PAPER : I Analytical Chemistry
Unit - 1
A. Automated laboratory analysis, Continuous flow analysis & flow injection analysis, Sample conditioning, Automated
process control.
B. Spread sheet, its applications
C. Basic concepts of electronics and computer. Analog and Digital signals counting and arithmetic operations with binary
numbers - Basic digital circuit components, AC circuit, DC circuit- capacitors- semiconductors and semi conductor
devices- Transistors- Transducers, Thermocouple-Transformed. Read out devices - Microprocessor and micro computers
computer software - computer Network - Applications of computers in Analytical chemistry and their examples.
Unit - 2
(A) Precipitation titrations : Introduction, feasibility of precipitation Titration, determination of end points in precipitation
titrations Indicators for precipitation titrations involving silver, Mohr's method & Volhard method factors offecting the
solubility of precipitations equilibria ( solubility product) effect of a acidity precipitates on solubility of precipitates post
precipitation & coprecipitation.
(B) Complexometric titrations :- Introduction, formation constant or stability of complexes, Requirements of complexometric
titrations, condutional stability constants Influence of PH on stability of complexes & basicity of Z - ion on complex
formation. Titration curves Equilibria involved in EDTA titrations, Types of EDTA titrations, Indicators for EDTA titrations
metal ion indicator - Applications of the complexometric titrations to analyte ores, drugs & foods..
Unit - 3
Environmental Analysis :-
Hydrosphere :- Water resource, Physical chemistry of sea water, sea water modal.
Microorganism : The catalyst of aquatic chemical reactions.
Soil :- Composition of soil, water & air in soil. Organic & Inorganic J components in soil. Nitrogen & NPK in soil. Wastes &
pollutants in soil.
Environmental toxicology & Toxic element in water, pesticides in water, Impact of toxic chemicals on enzymes. Biochemical
effect of pesticides. Instrumental techniques in Environmental chemical analysis. Potable & sanitary water, Analytical
procedures for characterization of water, characterization & analyses of industrial waste water.
Unit- 4
A. Analysis of food :- General method for determination of water,Protein, total amino acids & fats, measurement of food
B. Analysis of oil & Fat:- Acid value R.M value, P.V.value, saponification value, Iodine value, Ester value, Acetyl value, Titre
value. Peroxide value, Ratio of saturated & unsaturated fatty acids, Thiocyanogen number, Detection of adulterants.
C. Insectiads & Pesticide analyses : - ISI specifications & Analysis of BHC, DDT, Malathion.
Unit - 5
A. Analysis of Pharmaceuticals :- Methods based on IP, BP, USP for Antibiotics, antimalarials, CNS, sedalive, analgesic &
antipyretics, diuretics, antimoebics, antituberculosis & anticancer drugs.
B. Polymer Analysis :- Physical properties, mechanical properties, Thermal properties, Rubber & Elastomer Analysis by ASTM.
C. Saop & Synthetic detergent Analysis :-Matter insoluble in alcohol, Free alkali, Free acid, Combined alkali & total anhydrous
soap, total fatty acid (TFM), silica present as alkaline silicate, ISI specification of detergents & its analysis.
Unit - 1 Fundamentals of spectroscopy :-
Electro magnetic radiation & its properties, Quantitative principle of absorption of radiation & its analytical opplications, Introduction to absorption & emission spectroscopy components of optical instruments.
Phoeletron spectroscopy (Fluorescence) : Principle, techniques, instrumentation & applications (fluorometers & spectro fluorometers )
Photoacoustic spectroscopy : Theory, instrumentation & applications.
Unit -2 Atomic emission spectroscopy : Classification, flame emission
& inductively coupled plasma emissions spectroscopy - principle, theory & applications.
Atomic X- ray spectroscopy :- Production & properties of X - ray, X- ray absorbance, X-ray fluorescence & X-ray diffraction quantitative & Quantitative phase analysis.
Neutron diffraction & electron diffraction :- technique & applications
Plasma emission :- Principle, ICP as a spectroscopic source, Instrumentation, simultaneous Analysis, Interfences, plasma torches, detection limits, Application for trace metal & environmetal Analysis.
Unit-3 Mossbauer spectroscopy :- emission & absorption of γ-rays, Mossbauer spectrometer. & information from the spectra.
Electron spin Resonance (ESR) : technique Hyperfine splitting, Relaxation process and line width in ESR, transition, g-value-
its determination & factors affecting it zero field splitting, Kramer's degeneracy.
Unit-4 Mass spectrometry :- Introduction, principle, Ionization of Molecule, fragmentation, Interpretation of mass spectra, Ion Sources, Mass spectrometers applications ICR (Ion Cyclotron Resonance ) & FT-ICR spectroscopy.
Nuclear magnetic Resonance (NMR) :- The technique, the chemical shift, the fine structure - line shapes & rate processes, Application.
FT NMR Instrumentation, C13 NMR, Basic principle, Experimental techniques for spectral assignment, Nuclear spin relaxation (Correlation & Spectral density function, dipole-dipole relaxation, spin rotation, chemical shift anisotropy, scalar -relation- electron nuclear relaxation , Nuclear overhauser effect) solid state 13C NMR, Application in macromolecular & quantitative Analysis.
Unit-5 Flame photometer, AAS & Plasma emission :
Flame photometery, Flame - emission - Flame photometery, Determination of Ca, Mg,
K, Mn & Be
AAS :- Theory, Instrumentation, Doppler broadening, pressure broadening, self
reversal broadening, Flame & Flameless AAS, Background absorption & correction
PAPER : III Miscellaneous Methods
Unit-1 Chrono potentiomitery, Introduction Instrumentation & applications
High frequency conductance measurements, Types of all Instrumentation &
Coulometery - Methods of coulometery, applications, coulometrictirations- advantages & disadvantages electrogravimetery
Potentiometery : classification of indicators electrodes, location of equivalence point, null point potentiometery, classes of
potentiometric titrations.
Unit-2 Paleography & Voltammetric method Principle, Instrumentation, Half-wave potential, Ilkovic equation,Derivation of a
relation between half-wave potential & diffusion coefficient, Evaluation methods, Applications of polarography - AC
polarography square wave polarography , pulse-polarography,
Amperometric titrations - Biamperometric titration Titration with rotatory
platinum micro electrode.
Polarimctrv & Refractornetrv :-Theory & applications
Unit-3 Radiochemical nicthods :- Introduction infraction with radio nucleides with matter, Radio chemical equilibria Instrumentation
- Radio tracer techniques neutron activation analysis, isotopic dilution methods, Tracers in chemical, Radio immunoassay.
Magneto chemistry :- Magnetic moment, Electronic spectrum & structure, Van vleck equation, Zeeman effect,
Antiferromagnetism & ferromagnetism correlation of magnetic & structural-properties
Nephelometery & Turbidinietery :- Theory, Instrumentation &.applications
Unit-4 Thermal Analysis :- TGA. DTA, DSC, DTG - Principle, Instrumentation & analytical applications.
Surface characterisation by spectroscopy & Electromicrosocpy:- Introduction, spectroscopic. methods for surface analysis
scanning electron microscope (SEM), Scanning probe microscope (SPMS)
Laser :- Production & characteristic of lasers (solid ,dye & gaseous Lasers),use of lasers as sources in various spectroscopic
methods .
(A) Liquid chromatography HPTLC :- Principle, Instrumentation & application
super critical fluid chromatography
(GC) Gas chromatography : Principle, Instrumentation, application.
Size exclusion chromatography GPC principle mechanisms, application,
Ion exchange chromatography :- Ion exchangers, mechanism &application.
Electrochromatography :- principle of electrophoresis , dental assembly, Reverse
osmosis, Electro dialysis, zone electrophoresis, curtain electrophoresis. Capillary
electrophoresis - applications
Ultracentrifugation or sedimentation theory - instrumentation molecular .Weight.
determination by sedimentation method.
(B) Green Chemistry :- Basic principles, Green reagents, Green solvents, Green
reactants & Green products.
Reference Books
1. Principle of Instrumental Analysis
5th Edition 1998
by Douglas A. Skoog. F. James Holler, Timothy A. Nierman
Saunders College. Publishers
2. Analytical Chemistry: Principles
2nd Edition 1990
John II. Kennedy Saunders College Publishers
3. Introduction to Chemical Analysis
2nd Edition 1995
Robert D.Draun Mc- Graw Hill Book Company
4. Vogel's Textbook of Quantitative Chemistry Analysis
5th Edition 1998
By G.H.Jeffory, JBisseff, J.Mendham, R.C.Denny
5. Analytical Chemistry.
6th Edition
Gary D.Christian, John Willey and sons
6. Qualitative Analysis
6th Edition 1993 R.A.Pay
Prentice-Hall of India (P) Ltd., New Delhi
7. Statistics for Analytical Chemists First Edition 1983
By R.Caulcutt & R.Boddy Chapman and Hall Ltd., New York
8 Analytical Chemistry
Petrzyk and Frank (2nd Edition) Academic press (1979)
9. Instrumental Methods of Analysis
6th Edition
Willard. Merritt, Dean, Settle
CBS Publishers & Distributors
10. Handbook of Instrumental Techniques for Analytical Chemistry
By Frank Settle,
Prentice Hall PTR
11. Contemporary Chemical Analysis
By J.F.Rubinson & K.A Rubinson
PRINTICE- HALL International Inc., 1998
12. Instrumental Analysis .
5th Edition James W.Robinson
Marcel Dekker, Inc.,
13. Environmental Chemistry
J.W.Morre & E.A.Moore
Academic Press Inc, New York, 1976
14. Environmental Chemistry A.K.DE, Fourth Edition, New Age,
International Publishers
15. Principle of Environments Science Inquiry and Applications,
William P. Cunningham — Mary Ann, Cunningham, First Edition 2002,
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd.,
16. Environmental Chemistry
Samir K .Banerji, Second Edition, 1999
Prantice - Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
17. Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis By B.K.Sharma
Goel Publishing House,
18. Applied Complexometry By Rudolf Pribrill & R.A.Chalmess
Oxford N.Y.
19. Metallurgical Analysis
By B.C.Agrawal & S.P.Jain
Khanna Publishers
20. Commercial Methods of Analysis
By . Foster Dec Snell, Frank M. Biffeu
Taraporwak & Sons
21. Standard Methods of Chemical-Analysis
Vol. I & II Will W. Scott
D.Van Nostrand Co. Inc. Princeton New .Jersy, Taranto, N.Y.
22. Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemical Analysis,
Vol. 1-20. By F.D.Snell & D.S.Effre
23. Food Composition and Analysis
By. Howard Triebold, Leonard w. Auranel
D.Van No.-.rand Company, Inc. Prienceton, New Jersy, Toranto
24. PauIT. Anastas
Green Chemistry
25. Sanghi A Shrivastav
Green Chemistry
26. M.Kidwai & Ahlavalia V.K.
Green Chemistry
27. Eco friendly Analysis
(1) Gravimetric and Volumetric
(2) Electro Chemistry
(3) Separation
(4) Applied Analysis
(5) Qualitative Analysis Mixture with S radicals including two rare radicals.
(6) Ore Analysis
(7) Alloy Analysis
(8) Water Analysis
(9) Complexometric Analysis of Admixtures
(10) Viva
(11) Journal
(12) Project report