Structure of Syllabus :
1. There will be Three Theory Papers Number IV,V & VI each of 100 Marks.
2. There Lecture-periods of 1 hour, each per paper per week are to be assigned to complete the syllabus of
relevant theory paper.
There will be Three Practicals of Three hours per week. Each
Practical carrier 50 Marks and number of
student in a single batch should not
exceed 10 (Ten).
4. University Examination Pattern :
Theory Duration Marks
Paper-IV 3 Hours 100
Paper-V 3 Hours 100
Paper-VI 3 Hours 100
Total Marks (Theory) 300
Practicals Duration Marks
Experiment-I 3 Hours 50
Experiment-II 3 Hours 50
Experiment-III 3 Hours 50
Total Marks (Practicals) 150
Note : (1) Syllabus of each Question Paper has been divided into FIVE UNITS.
(2) One question must be set from each unit with internal option only.
(3) As far as possible, proportionate weightage of marks should be given to various sub-units/topics
from each unit.
(4) Each question will have normally 3 subquestions (a), (b), & (c) detailed as under :
(a) Theory question
(b) Theory question / Application 16 Marks
(c) Problem / Example / Application 04 Marks
Total 20 Marks
(a) Angular momentum :
The Eigen value Spectrum (8.1) Matrix Representation of J in the ! jm> basis (8.2) spin Angular
momentum (8.3) Non reletivistic Hamiltonian Including spin (8.4) addition of
angular momentum (8.5)
Clebsch-Gorden coefficients (8.6)
Spin Wave functions for a system of Two spin - 1/2 particles (8.7)
Identical particles with spin (8.8)
Addition of spin and orbital angular momenta (8.9) Spherical tensors,
Tensors operators (8.10) The
Wigner-Eckart theorem (8.11).
(b) Evolution with Time : (Part-II)
Perturbation Theory for Time evolution problems :
Perturbative solution for transition amplitude (9.5) selection rules (9.6) first order transition : constant
perturbation (9.7) second order transition : constant perturbation (9.8) scattering of a particle by a
potential (9.9) inelastic scattering : exchange effects (9.10) harmonic perturbations (9.12) interaction
of an atom with electromagnetic radiation (9.13) the dipole approximation : selection rules (9.14).
Alternative picture of time evolution :
The Schrodinger picture : Transformation to other pictures (9.16) The Heisenberg picture (9.17) Matrix
mechanics : The simple harmonic oscillator (9.18) electromagnetic wave as
Harmonic oscillator -
Quantization : photons (9.19).
Generalization of Schrodinger equation (10.1) The Klein-Gordon : plane wave solutions; charge and
current densities (10.2) interaction with electromagnetic fields : Hydrogen like
atom (10.3) non -
relativistic limit (10.4) The Dirac
equation : Dirac's relativistic Hamiltonian (10.5) position probability
density, expectation values (10.6)
Dirac's matrices (10.7) plane wave solution of Dirac equation; energy
spectrum (10.8) The spinof the Dirac
particle (10.9) Significance of Negative energy states; Dirac's
particle in electro-magnetic fields (10.10) Relativistic electron in a central
potential : Total angular
momentum (10.11) Radial wave
equations (10.12) Series solution of the radial wave equation :
Asymptotic behavior (10.13) Determination of the energy levels (10.14) electron in a magnetic field -
spin magnetic moment (10.15) The spin orbit energy (10.16).
Basic reference for UNIT I & II :
A textbook of Quantum mechanics by P.M. Mathews and K. Venkatesan 1976 THM, New Delhi.
(a) Principles of General Relativity :
Space time and gravitation (2.1) summation convention (2.2) tensors (2.2.4) contraction (2.2.6) parallel
transport (2.3) Riemannian geometry (2.4) space time curvature (2.5) Geodesics (2.6) The principle of
equivalence (2.7) action principle and the energy tensors (2.8) Gravitational Field equations (Einstein's
field equations) (2.9) The Schwarzschild solution (2.10) Experimental Test of general relativity (2.10.1)
Black holes (2.10.2).
(b) From Relativity to Cosmology :
Structure large scale (1.6) coordinates and catelogues of astronomical objects
(1.7) expansion of the
Universe (1.8) The radiation
backgrounds (1.9) relativistic cosmology (1.10) Historical background (3.1)
The Einstein Universe (3.2) The expanding universe (3.3) simplifying assumption of cosmology;
cosmological principle (3.4) the redshift (3.5) apparent magnitude (3.6)
Hubble's law (3.7) angular size
(3.8) source counts (3.9).
(c) The Friedman Models :
The Einstein field equations in cosmology (4.1) Energy tensor of the universe (4.2).
Basic reference :
Introduction to cosmology by J.V. Narlikar, 2nd edition, Cambridge University Press (Indian edition)
Chapter 1 to 3.
(a) Two-body problem in nuclear physics :
Introduction (3.1) The ground state of the Deutron (3.2) Excited states of the Deutron (3.3) Neutron-
Proton scattering at low energy (3.4) Scattering length (3.5) Spin-dependence of
scattering (3.6) Singlet n-p system
(3.7) Effective range theory in n-p scattering (3.8) Significance of
the sign of the scattering length (3.9) Tensor force and the Deutron problem
(3.11) Proton-Proton
scattering at low energy (3.12)
Analysis of n-p and p-p scattering (3.13) Interpretation of p-p and n-n
scattering (3.14).
Basic reference :
Nuclear Physics by Roy and Nigam Chapter 3 : Pub : New age International Ltd., New Delhi.
(b) Nuclear Moments :
Hyperfine structure of atomic spectra (5.1) Effect of external magnetic field on the hyperfine structure
(5.2) Molecular excitations and determination of I from molecular band spectra (5.3) Molecular beam -
experiments on Hydrogen (5.5).
Basic Text book for Unit - IV (b) :
Introduction to Nuclear Physics by H.A. Enge. Chapter 5, Addision-Wesley 1996
Reading Mass. (MIT),
International reprint 1983.
(c) Nuclear Reactions :
Nuclear reactions and cross section (6.1) Resonance : Breit-Wigner section sc (6.6) Statistical theory of
Nuclear reactions.
Basic reference :
Nuclear Physics by Roy and Nigam Chapter 6 : Pub : New age International Ltd., New Delhi.
(a) (I) Nuclear - Shell Model :
Single particle potential (7.2) spin-orbit potential (7.2) Analysis of shell model predictions (7.4) single
particle shell model (7.5) Total spin J for various configurations (j)k (7.6) Nuclear somerisim (7.8)
magnetic moments
(II) Collective Model :
Introduction (8.1) Nuclear rotational motion (8.2) Odd - A Nuclei : Energy
spectrum and wave function
(8.3) Nuclear moments (8.4)
Collective vibration excitations (8.5) collective oscillations :
Model (8.6).
Basic reference :
Nuclear Physics by Roy and Nigam Chapter 6 : Pub : New age International Ltd., New Delhi.
(b) Elementary Particles :
Classification of elementary particles, type of interaction, Baryon number lapton number, parity, charge
conjugation and time reversal, CPT theorem, charge independence of nuclear
forces, Isospinm
consequences of Isospin, G-Parity,
Strange particles, associated prediction. Gell-mann Nishijima scheme,
Neutral K-meson, strangenees, oscillations (?) hypercharge, CP-violation in K-decay, Ispin and SU(2) and
SU(3) Baryon and meson multiplates, Gell-mann okubo mass formula. Quark model falvour and colour.
Basic reference :
Introduction to high energy physics by D.H. Perkins 3rd edition Cambridge University Press.
Elementary particles by I.H. Hughes, Cambridge University Press.
(c) Introduction to Quantum fields :
Introduction (11.1) Lagrangian field theory (11.2) relativistic fields (11.3)
Relativistic field (11.4)
Interaction fields (11.5)
(Klein-Gordon fields)
Basic reference :
Quantum Mechanics by K.K. Thankappan Chapter 11, Wiley-Eastern, New Delhi.
Reference :
Unit - I,II & V
1. Quantum Mechanics by L.I. Schiff, McGraw-Hill International student edition (1961).
2. Quantum Mechanics by Vol-I & IIA. Messiah, Jhon Wiley & Sons, INC (1968).
3. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by Powell and Cresemann Addiso-Wiley (1961).
4. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by H.A. Krasmers Interscience, New York (1957).
5. Quantum Mechanics by David Gasiorowicz 2nd edition Jhon Wiley & Sons, INC (1989).
6. Quantum Theory by David Bohm, Dover Publication, New York. (1989).
7. Quantum Mechanics by F.Schwabl, Springer - Verlag, New York (1992).
(a) Ics :
Isolation techniques (23.9) Fabrication of IC componets : IC transistor
formation (23.10.1) IC diode
(23.10.2) IC diffusion resistors
(23.10.3) IC capacitor (23.10.4) Complete IC formation (23.11) Relative
study of thin and thick film components
(23.14) LSI and MSI (23.15) Application of ICs (23.16).
(b) Digital Electronics :
(Counters) Shift registering counter @