1. There will be three theory papers at M.Sc. Part-I and three theory papers at M.Sc. Part-II
2. There will be practical at M.Sc. Part-I and II based on each theory paper. Practical exercise depends
on theory syllabus and local available facilities.
3. The students are expected to study one special paper at Part-II
4. Candidate will be examined in theory papers and practicals to make total 450 marks at the end of
the year.
5. Each theory paper examination will be of three hrs duration
6. Each practical examination will be 5 hrs duration
There shall be at least one Zoological excursion tour every year. It will
pertain different Zoological
region of the country, fisheries center,
research institutes, museum etc. Zoological excursion is very
important for the study of animals in their
natural habitats. The students are expected to submit tour
report and small dissertation work during
their practical examination.
The students shall be required to produce any two items of a,b,c,d as given
below at the time of
practical examination.
a) Laboratory journal and small scientific script should be
duly signed by the teacher concern and
head of dept.
b) Hand prepared charts / models / slides etc.
c) Preserved animals collected during local excursion
d) Each candidate submits small preparatory scientific scrolls; if
so he has not to submit any other
Paper - I Biosystematics and Taxonomy
Paper - II Quantitative Zoology
Paper - III Structure and function in invertebrates
M.Sc. Part - I
There will be three papers in theory and three practical in the university examination. The pattern will be as follows.
Theory |
Duration |
Marks |
Paper - I |
3 Hours |
100 |
Paper - II |
3 Hours |
100 |
Paper - III |
3 Hours |
100 |
Total |
300 |
Practical - Each practical based on Theory papers.
Practical |
Duration |
Marks |
Paper - I |
5 Hours |
50 |
Paper - II |
5 Hours |
50 |
Paper - III |
5 Hours |
50 |
Total |
150 |
Unit-I : Cell Biology-I
Microscopy: Light microscopy and Electron microscope, Structure of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cell, Cell cycle (Interphase & Mitosis) & its regulation, Cell signalliing, Apotosis (cell death)
Unit-II : Cell Biology
Ultra structure of cell organells and its functions: Plasma membrane, Mitochondria, Ribosomes, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Golgi body, Lysosomes, Cell skeleton, Nuclues
Unit-III : Genetics-I
Fine structure of genes, Oncogenes, Gene mapping, Split genes, Cryptic genes, Genetic basis of evolution and speciation, Population genetics, Genetic counseling, Gene therapy, Mutation and Gene manipulation
Unit-IV : Genetics
Ultrasturcture of Chromosome, Linkage and crossing over in diploid organism, DNA as genetic material, DNA replication, C-value paradox, DNA repairing
Unit-V : Molecular Biology
Central dogma of molecular biology, Organization of Genome, Gene Transcription in prokaryotes (Bacteria), PCR and its applications, Recombinant DNA technology
Verma P.S. & V.K. Agarwal: Cytology-S.Chand & Comp. Ltd. New Delhi
Gupta P.K.: Cytogenetics-Rastogi Pub. Meerat
Geral Karp: Cell and Molecular Biology-John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Becker Kleinsmith: The world of the Cell-Person Benjamin Cummings, New York
Gupta P.K.: Cell and molecular Biology-Rastogi Pub. Meerut
Powar C.B.: Cell Biology-Himalaya Pub. Mumbai
Gupta P.K.: Genetics-Rastogi Pub. Meerut
Manrose W. Trickberger: Genetics-Macmillan Publishing Comp. New York
Manrose W. Strickberger: Genetics-Prentice-Hall of India P. Ltd. New Delhi
Unit-I : Biodiversity-I
Taxonomic characters, Taxonomic rules, Zoological nomenclature, Higher taxa and Lineus hierarchy, Taxonomic collection, Preservation, Publication, Museum management
Unit-II : Biodiverstiy-II
Patterns and characterization of biodiversity: Genetic diversity as a component of biodiversity, Ecological perspective of biodiversity
Biodiversity of Various ecosystems: Where is biological diversity found? Why are there so many species in the tropics? Tropical rain forest and coral reefs
Quantative biodiversity: Alpha, beta & gamma diversity, Inventorying and monitoring biodiversity, Species richness, Species diversity, Habitat destruction, Fragmentation and degradation, Exotic species and over exploitation
Unit-III : Biodiversity-III
Economic biodiversity: what is biological diversity, Convention on biological diversity, direct & indirect value of biodiversity
Loss of biodiversity: Past rates of extinction, Human cased extinctions, Extinction rates on island
Conservation of biodiversity: Biosphere reserves, conservation of species, Vulture conservation, Conservation of Habitat e.g. project Tiger, Project Elephant
Ecological restoration concepts and practice: Restoration of species and population-Ex.situ technologies, Ecosystem and landscape restoration.
Unit-IV : Wild Life-I
Physiography of India
Northern Mountain: Himalayas, Siwaliks, Himachal, Himadri, Trans Himalaya, ganga plain, Brahmaputra valley
Peninsular plateaus: Aravalli range, Central plateaus, Vindhyachal range, Satpura range, Eastern plateaus,, Kathiawar and Kutch Peninsular, Sahyadris, Decan plateaus
Great Plains: Punjab-Hariyana, Rajashtan plains, Easern ghats
Coasts and Islands: East coast, West coast, Islands-Bay of Bengal, Arabian sea
Geology of India: Dharwar system,Archaen system, Cuddapah system, Vindhyan system
Palaezoic group: Cambrian to Carboniferous, Gondwana system, Upper Carboniferous and Permian system, Triassic system, Jurassic system, Cretaceous system
Brief History of Wild Life in India
Important wile life of India (Aves and Mammals),
Major National parks and sanctuaries of India,
Important Indian fauna,
Zoogeographical realms and regions,
Food management for wild life and cover
Unit-V : Wild Life Conservation
Status of wild life,
In situ & Ex situ conservation,
Projects to conserve wild life,
Organizations for wild life conservation,
Wild life protection Act.
George Gaylord Simpson: Principles of animal taxonomy-Oxford Book Compl Calcutta
Mike & Peggy Briggs: World Wildlife-Parrabon
Trivedy R.K.: Hand book of Environmental Laws, Acts, Guidelines & Slandered- Vol-I to III-
B.S.Pub. Hydrabad
Kumar.U & M. Asija: Biodiversity Principles & Coonservation-Agrobios (India)
Agraval S.K. Biodiversity and Environment A.P.H.Pub.Co.New Delhi
Kumar Kartikeya: Biodiversity-Asvishkar Pub. Jaipur
Unit-I : Biophysics
Tools: Geiger-Muller counter (GM tube), Scintillation Counter, Crystal counter
LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation): Principle, Instrumentation, Types, Structure of Atom, Radio active isotopes, Effect of radiation on biological system and chromosomes
Unit-II : Biotechnology
Scope & Importance: Definition, History, Global impact and current excitement of biotechnology (health care, agriculture, human genome project, genomics & Proteomics), Biotechnology in India, GM food
Tools: Cutting & Joining of DNA, Nucleases, Gene cloning, Gene library, Vectors
Unit-III : Bioinformatics
What is Bioinformatics? ,
Database & data mining: Classification, Historical background, sequences and nomenclature, Types of database, Tools of Data analysis-Rasmol, bioedit, Discovery studio, silvers
Sequence analysis, Algorithms, Gene prediction, Gene identification, BLAST & FAST, Role of Bioinformatics in Zoology
Unit-IV : Field work in Biology
Planning, Data Collection, Tabulation, Graphics, central tendancy,
Interpretation, Guideline for research methodology
Unit-V : Biostatistics
Student’s T-test or T-test (Test of Signification)
Analysis of variance (Aov) or (Anova)
The Chi-square (X2) Test
Correlation and Regression
Benton & Werner: Field Biology & Ecology-Mc Graw-Hill Book Comp. New York
Srivastava S.C. & sangya Shrvastava: Fundamentals of Statistics-Anmol Pub. P.Ltd. New Delhi
Pranab Kumar Baneji: Introduction to Biostatistics-S.Chand New Delhi
Bryan Bergeron: Bioinformatics Comput9ng-Person Prentice Hall Edu.
Lgnacimutha, S: Biotechnology-Narosa pub. House, New Delhi
Patil C.S. & Prabhu M : Biotechnology-APH pub. Co. New Delhi
Sasidhara: Animal Biotechnology-MJP Pub. Chennai
Practical will be based on availability of materials and facility of the laboratory. As per concern unit in each paper. Fieldwork will consider as a part of Practical work. It will be carried out Time to Time.