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F. Y. B. Sc.

New Pattern of Industrial Chemistry Course at Graduate Level (Effective from June - 2003)


        The Students who desire to, keep the Industrial Chemistry subject as additional subject at graduate level have to study one additional paper each year this subject from F.Y.B.Sc. to T.Y.B.Sc., beside their chemistry papers. Each paper is divided into five units of equal marks. It is compulsory for the students to pass in each paper in the examinations. Each year there will be one practical per week. Durations of practicals will be of three to four periods. The number of students in the practical; batch will not exceed 20.


Pattern of Examinations :


Theory Examination :-


        Each paper of 100 marks - 70 marks for external examination and 30 marks for internal examination. In each paper six questions will be asked with internal options in the examination. Out of six questions one question with consist of objective sub questions asked from each unit.



Paper No.

Duration in examination




3 hrs




3 hrs




3 hrs



Practical Examinations :-

         Each year the practical examination will be of 50 marks (35+15 marks). Duration of the examination will
         be 03 hours.


Paper-I Industrial Chemistry

Unit :- 1



    (C) Scenario of chemical industries of Gujarat and India.


Unit - II

    (1)    Sources of organic chemicals.

  1. Petroleum, crude oil and natural gases : Fractions of crude oil, cracking reforming, hydro foaming isomerism.

  2. Coal : Origin and Formation of coal, cleaning and storage of coal, chemistry of coal, chemical constitution of coal, secondary fuels and other products derived from coal, coal gas and coke oven gas, coal tar. carbonization of coal. gasification and Lignifications of coal.

    (2)    Sources of Inorganic Chemicals :

  1. Ores and minerals : Types of Ores and Minerals, Details account of their occurrence. Basic metallurgical operations for the extraction of pure metals.

  2. Chemicals from sea.

Unit - III

            Synthesis of :

  1. Nitrogen products : Ammonia synthesis, Ammonium nitrate, Urea.

  2. Phosphorous products compounds used as fertilizers :Phosphorous, Phosphoric Acid (Only Short Note)

  3. Chlorine Products : Chlorine alkali products, Electrolytic production of sodium hydroxide-Mercury cell process, Diaphragm cell process and Membrane cell process, Bleaching powder and sodium hypo chloride

Unit - IV

            Chemical Engineering :

  1. Material balance without chemical reaction : Flow diagram for material balance, General balance equation, Material balance techniques for distillation and absorption

  2. Material balance with chemical reaction : Concept of limiting reaction, Conversion, Yeild and Selectivity, Examples of Material balance calculation.

  3. Energy Balance : Energy balance equation & techniques, Calculation of energy transformation.

Unit - V

          Chemical Engineering :.

  1. Fluid Flow : Types of fluid flow in pipes, study of different types of pumps and its proper selection criteria.

  2. Heat Transfer : Mechanism of heat transfer, General low of heat transfer, Calculation of heat transfer in different type of heat exchanger.

  3. Mass Transfer : Type of separation Process : Distillation, Ion-Exchanger method.

  4. Process Control : Fundamentals of Process control, Different type of numerical calculation.

Reference Books

  1. Stoichiometry (S.I. Units) By B.I. Bhatt & S.M. Vora.

  2. Industrial chemistry By B.N. Chakreberthy

  3. Industrial chemistry By Riegel & Kent

  4. Industrial chemistry By Arora & Singh

  5. An introduction to Industrial chemistry Edited by Alan Healon-Blanckie Academic Professional

  6. Outlines of Chemical Engineering By Dryden, edited by Gopal Rao.

  7. Chemical Process Industries-By Shreve

  8. Industrial chemicals-faith etal, wieley International, New York.

  9. Mass transfer operations Rebert Trey bal, McGraw Hill.

  10. Process Heat Transfer-D.Q.Kern, McGraw Hill Co.

  11. Heat and mass transfer O.P.Singth

  12. Fundamentals of Engg-Heat and Mass Transfer R-C- Sachieve wieley Ltd.

  13. Chemical process control, george stenphenopou lis, Prentice Hall.

  14. Principles of process control, D.Patranshia McGraw Hill book Co.

  15. Process control, peter Harriat.

  16. Industrial Chemistry By B.K. Sharma Goel Publication.

  17. The Chemical Industrial - second edition Edited by Alan Heaton.

  18. Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer-Kundson and Katz.

  19. General Chemical Technology-Shukla and Pandey

  20. "Sroichemetry for chemical engineers" Willians & Johson McGraw Hill, Kogakusl a Ltd.

  21. Chemical engineering calculations Shukle & Pandey Lion press kanpur.

  22. Chemical Process principles-Part-I.A.O. Hougone K.M. Waston, Jehn wiley. and asia publication.


Section - I

1. To prepare standard solution of NaOH/KOH.

2. To determine the morality of commercial acid sample.

3. To analyze given sample of lime stone for its calcium contents by EDTA

4. To analyze cupro-nicket alloy for its cu contents by KI and sodium thiosuphate.

5. To determine the molecular condition of benzoic acid in benzene by the method of partition coefficient.

6. To determine the partition coefficient of iodine between water and carbon tetrachloride.

7. To determine the viscosity of given oil at different temperature by redwood viscometer.

8. To determine the flash point of oil by pensky - martits apparatus.

9. To determine the surface tension of liquid by drop number method.

10. To determine the PH of given solution using glass electrode [with dissociation constant]

Section - II

 Journal of laboratory work  


Paper-II Industrial Chemistry


Unit  1    (a)    Dimensions and Units : Basic chemical calculations, Atomic weight, molecular weight, equivalent weight, mole, composition of (I) liquid mixtures (II) gaseous mixture. (page : 1-60 Ref. : 2) (6 Marks).

                  (b)    Material Balance without chemical Reactions flow diagram for material balance, Simple material balance with or without recycle or by-pass for 

                      chemical engineering  operations such as distillation, absorption, crystallisation, evaporation etc.  (page : 60-97 & 316-390 Ref. : 2) (8 Marks)

Unit  2    (a)    Material Balance involving chemicals Reaction : Concept of limiting reactant- Conversion, yield, Liquied phase reaction, Gas phase reaction, with/ without recycle or by pass Energy Balance  : Heat Capacity or Pure Gases, and Gaseous mixture at constant pressure, sensible heat Changes in liquids, enthapy changes. (page : 113-316 Ref. : 2) (8 Marks)

                  (b)    Utilities in chemical Industry :

                  Fuel :    Types of Fuels, Advantages and disadvantages combustion of fuels, calorific value, specification for fuel oil.   

                       Water :   Specification for industrial various water treatment, steam generation and use.

                       Air :        Specification for industrial use, processing air.  (6 Marks).

Unit  3      Unit operation in chemical industrial part -I

                       Distillation : Introduction, Batch and contiuous distillation, separation of azeotropes  plate colums and packed columns (page : 521-587 Ref. : 1,- page : 262-290 Ref. : 3)

                       Absorption : Introduction, Equipments, packed columns, sray columns buble columns, packed bubble columns, mechanically agitated contactors. (page 686-736 Ref. : 1, page : 291-299 Ref. : 3)

Unit  4      Unit operation in chemical industry part -II

                       Evaporation : Introduction, Equipment, short tube (Standard) evaporator, forced circulation evaporators, falling film evaporators. climbing film (up  ward  flow) evaporators, wiped (agitated) film evaporator.

                       Filteration : Introduction, filter media and filter aids, equipment, plate and frame filter, nuch filter, rotary drum filter sparklet filter, candlr filter, bag 

                       filter, cantrifuge. 

                       Drying : Introduction, free moisture, bound mostrure, drying curve, equipment, tray dryer, rotary dryer, flash dryer, fluid bed dryer, drum dryer, spray  dryer. (14 Marks)  

Unit  5       Unit operation in chemical industrial part -III

                       (a) Crystallization :-  Introduction, solibility, nucleation, supersaturation, crystal growth, equipment tank crystallizer, evaporator crystallizer, agitated  crysta- llizer, draft crystallizer. (page : 882-910 Ref. : 1, page : 310-319 Ref. :  3)

                       Extraction :- Introduction, mixing of liquid solid-solid, liquid -solid system. (page : 623-633 Ref. : 1)

                       Mixing :-     Introduction, mixing of liquid- liquid, solid-solid, liquid-solid system. (page : 257-267 Ref. :  1, page : 99-118 Ref. :  3)    

                       (b)  Fluid flow :-    Fans , blowers, compressor, vaccum pumps, Ejector pumps, Reciprocating pumps, Gear pumps, Centrifugal pumps. (page: 191-214  Ref. : 1)  Heat transfer :-  Heat Exchanges, shell and Tube type, finned tube heat exchangers, plate heat exchangers, refrigeration cycle.

                        (6 Marks)   (page : 427-456 Ref . : 1, page : 239-247 Ref. :  3)

Reference Books:

                   1.    Unit operation of chemical engineering warren L. Mc. Cabe, Julian C. Smith, peter Harriout.

                        2.    Stochiometry (S.I.Units) by B. I. Bhatt and S. M. Vora.

                        3.    Unit operations by Dr. D. D. Kale, Dr. D. G. Dixit, Prin S. S. Majmundar.

                        4.    Industrial chemistry by B. N. Riegel  Chakrabarthy

                        5.    Industrial chemistry by Riegel & Kent.

                        6.    Industrial chemistry by Arora & Singh.

Title of Experiments


                  1.    To prepare standard solution of NaOH/KOH.

                        2.    calibration of thermometer.

                        3.    To determine the molarity of commercial acid sample.

                        4.    To analyse the given sample of dolomite for its calcium and magnesium by EDTA.

                        5.    To analyse the given sample of lime stone for its calcium contents by EDTA.

                        6.    To analyse the cupro-nickel alloy for its Cu content by KI and sodium thiosul phate.

                        7.    To analyse the brass for its Zn content by EDTA.

                        8.    To determine the saponification value of an oil or fat sample

                        9.    To determine calcium and magnesium  in given sample of sea water by EDTA.(with calculation of  hardness)


                  1.    To determine the molecular condition of benzoic acid in benzene by the method of partition coefficient.

                        2.    To determine the partition coefficient of iodine between water and carbon tetrachloride.

                        3.    To determine the percentage composition of sulphuric acid phosphoric acid by conductometric.

                        4.    To determine the viscosity given oil at different temperature by Redwood viscometer.

                        5.    To determine the flash - point of oil by pensky - martits apparatus.

                        6.    Separation of mixture of methylene blue and flourescin (or Nickel- cabalt) on alumina column.

                        7.    To separate and identify the dyes by thin layer chromatography.

                        8.    To determine the surface tension of liquid by drop number method.+

                        9.    To study the effect of surfactant on surface tension of Toluene / Xylene.

                       10.   To determination of the PH of given solution using glass electode (with- dissociation constant).


                   Demonstration experiments :-
                       1    Acquaintance with measures in laboratory.                         2.    Fractional distillation.                 3.    Fractional crystallisation.                       

                       4.    Separate and identify the amino acids using circular paper chromatography                              5.    Boiling point diagram.


                         Dissertation Report :-


                        1.    (a) Name of Industry :-

                               (b) Place :-

                        2.    Area of Industry :

                        3.    Product (with procedure in short)

                        4.    List of instrument/ machinary in plant with flow-diagram.


    5.    Laboratory Application (Q.C.)

    6.    List of chemicals (Raw material in details)

    7.    Uses of product (in short)

    8.    Total Production per anum.


                  1.    Journal of Laboratory work.

                        2.    Demostration practical and its theory.

                        3.    Desertain Report : (Minimum Two) (In separate) with signature of the plant-incharge of industry.

Reference Book for Practical :

                        1.    Experiment in analytical chemistry by Dr. M. N. Desai, Dr. C. B. Shah & Dr .C. R.  Vora..

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