
Syllabus for the Introduction of M.Phil. Course in 


[With Effect from June - 2004]

Duration : One year (two terms) as a full time course. Papers I,II and III will be completed in a year and dissertation work will be completed according to convenience of the candidate. But unless and until the viva-

voce exam is complete candidate result will not be declared by the university. The examination pattern will be

as follows :


Paper Duration Marks
I -   Research Methodology 3 Hours 100
II -  Recent Advanced in Plant Sciences 3 Hours 100
III - Elective paper (Experimental Embryology, 
      Environmental Biology Or Plant Systematic).
3 Hours 100
IV - Dissertation related to elective paper 3 Hours 100


Details of the Papers : There will be three theory papers. Each paper is having weightage of marks. Each 

theory paper will be divided into two sections. Section - I and II will carry the weightage of 60 and 40 marks respectively.



Theoretical Principles and Operations of the Followings :


Section - I :

Microscopy, (Including SEM, TEM and Phase contrast microscopy), Micrometry, Photomicrography, Colorimetric,

Spectrophotometry, Chromatography (Paper and TLC) Radiology (Measurement of radioactivity) and Statistical

methods Standard derivation, Regression and analysis of variance).


Section - II

Electrophoresis, Cytochemistry (RNA, DNA, Proteins, Ascorbit acids and enzymes), Cytophotometry, Water, soil

and vegetation analysis, Microbial techniques (Culturing of microbes, maintanance and staining) and manometry

(Evolution of CO and O).



Section - I :

Free radicals and charge transfer complex, action and absorption spectra of biological important compounds 

(chlorophyll, nucleic acids and proteins), thermodynamics, enzymes, photosynthesis including C4 cycle, respiration including photorespiration general dynamics of growth, ion absorption, germination and dormancy 

and plant growth hormones.


Chromosome models and cell cycle, Models of DNA replication, Genetic engineering, Microbial genetics (Bacterial

and viral genetics), Mutation and mutagens.


Concept of ecosystems and energy flow in the bio-sphere, pollution - air, water and noise, productivity of fresh

water and terrestrial ecosystem.


Section - II :

Experimental and analytical studies of embryo genesis, growing apex as an embryo, its behavior and origin in

monocotyledons during germination; Polarity, symmetry, gradient and cytochemistry of the developing embryo

and organs.


Chemical taxonomy. Numerical taxonomy, code of international nomenclature, fossil in relation to the evolution

of angiosperms, marine and forest flora of Gujarat.

PAPER - III Experimental Embryology, Environmental Biology Or Plant Systematic (ELECTIVE)


Experimental Embryology :


Section - I

Ultra structure studies of egg, synergies, antipodal cells, central cell, pollen grain and pollen tube. Studies of in

vitro and in vivo pollen germination. Effects of pH, quality and intensity of lights, mineral elements, growth

hormones and herbicides and pesticides on in vitro pollen germination. Sexual incompatibility and methods to

overcome it.


Anther culture - a technique for haploid plant production, Embryo culture, nucleolus culture and par asexual 



Section - II :

Histochemistry of the reproductive cycle in flowering plants, role of nucleic acids, oxidative enzymes, his tones,

- SH group, insoluble polysaccharides and ascorbic acids as well as their roles in differentiation and their correlations in growing apex, anther, ovule and embryo.


Plant Systematic : 


Section - I :

History of classification based on habit, numerical characters, relationship among major group and phylogeny,

construction of taxonomic groups and evolutionary concepts, principles and nomenclature of classification, taxonomic significance of physiographic areas.


Section - II :

Recent advanced in taxonomy - Numerical taxonomy, cytotaxonomy and biosystematics, method in 

experimental taxonomy, importance to taxonomic research and interpretation, photochemistry and taxonomy, filed and herbarium techniques.


Environmental Biology :


Section - I :

Plant communities, autecology's, gene ecology, biological indicators, ecological energetic, productivity and

action plan for conservation and management of plants. Forest - forest and man, causes of deforestation,

socioeconomic and environmental impacts of deforestation.


Section - II :

Major  ecosystem of the world, world biomes- tropical, temperate, arctic, marine and estuary, biological

controls ecology and human welfare and vegetation zones of India.




    Students have to perform a piece of research work on the topic taken from the elective paper and the same

will be submitted in the form dissertation.
