Duration one year (two terms) as a full time course Paper-I, II, & III will be completed in a year and
dissertation work will be completed according to convenience of the candidate. But unless and until the viva-
voce exam is not completed candidate result will not be declared by the university. The examination pattern
will be as follow :
Paper No. |
Topics |
Duration |
Marks |
1 | Research Methodology | 3 Hours | 100 |
2 | Applied Chemistry | 3 Hours | 100 |
3 | Elective Paper | 3 Hours | 100 |
4 | Dissertation Related to Elective Paper | 3 Hours | 100 |
Unit - 1
(1) Types of Analytical Method :
Advantages and Limitations of instrumental and chemical methods. Literature of analytical chemistry.
Treatment of Analytical data significant Figures Accuracy, Precision, Types of error, Ways of Expressing
accuracy and precision, Rejection of results, Test of significance (F test and T
test) Correlation
coefficient, numerical.
(2) Detection and Determination of functional groups :
Carboxylic and Sulphonic acid groups Amine, Ester, Carbonyl groups, Azo and Phenolic groups.
Unit - 2
(1) Potentiometer :
The scope of potentiometer, types of titration, Acid base, complex metric,
precipitations, Graphical
methods including Grand plot of
selecting end point, Differential titrations. Dead stop titration, ion -
selective electrodes elementary,
Indicator electrodes, Glass, membrane, Quinhydrone, electrode.
Principle of pH meter - numerical.
Unit - 3
(1) Paleography :
Principle, electrodes type of currents, Half wave potential, Ilkovik equation,
methods of determining
concentration, Application of Paleography
(i) Determination of the instability constant of complex.
(ii) Voltammeter, Amperometric titration.
Apparatus, technique, advantages, disadvantages
(2) Numerical :
Unit - 4
(1) Colorimetric and Spectrophotometric :
Law of Absorbance, visual colorimetric method spectrophotometric instrumentation, Light sources Optical
system, the wave length selectors, Light Sensitive devices, accuracy and error of spectrophotometry,
analysis of mixtures, flamephotometry, Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Principles - numerical.
(2) Chromate graphy and ion exchange :
Column chromatography, thin layer chromatography, paper chromatography,
instrumentation, Evaluation, ion
exchange, synthetic material Mechanism of exchange, Distribution
coefficients, Application.
Unit - 5
(1) Basic concept for :
(a) Research Paper
(b) Research Project
Reference Book :
1. Scott's standard methods of chemical analysis 6th edition, 5-volumes. (N.H. Furman and F.J. Welcher eds)
(D. Van Nostrand Co. N.Y. USA)
2. Advances in Analytical chemistry and instrumentation (A multi volume series) ( C.N. Reilley edition) (Inter
science publishers N.Y. USA)
3. Principles of instrumental analysis 1971 (D.A. Skoog and D.M. West) (Holt., Rinchart and Winston N.Y.USA)
4. Analytical chemistry 4th edition 1986 (Gary D. Christion) (Join Wiley & Sons N.Y. USA)
5. Official methods of analysis 4th edition. Association of Official analytical chemistry (A.O.A.C.) Washington
6. ASTM Book of standards, American society for testing and materials philadephia, Revised annually, USA.
Unit - 1 Multiphase Materials :
Ferros alloys; Fe-C phase transformations in ferrous alloys; stainless steels, non-ferrous alloys, properties
of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys and their applications.
Glasses, Ceramics, Composites and Nan materials :
Glassy state, glass formers and glass modifiers, applications. Ceramic structures, mechanical properties,
clay products. Refractories, characterizations, properties and applications.
Microscopic composites; dispersion - strengthened and particle-reinforced, fibra-reinforced composites,
macroscopic composites, Nanocrystalline phase Preparation procedures special properties, applications.
Thin Films and Langmuir - Blodgett Films :
Preparation techniques; evaporation/sputtering chemical processes, MOCVD, solgel etc. Langmuir -
Blodgett (LB) film, growth techniques, photolithography, properties and applications of thin and LB films.
Unit - 2 Liquid Crystals :
Mesmorphic behavior, thermotropic liquid crystals, positional order, bond orientational order, nematic and
smectic mesophases; smectic-nematic transition and clearing temperature - homeotropic, planar and
schlieren textures, twisted nematics, chiral nematics, molecular arrangement in smectic A and semctic C
phases, optical properties of liquid crystals. Dielectic susceptibility and dielectric constants. Lyotropic
phases and their description of ordering in liquid crystals.
Polymeric Materials :
Molecular shape, structure and configuration, crystallinity, stress-strain
behavior, thermal behavior,
polymer types and their applications,
conducting and ferroelectrics polymers.
Unit - 3 Ionic Conductors :
Types of ionic conductors, mechanism of ionic conduction, interstitial jumps (Frenkel); vacancy
mechanism, diffusion superionic conductors; phase transitions and mechanism of conduction in superionic
conductors, examples and applications of ionic conductors.
Unit - 4 High Tc Materials :
Defect perovskites, high Tc superconductivity in cuprates, preparation and characterization of 1-2-3
and 2-1-4 materials, normal state properties; anisotropy; temperature dependence of electrical
resistance; optical phonon modes, superconducting state; heat capacity; coherence length, elastic
constants, position lifetimes, microwave absorption-pairing and multigap structure in high Tc materials,
applications of high Tc materials.
Unit - 5 Materials for Solid State Devices :
Rectifiers, transistors, capacitors - IV-V compounds, low-dimensional quantum
structures; optical
Organic Solids, Fullerence, Molecular Devices :
Conducting organics, organic superconductors, magnetism in organic materials
Fullernes - doped,
fullerences as superconductors.
Molecular rectifiers and transistors, artificial photosynthetic devices, optical storage memory and
switches sensors.
Nonlinear optical materials; nonlinear optical effects, second and third order molecular hyperpolarisability
and second order electric susceptibility - materials for second and third harmonic generation.
Book Suggested :
1. Solid state physics, N.W. Ashcroft and N.D. Mermin, Saunders College.
2. Materials science and Engineering, An Introduction, W.D. Callister, Wiley.
3. Principles of the solid state, H.V. Keer, Wiley Eastern.
4. Materials Science, J.C. Anderson, K.D. Leaver, J.M. Alexander and R.D. Rawlings, ELBS.
5. Thermotropic Liquid Crystals, Edition, G.W. Gray, Join Wiley.
6. Handbook of Liquid Crystals, Kelker and Hatz, Chemie Verlag.
Unit - 1 Introduction Coordination Compound
Unit - 2 Stability of Coordination Compound
Unit - 3 Ligand Substitution Reaction
Unit - 4 Metal Ligand Bounding
Unit - 5 Coordination Compound Geometries
Reference Book :
1. Bunsal by Coordination Chemistry
2. F - Basolo and R. Johnson by Coordination Chemistry
3. S.F.A. Kettle by Coordination Compounds
Unit - 1 Galvenic Corrosion :
- Passivity
- Localized Corrosion of passive metal
Unit - 2 Stress Corrosion Cracking :
- Hydrogen Induced Cracking and Sulfide Stress Carciking
- Corrosion Fatigue
Unit - 3 Atmosheric Corrosion :
- Atmosheric Corrosion in Cold Region
Unit - 4 Corrosion Probability and Statistical Evaluation of Corrosion Data
Unit - 5 Corrosion of :
- Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys
- Copper and Copper Alloys
- Zine
- Corrosion Protection
Reference Book :
1. Uhlig's Corrosion Handbook by R. Winton Rcvic
2. Electochemical Society Series
Unit - 1 Organometalic Reagents :
Principle, preparations, properties and applications of the following in organic synthesis with mechanistic
Group I and II metal organic compounds :
Li, Mg, Hg, Cd, Zn and Ce compounds.
Transition metals :
Cu, pd, Ni, Fe, Co, Rh, Cr and Ti compounds.
Other elements :
S, Si, B and l compounds.
Unit - 2 Oxidation :
Introduction Different oxidative processes.
Hydrocarbons - alkenes, aromatic rings, saturated C-H groups (activated and unactivated).
Alcohols, diols, aldehydes, ketones, ketals and carboxyalic acids.
Amines, hydrazines, and sulphides.
Oxidations with ruthenium tetraoxide, iodobenzene diacetate and thallium (III) nitrate.
Unit - 3 Reduction :
Introduction Different reductive processes.
Hydrocarbons - alkanes, alkenes, alkynes and aromatic rings.
Carbonyl compounds - aldehydes, ketones, acids and their derivatives Epoxides.
Nitro, nitroso, azo and oxime groups.
Unit - 4 Rearrangements :
General mechanistic considerations - nature of migration, migratory aptitude, memory effects.
A detailed study of the following rearrangement - pinacolone, Wagner - Meerwein, Demjanov, Benzil
Benzilic acid, Favorskii, Arndt-Eisters synthesis, Neber, Backmann, Hofman, Curtius, Schmidt, Baeyer-
Villiger, Shapiro reaction.
Unit - 5 Matallocences, Nonbenzenoid Aromatics and Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds :
General considerations, synthesis and reactions of some representative compounds.
Books Suggested :
1. Modern Synthetic Reactions, H.O. House, W.A. Benjamin.
2. Some Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis, W. Carruthers, Camthers, Cambridge University Press.
3. Advanced Organic Chemistry Reactions Mechanisms and Structure, J. March, John Wiley.
4. Principles of Organic Sysnthesis, R.O.C. Norman and J.M. Coxon, Blackie Academic & Professional.
5. Advanced Organic Chemistry Part B.F.A. Carey and R.J. Sundberg, Plenum Press.
6. Rodd's Chemistry of Carbon Compounds, Ed. S. Coffey, Elsevier.
Unit - 1 Disconnection Approach :
An instruction to synthetic and synthesis equivalents, disconnection approach, functional group inter -
conversions, the importance of the order of events in organic synthesis, one group C-X and two group
C-X disconnections, chemo selectivity, reversal of polarity, cyclisation reactions, amine synthesis.
Unit - 2 Protecting Groups :
Principle of protection of alcohol, amine, carbonyl and carboxyl groups.
One Group C-C Disconnection :
Alcohols and carbonyl compounds, regioselectivity. Alkenes synthesis, use of acetylenes and aliphatic
nitro compounds in organic synthesis.
Unit - 3 Two Group C-C Disconnections :
Diels-Alder reaction, 1-3 difunctionalised compounds, -unsaturated carbonyl compounds, control in
carbonyl condensations, 1-5 - difunctionalised compounds. Michel addition and Robinson annulations.
Unit - 4 Ring Synthesis :
Saturated heterocycles, synthesis of 3-, 4-, 5- and 6- membered rings, aromatic heterocycles in organic
Unit - 5 Synthesis of Some Complex Molecules :
Application of the above in the synthesis of following compounds : Camphor, Longifoline, Cortisone,
Reserpine, Vitamin D, Juvabione, Aphidicolin and Fredericamycin A.
Books Suggested :
1. Designing Organic Synthesis, S. Warren, Wiley.
2. Organic Synthesis - Concept, Methods and Starting Materials, J. Fuhrhop and G. Penzillin, Verlage VCH.
3. Some Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis . W. Carruthers, Cambridge University Press.
4. Modern Synthesis Reactions, H.O. House, W.A. Benjamin.
5. Advanced Organic Chemistry : Reactions, Mechanisms and Structure, J. March, Wiley.
6. Principles of Organic Synthesis, R. Norman and J.M. Coxon, Blackie Academic & Professional.
7. Advanced Organic Chemistry Part B.F.A. Carey and R.J. Sundberg, Plenum Press.
Unit -1 Concept in Molecular Orbital (MO) and Valence Bond (VB) Theory :
Introduction to Huckel molecular orbital (MO) method as a means to explain modern theoretical methods.
Advanced techniques in PMO and FMO theory. Molecular mechanics, semi empirical methods and ab into
and density functional methods. Scope and limitations of several computational programmes.
Quantitative MO theory - Huckel molecular orbital (HMO) method as applied to ethene, allyl and
butadiene. Quantitative MO theory - ionisation potential. Electron affinities MO energy levels. Orbital
symmetry. Orbital interaction diagrams. MO of simple organic system such as ethene, allyl, butadiene,
methane and methyul group conjugation and hyper conjugation. Aromaticity.
Valence bond (VB) configuration mixing diagrams. Relationship between VB configuration mixing and
resonance theory. Reaction profiles. Potential energy diagrams. Curve crossing model-nature of
activation barrier in chemical reactions.
Principles of Reactivity :
Mechanistic significance of entropy, enthalpy and Gibb's free energy. Arrhenius equation. Transition state
theory. Uses of activation parameters, Hammond's postulate. Bell - Evens - Polanyi principles. Potential
energy surface model. Marcus theory of electron transfer. Reactivity and selectivity principles.
Kinetic Isotope Effect :
Theory of isotopes. Primary and Secondary kinetic isotope effects. Heavy atom isotope effects.
Tunneling effect. Solvent effects.
Unit - 2 Structural Effects on Reactivity :
Linear free energy relationships (LFER). The Hammett equation, substituent constants, theories of
substituent effects. Interpretation of s values. Reaction constant r. Deviations from Hammett equation.
Dual - parameter correlations, inductive substituent constant. The Taft model, sl and sR scales.
Solvation and Solvent Effects :
Qualitative understanding of solvent-solute effects on reactivity. Thermodynamic measure of solvation.
Effects of solvation on reaction rates and equilibria. Various empirical indexes
of solvation based on
physical. Properties, solvent -
sensitive reaction rates, spectroscopic properties and scales for specific
solvation. Use of solvation scales in mechanisms studies. Solvent effect from the curve - crossing model.
Unit - 3 Acids, Based, Electrophiles, Nucleophiles and Catalysis :
Acid - base dissociation. Electronic and structural effects, acidity and basicity. Acidity functions and
their applications. Hard and soft acids based. Nucleophilicity scales. Nucleofugacity. The s- effect.
Ambivalent nucleophiles. Acids-base catalysis - specific and general catalysis. Bronsted catalysis.
Nucleophilic and electrophilic catalysis. Catalysis by non covalent binding - micellar catalysis.
Steric and Conformational Properties :
Various type of steric strain and their influence on reactivity. Steric
acceleration. Molecular measure -
ments of steric effect upon rates.
Steric LFER. Conformational barrier to bond rotation - spectroscopic
detection of individual conformers.
Acyclic and monocyclic systems. Rotation around partial doubles.
Winstein - Holness and Curtin - Hammett principle.
Unit - 4 Nucleophilic and Electrophilic Reactivity :
Structure and electronic effects on SN1 and SN2 reactivity. Solvent effects. kinrtic isotope effects.
Intramolecualr assistance. Electron transfer nature of SN2 reaction. Nucleophilicity and SN2 reactivity
based on curve-crossing model. Relationship between polar and electron transfer reactions. SRN1
mechanism. Electrophilic reactivity, general mechanism. Kinetic of SE2- A reaction structural effects on
rates selectivity. Curve-crossing approach to electrophilic reactivity.
Radical Per cyclic Reactivity :
Radical stability, polar influences, solvent and steric effects. A curve crossing approach to radical addition
factors effecting barrier heights in additions, regioselectivity in radical reactions.
Reactivity, specificity and per selectivity in per cyclic reactions.
Unit - 5 Sup molecular Chemistry :
Properties of covalent bonds - bond length, inter-bond angles, force constant, bond and molecular dipole
moments. Molecular and bond polarizability, bond dissociation enthalpy, entropy, intermolecular force,
hydrophobic effects. Electrostatic, induction, dispersion and resonance energy, magnetic interactions,
magnitude of interaction energy, force between macroscopic bodies, medium effects. Hydrogen bond.
Principles of molecular association and organization as exemplified in biological macromolecules like
enzymes, nucleic acids membranes and model systems like micelles and vesicles. Molecular receptors
and design principles. Crypt ands, cellophanes, calixerances, cyclodextrines. Supramolecular reactivity
and catalysis. Molecular channels and transport processes. Molecular devices and Nan technology.
Books Suggested :
1. Molecular Mechanics, U. Burkert and N.L. Allinger, ACS Monograph 177, 1982.
2. Organic Chemistry's Book of Orbitals. L. Salem and W.L. Jorgenson, Academic Press.
3. Mechanism and theory in Organic Chemistry, T.H. Loery and K.C. Richardson, Harper and Row.
4. Introduction to Theoretical Organic Chemistry and Molecular. Modeling, W.B. Smith, VCH, Weinheim.
5. Physical Organic Chemistry, N.S. Lsaacs, ELBS/ Longman.
6. Supramolecular Chemistry; Concepts and Perspectives, J.M. Lehn, VCH.
7. The Physical Basis of Organic Chemistry, H. Maskill, Oxford University Press.
Unit - 1 Basic :
Importance of polymers. Basic concepts : Monomers repeat units, degree of
polymerization. Liner,
branched and network polymers.
Classification of polymers polymerization: condensation, addition, radical
chain-ionic and co-ordination and co-polymerization. Polymerization condition and polymer reactions.
Polymerization in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems.
Unit - 2 Polymer Characterization :
Polydispersion-average molecular weight concept. Number, weight and viscocity average molecular
weights. Polydispersity and molecular weight distribution. The practical signification of molecular weight.
Measurement of molecular weights. End group, viscocity, light scattering. osmotic and ultracentrifugation
methods. Analysis and testing of polymers chemical analysis of polymers, spectroscopic methods, X-ray
diffraction study Microscopy. Thermal analysis and physical testing-tensile strength Fatigue, impact. Tear
resistance. Hardness and abrasion resistance.
Unit - 3 Structure and Properties :
Morphology and order in crystalline polymers-configuration of polymer chains. Crystal structures of
polymer. Morphology of crystalline polymers, strain-induced morphology, crystallization and melting.
Polymer structure and physical properties-crystalline melting point Tm-melting points of homogeneous
series, effect of chain flexibility and other steric factors, entropy and heat of fusion. The glass transition
temperature, Tg-Relationship between Tm and Tg, effects of molecular weight, diluents, chemical
structure, chain topology, branching and cross linking. Property requirements and polymer utilization.
Unit - 4 Polymer Processing :
Plastics, elastomers and fibres. Compounding Processing techniques: Calendering, diecasting, rotational
casting, film casting, injection moulding, blow moulding, extrusion moulding, thermodynaming, foaming,
reinforcing fibre spinning.
Unit - 5 Properties of Commercial Polymer :
Polythylene, polyvinyl chloride, polyamides, polyesters, phenolic resins, epoxy resions and silicone
polymers. Functional polymers - Fire retarding polymers and electrically conducting polymers. Biomedical
polymers-contact lens, dental polymers, artifucial heart, kidney, skin and blood cells.
Books Suggested :
1. Textbook of Polymer Science, F.W. Billmeyer Jr. Wiley.
2. Polymer Science, V.R. Gowariker, N.V. Viswanathan and J. Sreedhar, Wiley-Eastern.
3. Functional Monomers and Polymer, K. Takemoto, Y. lanki and R.M. Ottanbrite.
4. Contemporary Polymer Chemistry H.R. Alcock and F.W. Lambe, Prentice-Hall.
5. Physics and Chemistry of Polymers, J.M.G. Cowie, Blackie Academic and Professional.