environment
3. Mitigating Climate change : Clean Development Management, Generating Carbon credits and Community participation
4. Recent techniques in Carbon dioxide management in the world
5. Current environmental challenges in India and their management
6. Technologies for Sustainable development
List of Experiments for Based on the Theory Papers ES 201 and 202 and 203
1. Collection and processing of environmental samples for detecting pollution
a. Air
b. Fresh water
c. Marine water
d. Soil
e. Industrial effluents
2. Analysis of environmental samples according to Indian Standards
3. Preparation of environmental monitoring report
4. Analysis and evaluation of waste
5. To study use of various devices to detect and measure noise pollutions
6. Application of GIS in environmental planning
7. Monitoring biodiversity
a. Amphibians
b. Reptiles
c. Aves
d. Mammals
8. Monitoring streams and wetlands through various indices
9. Visit to industries, ports, etc to study safety management
10. Participation in at least 2 NECs to study environment education
11. Visit to Protected Area to study PA Management
12. Study and review of cases related to EIA, EE, Environmental Law, Environmental audits
13. Evaluation of public perceptions in environmental issues
14. Various exercise to learn environmental communication
a. Conflict resolution and negotiation
b. Consensus development
c. Motivation exercises
d. Team building and leadership activities for environmental issues
15. To study the effect of Colchicine in seed germination and calculation of LD 50
16. To study the rate of photo synthesis at the different wavelength of light
17. To study the morphological changes in drosophila through UV Light
18. To study the dose relationship of mercuric chloride or sodium hypochloride in relation to growth of plants
19. Plant indicators
20. Estimation of thorium from soil samples To study effect of nickel /chromium/zink and Lead on plants