Duration one year (Two terms) as a full course, paper - I, II & III will be completed in a year and dissertation work will be completed according to convenience of the candidate. But unless and until the viva-voca exam is not completed candidate result will not be declared by the University. The examination pattern will be as follow:
Paper No. | Topics | Duration | Marks |
Paper-I | Research Methodology | 3 hrs. | 100 |
Paper-II | Applied Zoology | 3 hrs. | 100 |
Paper-III | Elective Paper - Ornithology | 3 hrs. | 100 |
Paper-IV | Dissertation related to Elective Paper | 3 hrs. | 100 |
Section - I
- Microscopy (Different types of Microscopes)
- Microphotography
- Microtomy (Use of microtomy for histological slide preparation)
- Preparation of stains & solution
- Histochemistry
Section - II
Principles and use of analytical instruments - Balances, pH meter, Colorimeter,
Ultracentrifuge, Electrophoresis.
Section - III
- Chromatography - Separation techniques & Principles of Chromatography.
- Chromatographic techniques.
Section - IV Basic concept for :
(a) Research Paper
(b) Research Project
Reference :
1. Introduction to Instrumental Analysis, Robert Braun. McGraw-Hill, International Edition.
2. A Biologists Guide to Principles and Techniques of Practical Biochemistry, K. Wilson & K.H. Goulding, ELBS
Section - I
- Wild life, its impotent causes of its depletion, importance of Herpetofauna, Avis & Mammals.
Sampling design for field research :
a) Simple research sampling
b) Systematic sampling
c) Stratified random sampling
d) Cluster sampling
e) Point sampling
f) Plot along transect
g) Line transect
h) Load sampling
Section - II
Analysis of data :
- Graphic, charts, table and graphs.
Estimating means :
- Population mean, estimating the number of animals in wild life Population.
a) Indies
b) Estimating of abundance & density
- Habitat suitability index (HSI)
Section - III
Taxonomy :
- Basic of Insect classification up to families
Anatomy :
- General anatomy of Insect
Physiology :
- Basic concept
Section - IV Pest and its control :
- Pest of local area related to crops
- Principles & methods of paste controls using techniques such as :
a) Mechanical
b) Biological control
c) Chemical control
- Useful Insects
Reference :
Ross, Herbet H., Ross, Charles A. and Ross, June R.P. (1982) : Text Book of
Entomology, E.dn. 4, John Willy
& Sons, New York.
2. Mani, M.S. (1982) : General Entomology, E.dn. III, Oxford & IBH Publishing co., New York.
3. Chapman, R.F. (1969) : The Insects Structure and Function, English University Press.
4. Snodgrass, R.R. (1935) : Principles of Insects Morphology, McGraw-Hill, New York.
Wigglesworth, V.H. (1965) : The Principles of Insect Physiology, English
Language Book Society and
Methuen & Co., Ltd.
6. Ross, H.H. (1974) : Biological Systematics, Addison - Wesley.
7. Atwal, A.S. (1986) : Agricultural Pests of India and South-East Asia, P.Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.
Section - I
Introduction :
Definition, Characters, Evolution of Birds
- Morphology and general anatomy of birds
- Physiology related to bird
Section - II
- Identification of birds of different techniques
- Taxonomy : up to species
Section - III
Methods of studying birds :
- Population, estimation & census techniques
- Methods of capturing marks and ringing birds
Section - IV
- Useful roll of birds and conservation strategies for concern species
- Damage caused by birds to agriculture crops, fruits, stored grains & their control majors.
Section - V
General topics :
- Flight in birds
- Migration of birds
- Endangered, endemic and rare species of birds in India
- Ecological study of a specific birds (methods)
- Contribution of naturalist, scientist and organization in the field of Ornithology
Reference :
1. Pettingill Jr., O.S. Ornithology in Laboratory and Field' (IV Edition) Pub. Surjeet Publication, Delhi.
2. Salim Ali (1977), The Book of Indian Birds, Pub. BNHS, Bombay.
Salim Ali and Dillon Ripley (1983) "Handbook of the Birds of India and
Pakistan (Compact Edition, Pub., Oxford
University Press, New
4. Giles, R.H. Jr. (1969) "Wildlife management techniques, Pub. Wildlife Society, Washington, D.C.
5. Dasma, R.F. (1964) "Wildlife Biology, Pub. John Wiley and Sons, INC, New York.