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First Year B.Sc.  


Effective from June-2008


 v     The syllabus of Biology Paper-I has been divided into Five units. The periods allotted and weight age of marks given to

       each units are as follows.

 Unit      Title of the unit                                                                                   Periods                      Marks

   1        (A) Akaryotic and Prokaryotic world                                          20                         14

             (B) Eukaryotic world- Cryptogams (Thallophytes)

   2        (A) Eukaryotic world- Cryptogams (Embryophytes)                      20                         14

             (B) Eukaryotic world- Phanerogams (Seed bearing plants)

   3        (A) External Morphology of Plants                                             20                         14

             (B) Angiosperm Taxonomy

   4        (A) Plant Anatomy                                                                 20                         14

             (B) Plant Ecology

   5        (A) Bio-chemistry and Plant Bio-technology                                20                         14

             (B) Plant Physiology



                                             Total                                                            100                               70

 v     UNIT: 1

 (A)    Akaryotic and Prokaryotic world

            (a)   Classification of living world:

                   Whittaker’s Five -kingdom system.

            (b)   Microorganisms:

                   Features distinguishing Prokaryotic cells from Eukaryotic cells. Distinguishing characteristics of major groups of

                   Microorganisms: Algae, Viruses, Bacteria, Protozoa and Fungi.

            (c)   Viruses:

                   Structure of TMV (Tobacco Mosaic Virus).

            (d)   Bacteria:

                   Classification based on shape and flagella.

                   Types of Nutrition in Bacteria.

                   Economic importance of Bacteria.

            (e)   Cyan bacteria (Blue-Green Algae):

                   Ultra structure of Cyanophycean cell.


(B)    Eukaryotic world- Cryptogams (Thallophytes)

                                 (a)    Algae: General characters: habitat, thallus, pigments, pyrenoids, flagella, food storage and reproduction. Economic

                                         importance (as food & fodder) of Algae.

          (b)    SPIROGYRA: Classification (Smith, 1955), habitat, thallus, cell structure, reproduction and life-cycle with pattern


          (c)    Fungi: General characters: habitat, thallus, mycelium, cell structure, nutrition and reproduction. Economic importance (as

                  food and medicine) of Fungi.

                         (d)    MUCOR : Classification (Ainsworth,1973), habitat, thallus, nutrition, reproduction and  life-cycle with pattern diagram.     


              v     UNIT: 2


                      (A)    Eukaryotic world- Cryptogams (Embryophytes)


                              (a)     Bryophyta: General characters: Thallus, reproduction, sporophyte structure and alternation of generations.

                              (b)     FUNARIA [ Moss] :

                                       Classification (Proskauer,1957), habit-habitat, thallus (external and internal structure), reproduction and sporophyte

                                       structure (except development).

                              (c)     Pteridophyta: General characters: Plant body (sporophyte), reproduction, gametophyte and alternation of generations. 

                              (d)     NEPHROLEPIS [ Fern] :

                                       Classification (Smith,1955), habit-habitat, sporophyte (external), reproduction,  internal structure of fertile leaflet and

                                       gametophyte (except  development).


                      (B)    Eukaryotic world- Phanerogams (Seed bearing plants)

                              (a)     Gymnosperms:    General characters : Plant body (Sporophyte external structure), reproduction, gametophyte, fertilization

                                       and alternation of generations.

                              (b)     CYCAS :

                                       Classification ( Taylor,1981), habit-habitat, Sporophyte (external structure), reproduction and gametophyte (except


                              (c)     Angiosperms: General characters: Plant body (sporophyte), reproduction, gametophyte and alternation of generations.

                              (d)     HELIANTHUS [ Sun-flower] :

                                       Classification (Bentham and Hooker, 1862-80), habit-habitat, sporophyte (external    structure), reproduction

                                       (inflorescence and florets) and gametophyte (except development).


v     UNIT: 3

(A)    External Morphology of Plants

       (a)        Leaf:

                   Phyllotaxy: Alternate, Opposite – superposed and decussate, Whorled.

                   Stipules: Free-lateral, Adnate, Interpetiolar.

                   Venation: Reticulated and Parallel (All types).

                   Incision: All types.

                   Simple and Compound leaves: Pinnate and Palmate (All types).

       (b)        Inflorescence:

                   Racemose: Raceme, Spike, Umbel, Capitulum.

                   Cymose:Solitary, Monochasial (Helicoid and Scorpoid), Dichasial and Polychasial cyme.

       (c)        Flower:

                           Kinds:    Actinomorphic and Zygomorphic, Hypogynous and Epigynous, Tri_, Tetra_ and     Pentamarous.

                           Calyx, Corolla and Perianth : Numbers and Unity.

                           Aestivation: Valvate, Twisted, Imbricate, Quinquencial, Vexillary.

                           Androecium: Number, Union, Mono_, Di_ and Polydelphous, Connective position Dorsifixed, Basifixed and Versatile.

                           Gynoecium : Number, Free or United.

                           Placentation : Axile, Marginal, Parietal and Basal.

        (d)       Fruits:

                           Simple fruits: Caryopsis, Loculicidal capsule, Drupe, Berry, Etareo of  barries, Sorosis.


(B)   Angiosperm Taxonomy

                   Studies of families:

                   Distinguishing characters and classification as per Bentham and Hooker (1862-80) of the following families including floral

                   formula, floral diagram and botanical names (any five) of economically important plants:-

          (a)     Malvaceae,

          (b)     Solanaceae,

          (c)     Nyctaginaceae and

          (d)     Amaryllidaceae.

 v     UNIT: 4

(A)  Plant Anatomy

          (a)    Types of tissues :

                  Meristematic Tissue : Characteristics, Types on the basis of position in plant body.

                  Permanent Tissue :

                        Simple      :   Parenchyma (Simple, Arenchyma, Chlorenchyma) Collenchyma, Sclerenchyma.

                        Complex    :   Xylem, Phloem and Transfusion tissue.

          (b)     Epidermal Tissue System:

                   Epidermis: Single-layered, Multi-layered.

                   Stomata: Hibiscus and Maize.

                   Outgrowths: Unicellular, Multicelluar- unbranched and branched trichomes.

          (c)     Vascular bundles: Radial, Conjoint – Collateral and Open, Collateral and Closed; Bicollateral;                                              Concentric- Amphicribal, Amphivasal.

          (d)     Normal Secondary growth : Sunflower stem, Sunflower root.


(B)    Plant Ecology

          (a)     Concept and scope of Environmental Biology: Definitions of Hydrosphere, Atmosphere and Biosphere.

          (b)     Ecosystem: Definition, kinds and structure of Ecosystem, Food chain and Food web, Ecological pyramids.

          (c)     Biotic interactions:

                   Parasitism : Cuscuta, Loranthus.

                   Mutualism : Lichen, Root nodules in leguminous plant.

          (d)     Ecological adaptations : Classification (on the basis of water requirements), External and    internal features of

                   Hydrophytes and Xerophytes.

v     UNIT: 5

(A)    Bio-chemistry  and Plant Bio-technology

          (a)     pH scale and Buffers and their importance to living organisms.

          (b)     Chemical Bonds : Ionic bond and Covalent bond

          (c)     Plant tissue culture : Nutrition Medium (MS), Sterilization, Callus culture.

          (d)     Major steps of Recombinant DNA technology.

          (e)     Application of  Plant bio-technology in Agriculture.


(B)    Plant Physiology

          (a)     Water: Structure of water molecule, Properties of water.

          (b)     Plant water relations :


                   Osmosis :     Definition, types and importance.

                   Plasmolysis and Deplasmolysis.

                   Imbibition and its importance.

          (c)     Growth : Definition, Role of Meristem in growth, Course of growth and Factors affecting growth.

          (d)     Reproduction :

                   Methods of Reproduction in plants : Vegetative, Asexual and Sexual.


Practical Curriculum in Biology



   v     UNIT: 1

(A)   Akaryotic and Prokaryotic world 

                     - Structure of TMV (Chart)

                     - Cyanophycean cell (Chart and Permanent slide)

(B)   Eukaryotic world-Non Embryophytes

                     (a)  Mountings of :

                            Spirogyra – Vegetative (Thallus structure), Conjugation types.

                            Mucor – Mycelium, Sporangia

                     (b)  Permanent slides of :

                            Spirogyra – Thallus (W.M.), Scaleriform and Lateral conjugation

                            Mucor – Mycelium (W.M.), Sporangia, Gametangial fusion, Zygospore


   v     UNIT: 2

 (A)  Eukaryotic world- Embryophytes (Non-flowering plants)

                     (a)   Mountings of :

                            Funaria - Sex organs, Spores, Peristomal teeth.

                            Nephrolepis - Vegetative leaflet, T.S. of leaflet passing through sorus, Sporangia, Spores.

                     (b)   Permanent slides of :

                            Funaria - Sex organs, L.S. of capsule, Peristome, Protonema.

                            Nephrolepis - T.S. of leaflet passing through sorus, Prothallus (W.M.), Prothallus with sporophyte (W.M.).

                     (c)   Class work material of :

                            Moss with Sex organs, Moss with Sporophyte / Capsule.

                            Fern plant- Vegetative, Leaflet with sori.

 (B)   Eukaryotic world- Embryophytes (Flowering plants)

                     (a)   Mountings of :

                            Cycas - Microspores

                            Helianthus - Rayfloret and discfloret                                                            

                     (b)   Permanent slides of :

                            Cycas – T.S. of leaflet, T.S. Microsporophyll, Pollen grains,  L.S. of ovule.

                            Helianthus - T.S. of anther, L.S. of ovule for the study of embryosac, stigma with germinated pollen grains.

                     (c)   Class work material of :

                            Cycas plant, Coralloid roots, Male cone, Microsporophyll, Megasporophyll,

                            Helianthus plant with inflorescence.


   v     UNIT: 3

  (A)   Morphology :

                     (1)  Leaf

                     Phyllotaxy :

                     Alternate : Distichous – Polyalthia; Tristichous – Cyperus; Pentastichous - Shoeflower

                     Opposite  : Superposed – Quisqualis; Decussate - Calotropis Verticillate (Whorled) : Nerium

                     Stipules  : Free lateral – shoeflower; Adnate – Rose; Interpetiolar - Ixora              

                     Venation : Reticulate : Pinnate (Unicostate) – Ficus; Palmate (Multicostate) convergent – Zizyphus; Palmate        

                                  (Multicostate) divergent - Ricinus

                     Parallel  : Pinnate (Unicostate) - Canna; Palmate (Multicostate) convergent - Maize; Palmate (Multicostate) divergent

                                  Fan palm

                     Incision : Pinnte incision : Pinnatifid- Chrysanthemum leaf; Pinnatipartite – Angemone mexicana leaf;Pinnatisect -


                     Palmate incision : Palmatifid - Cotton leaf; Palmatipartite -Ricinus leaf; Palmatisect - Ipomoea palmata leaf

                     Simple and compound leaves : Simple : Shoe flower Compound :  Pinnate compound :    Unipinnate-Paripinnate –

                                  Cassia; Imparipinnate – Rose;  Bipinnate : Caesalpinia pulcherrima ; Tripinnate – Moringa;  Decompound –                                  Coriander Palmate compound : Unifolioate – Citrus;  Bifoliate – Balanites;  Trfoliate – Aegle;  Digitate

                                  (Multifoliate) – Bombax.

            (2)     Inflorescence :

                     Racemose : Raceme – Caesalpinia; Spike – Achyranthes; Umbel - Simple – Onion; Compound – Coriander; Capitulum -                                  Sunflower

                     Cymose : Solitary -Terminal – Datura; Axillary – Shoeflower; Monochasial -Helicoid – Hamelia; Scorpoid – Heliotropium;

                                  Dichasial – Clerodendrum; Polychasial - Calotropis

            (3)     Flower : Actinomorphic – Shoeflower; Zygomorphic - Pea or bean; Hypogynous - Datura ; Epigynous - Coccinia

                            Calyx               :  Polysepalous - Mustard; Gamosepalous - Datura

                            Corolla             :  Polypetalous - Mustard; Gamopetalous - Datura

                            Perianth           :  Crinum

                            Aestivation       :  Valvate - Calyx of Datura; Twisted - Corolla of Hibiscus; Imbricate - Crotalaria / Bean

                                                     Quincuncial - Corolla of Citrus / Murraya / Calyx of Ipomoea                                                                                       Vexillary – Butea / Pea flower

                            Androeciun      :   Cohesion     - Monadelphous – Shoeflower;

                                                     Diadelphous -Bean or Pea;  Polyadelphous - Bombax

                                                     Adhesion     - Epipetalous - Datura

                                                     Anther         - Sagittate – Thevetia; Versatile - Crinum

                            Gynoecium       :  Apocarpous – Rose;  Syncarpous - shoeflower

                            Placentation     :  Axile – Shoeflower;  Marginal - Pea or bean

                                                     Parietal -  Argemone; Basal - Sunflower

            (4)     Fruit :

                            Caryopsis - Maize or Wheat; Loculicidal Capsule - Cotton

                            Fleshy - Drupe – Mango; Berry - Tomato or Brinjal                

                            Etario of berry - Anona squamosa; Sorosis – Pineapple or Morus


 (B)   Taxonomy :

                    Study of the following families through locally available plants:

                    Malvaceae, Solanaceae, Nyctaginaceae and Amaryllidaceae. Study should be done through a twig with flower, flower,

                    Insertion and union of calyx, corolla, Androecium and Gynoecium, T.S. of  ovary, floral formula and floral diagram.


   v    UNIT: 4

 (A) Plant Anatomy :

                    - Meristematic tissue Types (Chart)

                    - Permanent tissue (Fresh sections, Permanent slides)

                    - Study of deramal tissue system :

                       (a)     Mountings of :

                                Multiple epidermis -Banyan leaf, Nerium leaf Stomata -Shoeflower leaf and Maize leaf

                                   Hairs -   Unicellular – Gossypium

                                   Multicellular - Uniseriate - Tridax

                                   Multiseriate - Withania

                       (b)     Types of vascular bundles through permanent slides

                       (c)     Study of Secondary growth in root and stem of Sunflower                                                                           (through fresh sections and permanent slides)

 (B) Plant Ecology :

                                   Food chain, Food web, Ecological pyramids (Chart)

                                   Biotic Interactions between living organisms :

                                   Mutualism : Root nodules, Lichen (specimen and permanent slides)

                                   Parasitism :Cuscuta (specimen and permanent slide) Loranthes (specimen)

                                   Ecologycal adaptations (through hand sections and permanent slides)

                                   Hydrilla stem; Eichhornia petiole; Nerium leaf; Capparis stem


v     UNIT: 5

             (A)      Bio-chemistry  and Plant Bio-technology

                        Messurement of pH of plant juices (Potato, Lemon fruit and Apple fruit).

                        Recombinant DNA technology ( Chart).

             (B)      Plant Physiology

                        To show the process of Osmosis through potato osmoscope.

                        To show the process Exosmosis by using green graps and salt solution.

                        To show the process of  Plasmolysis in Rheo leaf peeling.

                        To demonstrate the growth in length through arc indicator.

                        To demonstrate the process of imbitition.

                        Reproduction:    L.S. passing through Gemma cup (Permanent Slide).

                                              Bulbils of Dioscorea and Agave (Specimens).


1.         Specimens A and B:

            Fresh / Preserved specimens of following plant species :

             (1)    Spirogyra -Vegetative, Conjugation

             (2)    Mucor  - Mycelium with sporangiphores, Sporangia

             (3)    Funaria - Vegetative, Sex organs, Sporophyte.

             (4)    Nephrolepis – Vegetative, Leaflet containing sori.

             (5)    Cycas – Vegetative,  Microsporophyll, Megasporophyll

             (6)    Helianthus - A twig with inflorescence, Rayfloret, Discfloret                               


2 (a)     Specimen C :

            (1)     T.S. of Cucurbita stem to show various plant tissues.

            (2)     T.S. of Sunflower stem to show various plant tissues.

            (3)     L.S. of Curcurbita stem to show various thickenings in xylem.

            (4)     T.S. of Sunflower root (secondary growth)

            (5)     T.S. of Sunflower stem (secondary growth)

            (6)     T.S. of Cycas leaflet to show transfusion tissue.    


     (b)   Specimen D :

            Mountings of reproductive organs :

            (1)     Spirogyra conjugation

            (2)     Mucor sporangia

            (3)     Funaria - Sex organs, spores, peristomal teeth

            (4)     Nephrolepis - Sporangia, spores

            (5)     Cycas - Microspores

            (6)     Helianthus - Rayfloret and discfloret


3 (a) Specimen E :

            Prefarably locally available plants of the following families

            (1)     Malvaceae                       -      Hibiscus,  Abutilon

            (2)     Solanaceae                      -      Datura, Solanum

            (3)     Nyctaginaceae                  -      Bougainvillea, Mirabilis

            (4)     Amaryllidaceae                  -      Crinum,Pancratium,Polianthes



   (a) Specimen E :

            Ecological adaptations:

            (1)     Hydrilla stem     

            (2)     Eichhornia petiole

            (3)     Nerium leaf

            (4)     Capparis stem


3 (b)     Specimen F :

            Measurment of pH :

            (1)     Potato extract

            (2)     Lemon fruit juice

            (3)     Apple fruit juice


3 (b)     Specimen F :

            Perform following physiological experiment:

            (1)     To show the process of osmosis through potato osmoscope.

            (2)     To show the process exosmosis by using green graps and salt solution.

            (3)     To show the process of  Plasmolysis in Rheo leaf peeling.


6.         Identification              

            Spot - 1 :      - Structure of TMV (Chart)

                               - Cyanophycean cell (Chart, Permanent slide)

            Spot – 2 and 3 :

            Leaf :

                     (a) Phyllotaxy :

                                Alternate :    Distichous – Polyalthia, Tristichous – Cyperus, Pentastichous – Shoeflower

                                Opposite  :    Superposed – Quisqualis,Decussate – Calotropis, Verticillate (Whorled) : Nerium

                     (b) Stipules : Free lateral - shoeflower

                                        Adnate - Rose

                                        Interpetiolar - Ixora                                                                                                                  

                     (c) Venation :Reticulate : Pinnate (Unicostate) - Ficus

                                                        Palmate (Multicostate) convergent - Zizyphus

                                                        Palmate (Multicostate) divergent - Ricinus

                                        Parallel     : Pinnate (Unicostate) - Canna

                                                        Palmate (Multicostate) convergent - Maize

                                                        Palmate (Multicostate) divergent - Fan palm

                     (d) Incision : Pinnte incision   : Pinnatifid- Chrysanthemum leaf

                                                               Pinnatipartite - Angemone mexicana leaf

                                                               Pinnatisect - Marigold

                                       Palmate incision : Palmatifid - Cotton leaf

                                                               Palmatipartite -Ricinus leaf

                                                               Palmatisect - Ipomoea palmata leaf

                     (e)  Simple and compound leaves : 

                                       Simple : Shoeflower

                                       Compound : Pinnate compound : Unipinnate - paripinnate - Cassia

                                                                                   imparipinnate - Rose

                                                                                   Bipinnate : Caesalpinia pulcherrima

                                                                                   Tripinnate - Moringa

                                                                                   Decompound - Coriander

                                                   Palmate compound :     Unifoliate – Citrus, Bifoliate – Balanites,   

                                                                                   Trfoliate – Aegle, Digitate (Multifoliate) - Bombax

                                                          Inflorescence :     Racemose:     

                                                                                   Raceme – Caesalpinia,           

                                                                                   Spike – Achyranthes,

                                                                                   Umbel - Simple – Onion, Compound - Coriander ,

                                                                                   Capitulum – Sunflower

                                                                  Cymose :     Solitary -Terminal – Datur, Axillary – Shoeflower,

                                                                                   Monochasial -Helicoid – Hamelia,

                                                                                   Scorpoid – Heliotropium,

                                                                                   Dichasial – Clerodendrum,

                                                                                   Polychasial - Calotropis

                                                                   Flower :     Actinomorphic – Shoeflower; Zygomorphic - Pea or bean;

                                                                                   Hypogynous – Datura; Epigvnous – Coccinia

                                                                    Calyx  :     Polysepalous - Mustard; Gamosepalous - Datura

                                                                  Corolla  :     Polypetalous - Mustard; Gamopetalous - Datura

                                                                 Perianth :     Crinum

                                                            Aestivation  :     Valvate - Calyx of Datura,

                                                                                   Twisted - Corolla of Hibiscus,

                                                                                   Imbricate - Crotalaria / Bean,

                                                                                   Quincuncial - Corolla of Citrus / Murraya / Calyx of Ipomoea,

                                                                                   Vexillary – Butea / Pea flower

                                                           Androeciun   :     Cohesion   - Monadelphous – Shoeflower, Diadelphous - Bean or Pea,

                                                                                   Polyadelphous - Bombax

                                                                                   Adhesion   - Epipetalous - Datura

                                                                                   Anther  - Sagittate – Thevetia, Versatile - Crinum

                                                         Gynoecium     :      Apocarpous - Rose

                                                                                   Syncarpous - shoeflower

                                                        Placentation   :      Axile - Shoeflower

                                                                                   Marginal - Pea or bean

                                                                                   Parietal -  Argemone

                                                                                   Basal - Sunflower

                                                                    Fruit  :      Caryopsis - Maize or Wheat                   

                                                                                   Loculicidal Capsule - Cotton

                                                                                   Fleshy - Drupe - Mango

                                                                                   Berry - Tomato or Brinjal            

                                                                                   Etario of berry - Anona squamosa

                                                                                   Sorosis – Pineapple or Morus

                                                Spot - 4 :        

                                                        Plant Anatomy :

                                                                            - Meristematic tissue Types (Chart)

                                                                            - Permanent tissue (Permanent slides)

                                                                            - Permanent slides of  :

                                                                              Multiple epidermis -Banyan leaf, Nerium leaf

                                                                              Stomata -Shoeflower leaf and Maize leaf

                                                                              Hairs -   Unicellular - Gossypium

                                                                              Multicellular - Uniseriate - Tridax

                                                                              Multiseriate - Withania

                                                                           - Types of vascular bundles through permanent slides

                                                                           - Study of Secondary growth in root and stem of Sunflower                                                                               (through fresh sections and permanent slides)

                                                         Plant Ecology :

                                                                              Food chain, Food web, Ecological pyramids (Chart)

                                                                              Biotic Interactions between living organisms :

                                                    (1) Mutualisum :  Root nodules,

                                                                            Lichen (through specimen and permanent slides)

                                                    (2) Parasitism   :  Cuscuta (specimen and permanent slide)

                                                                            Loranthes (specimen)

                        Bio-chemistry  and Plant Bio-technology :

                        Major steps of Recombinant DNA technology (chart).


             Plant Physiology :

             (1) To demonstrate the growth in length through arc indicator.

             (2) To demonstrate the process of imbitition.

             (3) Reproduction :   L.S. passing through Gemma cup (Permanent Slide). Bulbils of Dioscorea and Agave (Specimens).



The syllabus of Biology paper-II has been divided into five units. The periods allotted and weight age of marks given to each units are as follows:










Structural organization




Human Physiology








Environmental Biology & Wild-life








                a)  History, scope and importance

                     b)  Classification up to class with characters and examples (Protozoa to Echinodermata)


                          a)  Entamoeba:Structure, Life cycle, Pathogenicity

                     b)  Leucosolenia:General structure, Body wall (L.S. & T.S.), Canal System, Reproduction

                     c)  Liver fluke: Structure, Life history, Pathogenicity          

                     d)  Earthworm: External characters, Body wall, and Coelomocytes, Locomotion, Digestive system,

                                                Circulation system,Nervous system, Excretion system, Reproductive system, Economic important


                    a)  Reproduction: Gemetogenesis, Ovulation, Menstrual cycle, Fertilization and Gestation

                    b)  Blood :Composition, Clotting mechanism

                          Thalasemia, Haemophilia, AIDS  (basic knowledge)

v  UNIT: 4-CYTOLOGY [Ultra structure and function (in brief)]


                                             Cell Membrane

                                             Lysosomes, Nucleus, Centrioles,

                                             Endoplasmic reticulum,

·                                            Cell division


                     a) Environmental biology:   

                         Types, Importance Controlling measures of different types of pollutions Solid waste management of local area

                     b) Wild life:                          

                         Amniotic faunal diversity of Gujarat & Local faunal

                         diversity in general and their status.

                         Conservation with relation to Sanctuaries

                         (Nalsarovar, Jesor, wild ass sanc. Kutchchh,Balaram / Ambaji) and National parks (Gir,Velavadar, Vansada, Marine)

                         Awareness programme for wild life protection and  conservation



(1) Classification up to class with reasons.


Protozoa: Amoeba, Paramoecium, Euglena, Plasmodium, Monocystis

Porifera: Leucosolenia, Euplactella, Euspongia

Coelenterata: Hydra, Jelly fish, Sea anemone, Coral, Obelia

         Plathyhelminthes:Planaria, Liver fluke, Tape worm

         Nemethelminthes: Ascaris, Waucheria

         Annelida:Neries ,Leech, Arenicola

         Arthropoda: Peripatus, Prawn, Centipede, Grasshopper, Scorpion, Beetle,Butterfly, Moth

         Mollusca: Chiton, Pila, Unio, Octopus

         Echinodermata: Starfish, Brittle star, Sea urchin, Sea cucumber, Feather star


(2) Dissection:                       

     Earthworm: External characters, Digestive system, Nervous system Reproductive   system

     Mounting  : Setae, Blood gland, Septal nephridia, Spermatheca, Ovary


(3) Permanent Slides:

     Entamoeba histolytica (W.M.)

     Leucosolenia -L.S. & T.S.

     Liver fluke: Meracidium, Sporocyst, Radia, Cercaria, Metacercaria,

                    T.S. of  body wall

     Earthworm T.S. thro Pharynx, T.S. thro Typhlosolar region,

                    T.S. thro’ Gizzard Reprodutive 

                    T.S. of Testis,

                    T.S. of Ovary (Mammalian)

     Blood  (Demonstration)

              -Blood smear 

              -Identification of blood corpuscles

              -Clotting & bleeding time

(4) Mitotic division in Onion root tip
(5) Estimation of free CO2 in water of any water body


        A. Sanctuaries and national park (Thro’ charts, as per theory)

        B. Arrangement of local tour or Education tour to study wild life and biodiversity

        C. Preparation of Tour report

        D. To prepare checklist of studied fauna

            4.  Dissection:                     Earthworm

                     (1) Digestive system

                     (2) Reproductive system

                     (3) Nervous system

            5  (a)  Temporary preparation (Earthworm)                                                             

                     (1) Setae

                     (2) Blood gland

                     (3) Septal nephredia

                     (4) Spermathica

                     (5) Ovary                  

               (b) Temporary mouthing of mitosis


               (b) Estimation of Free CO2   .


             6.     Identification

                     Spot – 5 and 6:

                         Protozoa: Amoeba, Paramoecium, Euglena, Plasmodium, Monocystis

                         Porifera: Leucosolenia, Euplactella, Euspongia

                         Coelenterata: Hydra, Jelly fish, Sea anemone, Coral, Obelia

                         Plathyhelminthes: Planaria, Liver fluke, Tape worm

                         Nemethelminthes: Ascaris, Waucheria

                         Annelida: Neries ,Leech, Arenicola

                         Arthropoda: Peripatus, Prawn, Centipede, Grasshopper, Scorpion,Beetle,Butterfly, Moth

                         Mollusca: Chiton, Pila, Unio, Octopus

                         Echinodermata: Starfish, Brittle star, Sea urchin, Sea cucumber, Feather star

                    Spot –7and 8:

                         Entamoeba histolytica: (W.M.)

                         Leucosolenia: L.S. & T.S.

                         Liver fluke: Meracidium, Sporocyst, Radia, Cercaria,

                         Metacercaria, T.S. of  body wall

                   Spot –9:

                        Reprodutive: T.S. of Testis, T.S. of Ovary (Mammalian)

                        Blood: (Demonstration)

                                 -Blood smear 

                                 -Identification of blood corpuscles

                                 -Clotting & bleeding time

                     Spot –10:

                          Sanctuaries (Nal sarovar, Jesor, wild ass sanc. Kutchchh, Balaram/Ambaji) & National Parks (Gir, Velavadar,

                          Vansada, Marine)


References: ---


    Unit        Name of the Books                                                 Author(s)


    1(A)     Bacteria, Viruses and Fungi                                       H.C. Dubey

               Microbiology                                                           Pelczar, Chan, Krieg

               The Bacteria                                                          Verma J.P.

    1(B)      Morphology and Taxonomy of Fungi.                           Bessey E.A.

               Algae                                                                    Vasishtha B.R.

               Lil (Guj.)                                                                B.S. Vaidya

               An Introduction to Fungi                                           H.C.  Dubey

               College Vanaspati Shatra (Guj.)                                  B.L. Punjani

               Cryptogamic Botany Vol. I and II                                G.M.  Smith

               Fug Vidya (Guj.)                                                      Udwadiya

               Fungi                                                                     B.R.  Vasishtha

               Introductory Mycology                                              C.J.  Alexopoulos

               The Fungi                                                               P.D. Sharma

2(A)        Bryophyta                                                                B.R.  Vasishtha

               Bryophyta                                                               N.S. Parihar

               Dwiangi Vanaspatio (Guj.)                                          Udwadiya & Parikh

               Pteridophyta                                                            P.C. Vasishtha

               Pteridophyta                                                            N.S.  Parihar

2(B)        Gymnosperms                                                            P.C. Vashishta

               Gymnosperms                                                          B. Johri & Biswas

               Gymnosperms                                                          Bhatnagar & Moitra

               The Embryology of Angiosperms                                 S.S. Bhojwani & S.P. Bhatnagar

               The Embryology of Angiosperms                                 P. Maheshwari

               Triangi Vanaspatio (Guj.)                                          Udwadiya & Parikh

3(A)        Comparative Morphology of Vascular Plants                   A.S. Foster & E.M. Gifford

               The Morphology of Vascular Plants                             K.R. Sporne

3(B)        A Text Book of Systematic Botany                              R.N. Sutaria

               An Introduction to Taxonomy of Angiosperms               Y.D. Tyagi & S.Kshetrapal

               Angiosperms Taxonomy                                            B.P. Pandey

               Modern Plant Taxonomy                                           N.S. Sugbramanyam

               Plant Taxonomy                                                      O.P. Sharma

               Sapuspi Vanaspati na Kulo (Guj.)                               Dr. J.V. Joshi

               Taxonomy of Angiosperm                                         V. Singh & D.K. Jain

               Taxonomy of Angiosperms                                        B.P. Pandey

               Taxonomy of Angiosperms                                        P.C. Vashishta

4(A)        Anatomy of Seed Plants                                            V.Singh & D.K. Jain

               Plant Anatomy                                                       B.P. Pandey

               Plant Anatomy                                                       K. Esau

               Plant Anatomy                                                       A Fahn

               Vanaspati Peshividya (Guj.)                                      P.J. Chandurker

4(B)         A Text Book of Plant Ecology                                     R.S.  Ambasht

               Basic Ecology                                                        E.P. Odum

               Concept of Ecology                                                E.J. Kormondy

               Elements of Ecology                                               P.D. Sharma

               Environmental Studies : The Earth as a Plant              D.B. Stokin & E.A. Keller

               Manual of Plant Ecology                                          K.C. Mishra

               Modern Concept of Ecology                                     H.O. Kumar

               Plant & Environment                                               R.F. Dauvenmire

               Plant Communities                                                  R.F. Dauvenmire

               Plant Ecology                                                        R.S. Shukla & Chandel

               Plant Ecology (Guj.)                                               Dani

               Plant Ecology                                                        J.E. Weaver & F.E. Clements

               Principles of Ecology                                               P.S. Verma, Agrawal

5(A)        Biochemistry                                                          A.C. Lehnigar

               Fundamentals in Biochemistry                                  J.L. Jain

               Intoduction to Plany Biotechnology                           H.S. Chawla

               Plant Biotechnology                                               K.G. Ranawat

5(B)        Fundamentals of Plant Physiology                               V.K. Jain

               Plant Physiology                                                    V.  Verma

               Plant Physiology                                                    S.N. Pandey , B.K. Sinha

               Plant Physiology                                                    R.M. Delvin

               Plant Physiology                                                    P.S. Verma & P.K. Agarwal

               Plant Physiology                                                    F.B. Salisbury & C.W. Ross

               Water Relations in Plant                                          P.J. Kramer

               General A Text Book of Botany Vol. I                         Pandey et. al

               A Text Book of Botany Vol. II                                   Pandey et. al

               Apusp Vanaspati Vignan and Asmibhut

               Vanaspati Vignan (Guj.)                                          Udwadiya

               Botany for Degree Student                                      A.C. Dutta

               College Botany Vol. I to IV                                      S.Sundra Rajan

               College Botany Vol. I, II & III                                   Gangulee S.C., Das K.S., Dutta, C.D. & Kar

               Practical  Practical Botany Vol. I & II                         Kumar & Bendre

               Prayogik Vanaspati Shastra (Guj.)                             J.V. Joshi & H.K. Patel

               Practical Physiology & Ecology (Guj.)                         B.R. Pandit