With Effective from June - 2009
Unit – I
(a) Vector analysis:
Triple Products of Vectors (2.20), Scalar Triple Product (2.21), Some Important Conclusions from Scalar Triple Product (2.22), The Vector Triple Product
A X (B X C) (2.23), Differentiation of a Vector with Respect to time (3.1), Scalar and Vector Fields (3.3), Partial Differentiation and Gradient (3.4), Operations with Ń (3.5), The rate of Flow of flux of a Vector Field (3.8), Vector Integration (3.9), Surface Integral (3.12), Gauss’s Divergence Theorem (3.13), Stoke’s Theorem (3.14), Derivation of Green’s Theorem from Gauss Divergence theorem (3.18)
Basic reference:
Electricity and Magnetism By K.K.Tewari (S.Chand & Company Ltd.)
(b) Simple Harmonic Motion:
Composition of Two Simple Harmonic Motions along the same direction of the same frequency (2.8), Composition of two simple harmonic motions acting upon a particle simultaneously at right angles to each other, same time period but different in phase (2.10), Lissajous Figure (2.11),Experimental determination of Lissajous Figures ( 2.12(a) &(b) )
Basic reference:
A Textbook on Oscillations, Waves and Acoustics - By M.Ghosh & D.Bhattacharya, (S.Chand & Company Ltd.)
(c) Damped And Forced Vibration:
Motion in a resisting medium (3.5), Forced Vibration (3.6 (a)), Amplitude Resonance : Maximum Displacement of the system (3.7),Maximum Energy of the system (3.8)
Basic reference:
A Textbook on Oscillations, Waves and Acoustics - By M.Ghosh & D.Bhattacharya, (S.Chand & Company Ltd.)
Other reference:
1. Mathematical methods in physical sciences By M.L.Boas (John Willey & Sons)
2. Waves And Oscillations By N.Subrahmanyam & Brij Lal
(Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., New Delhi)
Unit – II
(a) Acceleration due to Gravity:
Acceleration due to Gravity (6.1), Compound Pendulum (6.4), Bar- Pendulum (6.9)
Basic reference:
Elements of Properties of Matter By D.S.Mathur (S.Chand & Company Ltd.)
(b) Earthquakes:
Earthquakes – Seismic Waves and Seismographs (7.92), Seismology (7.23), Seismographs (7.24), Galitzin, Seismograph (7.25), Determine of the Epicenter and the Focus (7.26), Modern Applications of Seismology (7.27)
Basic reference:
Elements of Properties of Matter By D.S.Mathur (S.Chand & Company Ltd.)
(c) Mechanics of a Single Particle :
Motion of a Particle Subjected to a Resistive Force (3.3(d) [1 to 5]), Motion of a Charged Particle in Electromagnetic Field (3.4), Motion In a constant Electric Field (3.4(a)), Motion In a Constant Magnetic Field (3.4(b)),Motion in crossed field (3.4(c)).
Basic reference:
Introduction To Classical Mechanics By R.G.Takwale & P.S.Puranik (Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd.)
Other reference:
1. Mechanics & Electrodynamics By Brij lal, N.Subrahmanyam & Jivan
Seshan – (S.Chand & Co.)
2. Classical Mechanics by Goldstain (Narosa Pub.)
Unit – III :
(a) Refraction Through Lenses:
Principal Foci (2.3), Equivalent Focal Length of Two Thin Lenses Separated by a Finite Distance (2.6), Cardinal Points of an Optical system (2.8), Principal Foci and Focal Planes (2.9), Principal Points and Principal Planes (2.10), Nodal Points (2.11) Aberrations(3.1),Spherical aberration in a Lens (3.5),Chromatic aberration (3.12).
(b) Interference:
Interference in thin films (8.15), Interference due to reflected light (8.16), Interference due to transmitted light (8.17), Newton’s Rings (8.23), Determination of the wavelength of sodium light using Newton’s Rings (8.24), Refractive Index of a Liquid using Newtons’s Rings (8.25)
(c) Diffraction and Polarization:
Fresnel and Fraunhofer Diffraction (9.7), Fraunhofer diffraction at Double Slit (9.26), Fraunhofer diffraction at Double Slit Calculus Method (9.27), Distinction between Single Slit and Double slit Diffraction Patterns (9.28), Double Refraction (10.10),
Basic reference: For (a) , (b) & (c)
A Textbook of OPTICS By N.Subrahmanyam & Brij Lal (S.Chand & Company Ltd.)
Other reference:
1. Optics and Atomic Physics By D.P.Khandelval (Himalaya publishing house)
2. Principles of Optics By B.K.Mathur (S.Chand & Company Ltd.)
3. Optics By Ajoy Ghatak (TMH Edition)
Unit – IV :
(a) Heat and Thermodynamics:
Second Law of Thermodynamics (2.8), Carnot’s Theorem (2.9), Thermodynamic Scale of Temperature (2.10), Identity of Perfect Gas Scale and Absolute Scale (2.11), Thermodynamics of Refrigeration (4.2)
(b) Entropy:
Entropy (2.13), Change of Entropy in a Reversible process (2.14), Change of Entropy in an Irreversible process (2.15), Principle of increase of entropy or degradation of energy (2.16), Formulation of the second law in terms of entropy (2.17), Entropy and Second Law (2.18)
(c) Transport Phenomenon:
Transport Phenomenon (6.14), Viscosity (6.15), Thermal Conduction (6.16), Diffusion (6.17)
Basic reference: For (a) , (b) & (c)
Thermodynamics and statistical Physics By Singhal, Agarwal and Prakash (Pragati Prakashan, Meerut)
Other reference:
1. Heat and Thermodynamics By Zeemansky
2. University Physics By Sears, Zeemansky and Young
(Narosa Publishing House)
3. Heat and Thermodynamics By Richard H.Dittmon, &
Mark W.Zemansky (TMH)
4. Heat and Thermodynamics By A.B.Gupta and H.P.Roy (New Central Book)
Unit – V :
(a) Waves:
Theory of Resonator (6.16), Dependence of the Frequency of Resonator on the size and the Shape of the Mouth (6.17), Velocity of Transverse Waves along a Stretched String (7.1), Laws of Transverse Vibration of Strings (7.3), Melde’s Experiment (7.5), Kundt’s Tube (7.13)
(b) Sound:
Musical Sound and Noise (7.16), Speech (7.17), Human voice (7.18), Human Ear (7.19), Characteristics of Musical Sound (7.20), Intensity of Sound (7.21), Measurement of Intensity of sound – Decibel and Phon (7.22), Bel (7.23), Phon (7.24)
(c) Ultrasonic waves:
Ultrasonics (11.23), Production of Ultrasonic Waves (11.24), Piezo-Electric Oscillator (11.24.3), Detection of Ultrasonic Waves (11.25), Applications of Ultrasonic waves (11.27)
Basic reference: For (a) , (b) & (c)
Waves and Oscillations By N.Subrahmanyam and Brij Lal (Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi) – Second Revised Edition.
Other reference:
1. University Physics By Sears, Zeemansky and Young
(Narosa Publishing House)
2. A Text Book on Ocillations, Waves and Acoustics By M.Ghosh &
D.Bhattacharya (S.Chand)
3. Vibration, Waves & Heat By Sears and Zeemansky
Unit – I
(a) Crystal Structure:
Crystalline and Amorphous Solids (1.1), Crystal Lattice and Crystal Structure (1.2), Translational Symmetry, Space, Unit Cell and Primitive Cell (1.3), Symmetry Elements in Crystals (1.4 [1.4.1 to 1.4.6]), The Seven crystal Systems (1.5), Coordination Number (1.5.1), Some importance crystal structure (1.6), Simple Cubic Structure (1.6.1), Body Centered Cubic Structure (1.6.2), Face Centered Cubic Structure (1.6.3), Hexagonal Close Packed Structure (1.6.4), Sodium Chloride Structure (1.6.5), Cesium Chloride Structure (1.6.6), Diamond Structure (1.6.7), Wigner-Seitz Cells (1.7), Miller Indices (1.8), The spacing of a set of crystal planes (1.11),Point Groups (1.12).
(b) X-ray diffraction:
Choice of X-rays, Electrons and Neutrons for Crystal structure determination (2.1), X-ray diffraction according to Bragg (2.2), The Von Laue Treatment (2.3), Laue Method (2.9), Rotating Crystal Method (2.10), Powder Method (2.11)
Basic reference: For (a) & (b)
Solid State Physics By Ajay Kumar Saxena (Macmillan India Limited)
Other reference:
1. Introduction to Solid State Physics By C.Kittle (John Willey)
2. Fundamental of Solid State Physics By Saxena, Gupta, Saxena (Pragati Prakashan)
3. Elements of Solid State Physics by J.P.Srivastava(PHI).
Unit – II
(a) D.C. Circuits:
Simple R-L Circuit - Growth and Decay of Current Helmholtz equitation (11.24), R-C Circuit (11.25), Measurement of high resistance by method of leakage (11.26), Comparison of capacities by De Sauty’s Method (11.27), Ideal L-C. Circuit (11.28), Series LCR Circuit (Charge case only) (11.29),
(b) A.C. Bridges:
A.C. Bridges (17.5), Maxwell’s Bridge (17.6.1), Owen Bridge (17.6.2), De Sauty’s A.C. Bridge (17.7.1), Schering Bridge (17.7.3)
(c) Network Theorems:
Superposition Theorem (18.5), Thevenin’s Theorem (18.6), Norton’s Theorem (18.7), Maximum Power Theorem (18.8)
Basic reference: For (a) , (b) & (c)
Electricity and Magnetism By K.K.Tewari (S.Chand & Company Ltd.)
Other reference:
1. Electrical Circuit Analysis By Sony and Gupta
2. Network Analysis By G.K.Mittal (Khanna Publications)
3. Electricity and Magnetism By D.C. Tayal
Unit – III
(a) Electrostatics:
Gauss’s Law (4.21), Gauss’s Law in Differential Form (4.22), Gauss’s Law and Coulomb’s Law (4.23), Force on The surface of a charged Conductor (4.25), Electrostatic Energy in the medium surrounding the charged conductor (4.26), Millikan’s Oil drop Method for Determination of Electronic charge (4.29), Derivation of Poisson’s, Laplace Equations and Uniqueness Theorem (5.9),
(b) Steady Current:
Current and current density (8.6), Conservation of Charge i.e., Continuity Equation (8.8), Ohm’s Law at a Point (8.11), Wiedmann and Franz Law (8.13), The Relaxation Time (8.14), The Hall Effect (9.16)
(c) Electromagnetic Induction:
Self Inductance and Mutual Inductance – Only Introduction (11.12, 11.16), Measurement of Self Inductance by Rayleigh’s Method (11.15), Measurement of Mutual Inductance (11.23)
Basic reference: For (a) , (b) & (c)
Electricity and Magnetism By K.K.Tewari (S.Chand & Company Ltd.)
Other reference:
1. Electricity and Magnetism by Mahajan and Rangwala.
2. Electricity and Magnetism - Berkley Physics Course Vol-II
Unit – IV
(a) Rectifier and filter circuits:
The Half Wave Rectifier (2.2),Voltage regulation (2.3),Ripple factor(2.4) Ratio of Rectifications (2.5),Transformer utilization factor (2.6),The Full Wave Rectifier (2.8),The Bridge Rectifier (2.9),The Inductor filter (3.1),The Capacitor filter (3.3),Ripple factor (3.4),The Choke input filter (3.9),Ripple factor in LC filter (3.10),Value of Critical inductance (3.11),The CLC filter (3.13)
Basic reference:
Electronic Devices & Circuits by Allen Mottershead (PHI Pvt.Ltd)
(b) Zener & Tunnel Diode:
Zener diode and its characteristics (6.1), The Voltage regulator circuit (6.3), Effect of temperature on zener diode (6.7), The Tunnel Diode (6.11),
Basic reference:
Electronic Devices & Circuits by Allen Mottershead (PHI Pvt.Ltd)
(c) Transistors:
(Review of Construction of transistor)
Transistor current components (4.18), Detailed Transistor Leakage currents (4.18-1), C-B Configuration static characteristics (4.19-1), Load line (4.21), Operating point (4.22)
Basic reference:
Hand Book of Electronics by Gupta & Kumar (Pragati Prakashan, Meerut-Revised addition)
Other reference:
1. Electronics and Radio Engineering by M.L.Gupta.
2. Basic Electronics and Linear circuits by Bhargva Kulshreshth & Gupta
TMH Edition
3. Elements of Electronics by Bagde & Singh.
Unit – V
(a) Atomic Spectra:
Bohr’s theory and motion of the nucleus (2.13), Evidences in favour of Bohr’s Theory [2.14 (i) to (iii)], Franck-Hertz experiment (2.16), Critical potentials (2.17) Shortcomings of Bohr’s Theory (2.19), Summerfield extension of Bohr theory (2.20)
Basic reference:
Atomic and Molecular Physics By Raj Kumar (Campus Books)
(b) Historical Quantum Theory & Schrodinger equation:
Difficulties with Classical Mechanics (1.1), Black Body Radiation (1.3), Shortcomings of the old Quantum theory (1.17)
A free particle in one dimension (2.1), Generalization to three dimensions (2.2), The operator correspondence and the Schrodinger equation for a particle subject to forces (2.3),
Basic reference:
Quantum Mechanics by John L. Powell and Bernd Crasemann (for Arti.1.1, 1.3, &1.17)
A Textbook of Quantum Mechanics By P.M.Mathews and K.Venkatesan (TMH)
(for Arti. 2.1, 2.2&2.3)
(c) Radioactivity:
(Review of Radioactive decay laws, half life, mean life time etc.)
Radioactive growth and decay (2.6) Ideal equilibrium (2.7) Transient equilibrium and secular equilibrium (2.8) Radioactive series (2.9)
Basic reference:
Nuclear Physics by S.B.Patel (New age International (p) Ltd. Publishers)
Other reference:
1. Atomic Physics by Rajam (S. Chand New Delhi)
2. Quantum mechanics by Powell and Creaseman
3 Nuclear Physics by Kaplan
1. Bar Pendulum : Determination of ‘K’ and ‘g’
2. Damping coefficient, Relaxation and quality factor in the damped motion of a simple Pendulum.
3. M.I. of a Fly wheel.
4. Verification of Steafan’s law using A.C.Source.
5. Calibration of Spectrometer.
6. Double Refraction by Calcite prism.
7. Newton’s rings : Determination of R and l using sodium light.
8. Melde’s Experiment.
9. Study of Resonator.
10. Refractive index of liquid using convex lens.
11. Study of line spectra.
12. To determine the magnetic moment of a given Bar magnet using deflection magnetometer in Gauss A and B position.
13. To determine the ratio of magnetic moments of two magnets by using vibrational magnetometer.
14. Arrangement of Spectrometer for parallel rays using Schuster method and find out refractive index of prism.
1. Determination of the capacity ‘c’ of condenser.
2. Determination of self inductance ‘L’ of Inductor.
3. Study of the series resonance with frequency variation.
4. Study of parallel resonance with frequency variation.
5. Decay of Potential across condenser.
6. Study of transformer.
7. P-N Junction diode as Half Wave Rectifier (i) Without filter (ii) With Series inductor Filter (iii) With Shunt Capacitor Filter.
Calculation of percentage of regulation.
8. P-N Junction diode as Full Wave Rectifier (i) Without filter (ii) With Series inductor Filter (iii) With Shunt Capacitor Filter.
Calculation of percentage of regulation.
9. Bridge Rectifier (i) Without filter (ii) With Series inductor Filter (iii) With Shunt Capacitor Filter. Calculation of percentage of
10. V-I characteristics of Zener diode and its use as Voltage regulator.
11. Verification of Thevenin’s theorem.
12. Verification of Maximum power transfer theorem.
13. Characteristics of common Emitter Transistor.
14. Basic Logic Gates AND , OR , NOT
The Proposed New Course in PHYSICS is based on Model curriculum of the University Grant Commission for under graduate classes are redesigned in accordance with New Education Policy.
Objectives : -
To update course contents by introductory recent development in PHYSICS to ensure the students of this country do not have any academic disadvantages over their counterpart’s overseas.
To meet the growing demands of specialization and advanced courses in applied and pure science.
To help the colleges to update and modernize their laboratories.
Physics syllabus for the B.Sc. (Physics) students
"Each paper of the theory and practical is to be completed by assigning six periods per week (3 periods for the theory per paper and 3 periods for practical per paper per batch) of minutes."
The number of student in a practical batch should not exceed Fifteen.
There will be two courses in theory and two practical in the university examination. The pattern will be as follows :
Marks |
External |
Internal |
Theory (Written) |
Paper-I |
3 Hours |
70 |
30 |
Paper-II |
3 Hours |
70 |
30 |
Practicals |
Group-I |
3 Hours |
35 |
15 |
Group-II |
3 Hours |
35 |
15 |
* The syllabus of each course has been divided into 5 units.
* One question must be set from each unit with internal option.
* As far as possible, proportionate weightage of the marks should be given to different sub-unit (heads) of
each unit.
* Each question will have 3 sub question. (a), (b) and (c) detailed as under
(a) Theory question
8 Marks
(b) Objective question
3 Marks
(c) Example / Problem
3 Marks
Total Marks of each question 14 Marks
The weightage of the marks given to each unit are as follows :
Unit wise Content |
No. of Periods Alloted |
Weightage of Marks |
UNIT - I |
Vector Analysis |
18 |
14 |
* Acceleration due to Gravity * Earthquakes * Mechanics of a Single Particle |
18 |
14 |
* Refraction Through Lenses * Interference * Diffraction and Polarization |
18 |
14 |
* Heat and Thermodynamics * Entropy * Transport Phenomenon |
18 |
14 |
UNIT - V |
* Waves * Sound * Ultrasonic Waves |
18 |
14 |
90 |
70 |
The weightage of the marks given to each unit are as follows :
Unit wise Content |
No. of Periods Alloted |
Weightage of Marks |
UNIT - I |
Crystal Structure |
18 |
14 |
D.C. Circuits * Network Theorems |
18 |
14 |
* Electrostatics * Electromagnetic Induction |
18 |
14 |
* Rectifier and filter circuits * Zener & Tunnel Diode * Transistors |
18 |
14 |
UNIT - V |
* Atomic Spectra * Historical Quantum Theory & Schrödinger equation * Radioactivity |
18 |
14 |
90 |
70 |