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Bachelor of Science
Third  B.Sc.  (Hons.) Physics
Effective from June, 2005

Paper - VI Mathematical, Physics, Classical, Mechanics & Quantum Mechanics


Unit - 1    Mathematical Physics :

(a)    Curvilinear Coordinates :

        General Curvilinear coordinates (10.8) Vector operators in orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates (10.9)

        Note : The expressions for Divergence and curl are not to be derive but directly expressions are to be 

Basic Reference :

Mathematical Methods in Physics Sciences 2nd Edition by M.L. Boas. John Wiley & Sons.

(b)    Differential Equations :

        Some partial differential Equations Physics (2.1), The methods of separation of variables (2.2A), 

        Separation of Helmholtz equation in Cartesian Coordinates (2.2B), Separation of Helmholtz equation in 

        spherical polar cordinates (2.2C), Separation of Helmholtz equation in cylindrical coordinates (2.2D), 
        Laplece's equation in various coordinate system (2.2E).

(c)    Second order differential Equations :

        Ordinary and singular points (3.1), Series solution around and ordinary point (3.2), Series Solution around

        a regular singular point (The method of Forbenius) (3.3), Getting a Second solution (3.4).

(d)    Some Special Functions :

        Bessel's functions (5.1), Bessel's function 2nd kind, Henkel functions (5.2), spherical bessel's functions 
        (5.3) Legendra polynomials (5.4), Associated Legendre polynomials and spherical harmonics (5.5).

Basic Reference : (For b,c and d)

Mathematics Physics by P.K. Chatopadhyay. Wiley East Ltd.

Other References :

1.      Mathematics Physics by B.D. Gupta

2.      Mathematics Physics by H.K. Dass.


Unit - 2    Classical Mechanics :

(a)    Lagrangian Formulation :

        Constraints (8.1), generalized coordinates (8.2), D'aleffibert's principle (8.3), Lagrange's equations (8.4), 
        A general expression for kinetic energy (8.5), Symmetries and the laws of conservation (8.6), Cyclic or 
        ignorable coordinates (8.7), Velocity dependent potential of electromagnatic field (8.8).

(b)    Motion of Rigid Body :

        Euler's theorem (10.1), Angular momentum and kinetic energy (10.2), The inertia tensor (10.3), Euler's 
        equation motion (10.4).

Basic Reference :

Introduction to classical mechanics by Takawale and Puranic THM Publication.


Unit - 3    Classical Mechanics :

(a)    Variation Principles : Lagrange's and Hemilton's Equations :

        Configuration space (11.1), Some techniques of calculus of variation (11.2), Applications of the 

        Variational principles (11.3), Hemilton's principles (11.4), Equivalence of Lagrange's and Newton's 

        equations (11.5), Advantages of the Lagrangion formulation - Electromechanical analogies (11.6), 
        Lagrange's undetermined multipliers (11.7), Lagrange's equation for non-holononiic system 
        (11.8), Application of the Lagrageian method of undetermined multipliers (11.9), Hemilton's equations 
        of motion (11.10), Some applications of the Hamiltonian formulation (11.11), Phase space (11.12), 
        Comments on the Hamiltonian formulation (11.13).

Basic Reference :    

Introduction to classical mechanics by Takawale and Puranic THM Publication.

Other References :

1.      Classical Mechanics, by Goldstein, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi.

2.      Classical Mechanics by Yashwant Waghmare.

3.      Classical Mechanics by N.C. Rana and P.S. Joag, THM.                    


Unit - 4    Quantum Mechanics :

(a)    General formalism of Wave Mechanics :

        The Schrodinger equation and Probability interaction for N-particle system (3.1), The fundamental 
        postulates  of wave mechanics (3.2), Ad joint of an operator and self Adjoin ness, (3.3), The Eigen value

        problem (3.4), Degeneracy (3.5), Eigen values and Eigen functions of self-adjoint operators (3.6), The 
        Dirac delta function (3.7), Observable, completeness and normalization of Eigen functions (3.8), Closer,

        physical interpretation of Eigen values, Eigen function and expansion coefficients (3.9), Momentum eigen

        functions : wave functions in momentum space (3.10), uncertainly Principle (3.11), States with minimum

        value for uncertainly product (3.12), commuting observable : Removal of degeneracy (3.13), Evolution

        of system with time constants of the motion (3.14).

Basic Reference :

A text book of Quantum Mechanics by P.M. Methews and K. Venkateshan, THM.


Unit - 5    Quantum Mechanics :

(a)    Exactly Soluble Eigen Value Problems : The simple harmonic Oscillator :      

        The schrodinger equation and energy eigen values (4.1), The energy eigen functions (4.2), Properties of

        Stationary States (4.3), The abstract operator method (4.4), Coherent States (4.5).

(b)    Angular Momentum and Parity :

        The Angular momentum operators (4.6), The eigen value equation for L: Separation of variables (4.7), 
        Admissibility conditions on solutions : eigen values  (4.8), The eigen functions : Spherical harmonics 

        (4.9), Physical interpretation (4.10), Parity (4.11), Angular momentum in stationary states of systems 

        with Spherical Symmetry (4.12).

(c)    Three Dimensional Square Well potential :

        Solutions in the interior region (4.13), Solutions in the exterior region and matching (4.14), Hydrogen 

        Atom : Solution of the Radial equation : energy levels (4.15), Stationary states wave functions (4.16),

        Discussion of bound states (4.17).

Basic Reference :

A text book of Quantum Mechanics by P.M. Methews and K. Venkateshan, THM.

Other References :

1.      Quantum Mechanics by Ghatak and Loknathan, The Macmillan company of India Limited.

2.      Quantum Mechanics by Fschwabi, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi.

3.      Quantum Mechanics by John, L. Powell and B. Crasemann.

4.      Quantum Mechanics by Schiff.

Paper - VII Nuclear Physics & Molecular Spectra


Unit - 1    Radio Activity :   

(a)    Alpha Rays : Spectra and Decay :

        Range of Alpha Particles (4.ii.1), Disintegration energy of the Spontaneous Alpha-Decay (4.ii.2), Alpha

        Decay Paradox-Barrier Penetration (4.ii.3).

(b)    Beta Rays : Spectra and Decay :

        Introduction (4.iii.1), Continuous Beta ray spectrum-Difficulties in understanding it (4.iii.2), Pauli's

        Neutrino Hypothesis (4.iii.3), Fermi's theory of Beta-Decay (4.iii.4), The Detection of Neutron 
        (4.iii.5), Parity non-conservation in Beta-Decay (4.iii.6).

(c)    Gamma-Ray Emission :

        Introduction (4.iv.1), Gamma-ray emission - selection rules (4.iv.2), Internal conversion (4.iv.3), Nuclear

        Isomerism (4.iv.4).

Basic Reference :

Nuclear Physics (An Introduction) by S.B. Patel, Wiley Eastern Ltd.


Unit - 2    Nuclear Models :

(a)    The Liquid Drop Model of a Nuclear :

        Introduction (5.1), Binding energies of Nuclei : Plot of B/A against A (5.2), Weizsacher's Semi-empirical

        Mass Formula (5.3), Mass Parabolas : Prediction of stability against Beta-decay for members of an 

        isobaric family (5.4), Stability limits against spontaneous Fission (Energy available per Fission & Energies

        of Symmetric Fission only) (5.5).

(b)    The Shell Model of a Nuclear :

        Introduction (7.1), The evidence that lead to shell model (7.2), Main assumptions of a single-particle shell

        model (7.3), Predictions of the Shell model (7.1).

Basic Reference :

Nuclear Physics (An Introduction) by S.B. Patel, Wiley Eastern Ltd.


Unit - 3    Nuclear Physics :

(a)    Nuclear Energy :  

        Introduction (6.1), Neutron Induced Fission (6.2), Asymmetrical Fission-Mass Yield (6.3), Emission of 

        Delayed Neutrons by Fission Fragments (6.4), Energy Released in the Fission of U-235 (6.5), Fission of 

        Lighter Nuclei (6.6), Fission Chain Reaction (6.7), neutron cycle in a Thermal Nuclear Reactor (6.8), 

        Nuclear Reactors (6.9).

Basic Reference :

Nuclear Physics (An Introduction) by S.B. Patel, Wiley Eastern Ltd.

(b)    Elementary Particles :

        Leptons (14.4), Hadrons (14.5), Elementary particle quantum numbers (14.6), Isospin (14.7), Symmetries

        and conservation principles, (14.8), Quarks (14.9), fundamental interactions (14.10).

Basic Reference :

Concept of Modern Physics by A.Beiser. 5th edition, McGraw-Hill.

Other References : (For Unit - I,II and IIIa)

1.      Atomic & Nuclear Physics by Vol.-II by S.N. Goshal. S. Chand, 2001.

2.      Nuclear Physics by Kapla.

3.      Nuclear Physics by Pandya and Yadav.


Unit - 4    Molecular Spectra :

(a)    Types of Molecular energy states and Molecular Spectra : 

        Types of Molecular Spectra (17.2).

          Pure Rotational Spectra :

        Salient Features of Rotational Spectra (18.1), Molecular requirement for Rotational Spectra (18.2), 
        Experimental Arrangement (18.3), The molecular as a rigid rotator : Explanation of rotational spectra 

        (18.4), The Non-rigid Rotator (18.5), The Isotope Effect (18.6).

(b)    Vibrational - Rotational Spectra : 

        Salient Features of Vibrational-Rotational Spectra (19.1), The Molecule as a Harmonic Oscillator (19.2),

        Molecule as Anharmonic oscillator (19.3), Vibrational Frequency and force constant for Anharmonic 

        oscillator (19.4), Molecute as Vibrating Rotator : Fine Structure of Infra-red Bands (19.6).

Basic Reference :

Atomic & Molecular-Spectra by Rajkumar, Kedarnath Ramnath, Delhi.


Unit - 5    Molecular Spectra :

(a)    Raman Spectra : 

        Nature of the Raman Effect (20.1), Experimental Arrangement for Raman Spectra (20.2), Classical theory

        of Raman effect (20.3), Quantum theory of Raman effect (20.4), Raman spectra and molecular structure

        (20.5), Infra-red spectra versus Raman Spectra (20.6).

(b)    Electronic Spectra : Franck - Condon Principle :

        Salient Features of Molecular Electronic Spectra (21.1), Formation of Electronic Spectra (21.2), 

        Vibrational Structure of Electronic Bands System in Emission (21.3), Electronic Band Spectra in Absorption

        (21.4), Rotational Structure of Electronic Band (21.5).

(c)    Classification of Molecular Electronic Spectra :

        Molecular Electronic States (24.1), Symmetry Properties of electronic eigen functions (24.2)

Basic Reference :

Atomic & Molecular-Spectra by Rajkumar, Kedarnath Ramnath, Delhi.

Other References : (For Unit - IV and V)

1.      Molecular spectroscopy by Herz-Berg.

2.      Molecular spectroscopy by Banewell.

Paper - VIII Statistical Mechanics, Solid State Physics, Plasma Physics and Modern Optics


Unit - 1    Statistical Mechanics :

(a)    Statistical Ensembles :

        Fluctuations in the number of particle of a system in a grand canonical ensemble (5.7), reduction of a

        Gibb's distribution to Maxwell's and Boltzman distribution (5.8), Barometric Formula (5.9), Experimental

        verification or Boltzman distribution (5.10), Mixture of gases (5.11).

(b)    Some applications of Statistical Mechanics :

        Statistics of Paramagnetism (6.11), Thermal disorder in crystal lattice (6.12), Non-ideal gases (6.13).

(c)    B.E. and F.D. distribution :

        Symmetry of wave function (8.1), The Quantum distribution functions (8.2), The Boltzman limit of Boson

        and Fermion gases (8.3), Evaluation of the partition function (8.4), Partition function for diatomic 
        molecules (8.5), Equation of state for an Ideal gas (8.6), The Quantum mechanical paramagnetic 
        susceptibility (8.7).

Basic Reference :

Fundamentals of Statistical Mechanics by B.B. Laud. New Age Int. Pub. Copy right, 1998.

Other References :

1.      Statistical Mechanics and Properties of Matter, by E.S.R. Gopal Pub. McMillan Company of India Ltd.

2.      Statistical Mechanics by B.K. Agarwal - Melvin Eisner. New Age Int. Pub.


Unit - 2    Solid State Physics :

(a)    Free Electron theory of metal :

        Thermal conductivity of metals (6.1.2), The F.D. Distribution function (6.3), The Summerfield Model (6.4),

        Density of states (6.4.1), The Free electron gas at O0 K (6.4.2), Energy of electron at O0 K (6.4.3), The

        Electron heat capacity (6.5), The Summerfield theory of conduction in metals (6.6), The Hall coefficient 

(b)    Application to Plasmas, polarities and polarons :  

        Note : (Qualitative description of dielectric constant €(W) should be given equation 10.45 and 10.49).

        Application to Plasma (10.7), Plasma oscillations (10.7.1), Transverse optical mode in plasma (10.7.2),

        Application to optics phonon modes in ionic crystals (10.8), The Longitudinal optics mode (10.8.1), 
        Transverse optics mode (10.8.2), The interaction of electromagnetic waves with optics modes (10.9).

Basic Reference :

Elements of Solid State Physics by J.P. Srivastava, PHI, New Delhi, 2003.

Other References :

1.      Solid State Physics by A.J. Dekker.

2.      Introduction to Solid State Physics by C. Kittel. 7th Edition, John Wiley and Sons (Chapter-6 and 10).


Unit - 3    Solid State Physics :    

(a)    Superconductivity :

        Phenomena without observable Quantization (15.1), Zero resistance and persistent currents (15.1.1), 
        Perfect Diamagnetisms : Meissner Effect (15.1.2), London Equation (15.1.3), Critical Field : Type I and

        Type II super conductors (15.1.4), BCS Theory : A qualitative approach (15.5), Cooper pair formation

        (15.5.1), BCS ground state (15.5.2), Importance predictions of the BCS theory and comparison with

        experiments (15.6), Critical temperature (15.6.1), Ginzburg - Landau Theory (15.7), Magnetic flux 
        Quantization (15.7.1), Coherence Length (15.7.2), Type-II superconductivity (15.7.3), Josephson 

        tunneling (15.7.4), Applications (15.9).

Basic Reference :

Elements of Solid State Physics by J.P. Srivastava. PHI, New Delhi, 2003.

Other References :

1.      Solid State Physics by C. Kittel. John Wiley and Sons.

2.      Solid State Physics by Saxena. Pragati Prakashan.

3.      Solid State Physics by C.M. Kachhawa.


Unit - 4    Modern Optics and Satellite Communication :    

(a)    Lasers and Masers :

        Concept that led to the origin of Master (31.1), Basic principles of Maser operation (31.2 (i) and (ii)), 
        Relation in probabilities of spontaneous and stimulated emission (31.3), Design of Maser : (Basic 

        principles) (31.4), Solid State Maser (31.5), Extension of Maser principle to optical range : Laser (31.6), 
        Rubi laser (sold state laser) (31.7), Gas laser (He-Neon laser) (31.8), Application of laser (31.9).

Basic Reference :

Hand-Book of Electronics by Gupta and Kumar 30th revised Edition reprint 2002. Pragati Prakashan, Meerut.  

(b)    Fiber Optics :

        Introduction (2.1), Total Internal Reflection (2.2.1), Acceptance angle (2.2.2), Numerical Aperture 

        (2.2.3), Skew rays (2.2.4), Electromagnetic mode theory for optics propagation (2.3), Electromagnetic

        waves (2.3.1), Modes in a planar guide (2.3.2), Phase and group velocity (2.3.3), Phase shift with TIR 

        and evanescent field (2.3.4), Goos-Haenchen Shift (2.3.5), Cylindrical fiber (2.4), Modes (2.4.1), Mode-

        coupling (2.4.2), Step index fiber (2.4.3), Graded index fibers (2.4.4).

Basic Reference :

Optics fiber communication (Principles and practicals) by John N. Senior PHI 2nd Edition (1992).

(c)    Introduction to Satellite Communication :

        Historical development of satellites (1.1), Communication satellite system (1.2), Communication satellites

        (1.3), Orbiting satellite (1.4), Satellite frequency Bands (1.5), Satellite Multiple Access Formats (1.6).

Basic Reference :

Satellite communication by Robert M. Gagliard. CBS Distributors. New Delhi 21st Edition reprint in India 2002.


Unit - 5    Plasma Physics :

(a)    Characteristics of a Plasma in a Magnetic Field :

        Description of plasma as a gas mixture (3.1), Properties of plasma in magnetic field (3.2), Force on plasma

        in magnetic field (3.3), Pinch Effect (3.7), Oscillations and waves in the plasma (3.8), Plasma frequency

        (3.8.1.), Maxwell's equation in a homogenous plasma (3.8.2), Electromagnetic or Transverse Oscillations

        (3.8.3), Electrostatic or Longitudinal oscillations (Ba ® = 0) (3.8.4), Oscillations of the plasma (Ba ® ±0) 

        (3.8.5), Hydro magnetic waves (3.8.6), Resonance and cut-offs or reflection points (3.8.7). 

(b)    Hydrodynamic description of the plasma :

        The moment equations (5.1), Derivation of the moment equation (5.2), Magnetohydynamics or MHD (5.3),

        One-fluid model (7) (5.3.1), Two fluid model (7) (3.5.2).

(c)    Applications of Plasma :

        Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions (7.1), Lawson criterion (7.1.1), The Coulomb Barrier (7.1.2), Heating

        and Confinement of the Plasma (7.1.3), Radiation loss of energy (7.1.4), Instability problems (7.1.5), 
        Magnetohydrodymic conversion of energy (7.2), Plasma propulsion (7.3), Other plasma devices (7.4).  

Basic Reference :

Elements of Plasma Physics by S.N. Goswami, New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd., Calcutta. reprint 2000.

Other References :

1.      Introduction to Plasma Physics by F.F. Chen. Plenum Press.

2.      Plasma Physics by S.N. Sen, Pragati Prakashan, Meerut.

Paper - IX Electromagnetics, Energy Technology, Space Science & Computer Science


Unit - 1    Electromegnetics :

(a)    Boundary Value Problems in Electrostatic Fields : Special Techniques :

        Lap lace's Equation (3.1), Introduction (3.1.1), Lap lace's Equation in two dimensions (3.1.3), Lap lace's

        Equation in three dimensions (3.1.4), Boundary conditions and Uniqueness theorems (3.1.5), The method

        of images (3.2), The classic image problem (3.2.1), Induced surface charge (3.2.2), Force and energy

        (3.2.3), Other image problems (3.2.4), Separation of variables (3.3), Cartesian Coordinates (3.3.1), 
        Spherical coordinates (3.3.2), Multiple Expansion (3.4), Approximate Potential at large distances (3.4.1),

        The monopole and dipole terms (3.4.2), Origin of Coordinates in multiple Expansions (3.4.3).

Basic Reference :

Introduction to Electrodynamics by David J. Griffths. 3rd Edition Pearson Education, Asia.


Unit - 2    Electromagnetics :

(a)    Electromagnetic Induction :

        Faraday's law (7.2.1), The Induced Electric Field (7.2.2), Maxwell's Equation : Electrodynamics before

        Maxwell (7.3.1), How Maxwell fixed Ampere's Law (7.3.2), Maxwell's Equations (7.3.3), The Potential

        Formulation : Scalar and Vector Potentials (10.1.1), Gauge Transformations (10.1.2), Coulomb Gauge and

        Lorentz Gauge (10.1.3).

(b)    Electromagnetic Waves :

        Electromagnetic Waves in Vacuum : The Wave equation for E and B (9.2.1), Energy and Momentum in

        Electromagnetic Waves (9.2.3), Electromagnetic Waves in Matter : Propagation in Linear Media (9.3.1),

        Electromagnetic Waves in conductors (9.4.1), The frequency dependence of permittivity (9.4.3).

Basic Reference :

Introduction to Electrodynamics by David J. Griffths. 3rd Edition Pearson Education, Asia. 


Unit - 3    Energy Technology :

(a)    Fundamentals and Applications of Solar Energy :          

        Introduction (3.1), Applications (3.2), Essential subsystems in a Solar energy plant (3.3), Solar energy

        chains (routes) and their prospects (3.4), Terms and definitions of some basic entities (3.4.a), Units of

        solar power and solar energy (3.5), Merits and Limitations of solar energy conversion and utilization 

        (3.6), Energy from the Sun (3.10), Solar constant (3.11), Solar energy collection : Tilt angle of the fixed

        flat plate collector (3.22).

(b)    Solar energy conversion systems and thermal power plants :

        Solar thermal power supply system for space station (4.18), Solar energy from satellite station through

        microwaves to Earth station (4.19), Solar thermo electric converter (4.20).

(c)    Solar Photovoltaic systems :

        V-I characteristics of a solar cell (5.6), Inter connections of solar cell (5.7), Efficiency of solar cell (5.8),

        Spectral response (5.9).

Basic Reference :

Energy Technology by S. Rao and Dr. B.B. Parulekar. Khanna Publisher, Delhi, 1st Edition, 1985.


Unit - 4    Space Science :

(a)    Planetary Atmosphere :

        Planetary System (3.1), Planetary data (3.2), Composition of planetary atmosphere (3.3), Evolution of

        atmospheres (3.4), Origin of life on Earth (3.5), Earth's neutral atmosphere (3.6), Atmospheric divisions

        (3.6.2), Pressure and density variation (3.7), Comparison of planetary atmosphere (3.10).

          Note : Data table should note be asked in exam.

Basic Reference :

An introductory course on Space Science and Earth's Environment. by S.S. Degaonkar Pub. Gujarat University,


(b)    Remote Sensing :

        Introduction :

        1.    Electromagnetic Spectrum

        2.    Human vision

        3.    Remote sensing through photography in the visible and neon infrared.

        4.    Solid state detectors for infrared radiation.

        5.    Television systems.

        6.    Earth features recognition.

Basic Reference :

Introduction Optics Remote Sensing, by P.R. Phisharoty. Pub. I.S.R.O., Banglore.


Unit - 5    Computer Science :

        Problem solving and flow charts : Flowcharting (2.2), looping (2.4), The Connector (2.5), Basic of BASIC :

        Sample program (3.2), Program Analysis (3.3), Getting BASIC in to computer (3.4), Listing and editing

        BASIC program (3.5), Running the program (3.6), Saving and Running BASIC Program (3.7), Merging of

        program (3.8), Erasing Program (3.9), Common Basic Statement (3.10), Constant and Variables : The

        character set (4.1), Constant (4.2), Variable (4.3), Naming the variables (4.4), Getting data into memory

        (4.5), The restore statements (4.6), Expression in BASIC : Introduction (5.1), Arithmetic expressions

        (5.2), Hierarchy of Operations (5.3), Rules of Arithmetic (5.4), Evaluation of Expression LET statement

        (5.5), Relational expressions (5.7).

Basic Reference :

Programming in BASIC by E. Balaguruswamy. 3rd Edition THM. 

Paper - X Electronics


Unit - 1    Network Analysis and Photoelectric Devices :

(a)    Network Transformations :

        Principle of duality (1.3), Reduction of Complicated network (1.4), Conversions between T and p sections 
        (1.5), The bridged-T network (1.6), The Lattice Network (1.7), The Reciprocity theorem (1.9), The 
        compensation theorem (1.12), Driving point impedance, transfer impedance (1.14), The parallel-T 

        network (1.17).

Basic Reference :

Networks, Lines and Fields by J.D. Ryder. Prentice Hall.    

(b)    Photo Electric Devices :

        Classification of Photoelectric devices (27.1), Photoelectric emission (27.3), Photoconductive cells 

        (27.10), Photovoltaic cells (27.11), Characteristics and applications of photovoltaic cells (27.12), Photo-

        juction devices (27.13), Avalanche diode (27.14).

Basic Reference :

Electronics and Radio Engineering by M.L. Gupta. 9th Enlarged Edition reprint 2002. Dhanpat Rai Publication Co.


Unit - 2    Transistor Amplifiers :

(a)    Basic Transistor Amplifiers :

        Grounded Emitter Circuits : Mathematical analysis using h parameter (b) only (9.6), Common Base 

        Amplifiers : Mathematical analysis using h parameter (b) only (9.7), Comparative study of Three types of

        Amplifiers circuits (9.9), Current and Voltage Amplifiers (9.10), Common Emitter Amplifiers with Emitter

        Resistor (9.11), Simplified Common Emitter Hybrid Model (9.12), Effect of An Emitter Bypass Capacitor in

        low frequency Response (9.13), The Physical Model of Common Base Transistor (9.14), T-Model for C.E.

        configuration (9.16).

(b)    Multistage Amplifiers :

        Multistage Transistor Amplifiers (10.1), R-C- coupled Amplifiers (10.2), Transformer Coupled Amplifiers 

        (10.3), Direct coupled Amplifiers (10.4), Effect of cascading on Band width (10.5).

Basic Reference :

Hand Book of Electronics by Gupta and Kumar 30th revised Edition, 2002.


Unit - 3    Feedback Amplifiers and Oscillators :

(a)    Feedback Amplifiers :

        Feedback (11.1), Principle of Feedback Amplifier (11.2), Advantages Negative Feedback (11.3), Reasons

        for negative feedback (11.4), Negative feedback circuit (11.5), Emitter Follower (11.6.1), Current Series

        Feedback (11.7), C.E. Amplifiers with Unbypassed Emitter Resistor (11.7.1), Voltage Shunt Feedback 

        (11.8), Current Shunt Feedback (11.9).

(b)    Transistor Oscillators (Sinusoidal) :

        Tuned Collector Oscillators (14.1), Hatley Oscillator (14.4), Colpitt's Oscillators (Circuit operation and 

        alternative treatment only) (14.5), Phase Shift oscillator (14.6), R-C- Oscillator (14.6.1), Wien Bridge

        Oscillator (14.6.2), Crystal Oscillator (14.7).

Basic Reference :

Hand Book of Electronics by Gupta and Kumar 30th revised Edition, 2002.


Unit - 4    Digital Electronics Power Supply and Thyristors :

(a)    Digital Electronics :

        Number System and Code : Hexadecimal number system (21.2.3), the octal number system (21.2.4), 

        Binary Arithmetic in Computers (21.3), Binary codes : (A) BCD code, (B) Gray code, (C) The Excess-3

        codes (21.4).  (iii) The half adder, (iv) The full adder, (v) parallel adder, subtraction : (vi) half subtractor

        (vii) full subtractor (21.9), The Simplification using Karnaugh Maps (21.10 - Complete), Don't Care 
        Conditions only (21.12), Logic Gate parameters (21.17), Logic Families (21.18), RTL (21.18.1), DTL 

        (21.18.2), TTL - Operation and Advantages only (21.18.3), ECL (21.18.4), MOS and CMOS gates 
        (21.18.5), Comparison of logic families (21.18.6).

Basic Reference :

Hand Book of Electronics by Gupta and Kumar 30th revised Edition, 2002.      

(b)    Regulated DC Power Supply and Thyristors :

        Transistor Series voltage Regulator (25.2), Negative Feed back Voltage Regulator (25.3), Transistor 

        Shunt Regulator (25.4), Transistor Current Regulator (25.5), SCR (26.1), Equivalent circuit of SCR 
        (26.1.1), Terms related to SCR (26.1.2), VI characteristics of SCR (26.1.3), SCR as switch (26.1.4), 

        Triac (26.4), Diac (26.5).

Basic Reference :

Electronics and Radio Engineering by M.L. Gupta 9th Enlarged Edition reprint 2002. Dhanpat Rai Publication Co.


Unit - 5    Modulation and CRO :

(a)    Types of Modulation :

        Introduction (20.1), Expression for Amplitude modulated voltage (20.2), Wave form Amplitude voltage 

        (20.3), Side band produced in Amplitude modulated wave (20.4), Modulated power output (20.5), 
        Frequency Modulation (20.6), Frequency deviation and carrier swing (20.7), Modulation index (20.8, 

        20.8.1. to 20.8.3), Expression for frequency modulated wave (20.9), Phase modulation (20.10), Pulse

        modulation (20.12).

Basic Reference :

Electronics and Radio Engineering by M.L. Gupta 9th Enlarged Edition reprint 2002. Dhanpat Rai Publication Co.

(b)    C.R.O. :

        CR Tube (3.5), Electrostatic Deflection Sensitivity (3.5.1), Magnetic Deflection Sensitivity (3.5.2), CRT

        connections (3.5.3), Uses of C.R.O. (3.5.4).

Basic Reference :

Hand Book of Electronics by Gupta & Kumar 30th revised Edition, 2002.

Practical Paper - I


1.    Acceleration due to gravity (g) using Kater's pendulum. (with movable and fixed knife edges)

2.    Young modulus 'Y' by Koening method.

3.    Determination of thermal conductivity 'K' of a rubber tube.

4.    Study of Thermocouple.

5.    To determine the Activation energy 'Eg' of a semiconductor.     

6.    e/k using Power Transistor.

7.    Study of Hall effect (To determine RH).

8.    Velocity of sound in air using CRO.

9.    To determine the velocity of ultrasonic wave in liquid using ultrasonic Interferometer.

10.  To determine Temperature coefficient of platinum resistance Thermometer using carry foster bridge / 

      C.G. bridge.  

Practical Paper - II


1.    Refractive index 'µ' by Total Internal Reflection method using Gauss eye piece.

2.    To determine air gape 't' between two plates of F.P. Etalon or determination of wavelength 'l' of 
       monochromatic light.

3.    Calibration of spectrometer and determination of unknown wave length l and determination of air gap 't'

       between two plate using E.B. Plate.

4.    To study eliptically polarized light using Babinet Compensator.

5.    To determine l and dl  of sodium light using Michelson Interferometer.

6.    To study absorption spectra of liquid. (KMnO4).

7.    To study absorption spectra of lodine gas molecule.

8.    I-V Characteristic of solar cell and determination of F.F., V.F. & n.

9.    To determine Rydberg constant for H2 spectrum using grating.

10.  To study rotating dispersion of quartz.

Practical Paper - III


1.    To draw Hysterises using magnetometer method.

2.    A study of Hysterises of Anchoring / Transfomer using CRO.     

3.    Comparison of capacity (C1/C2) using method of mixture.

4.    Self Induction 'L' of coil using Rayleigh's method.

5.    Mutual Induction 'M' of two coil using B.G.

6.    Measurement of frequency f and phase difference ' ø' of a.c. wave using CRO.

7.    High resistance 'R' using leakage method.

8.    Calibration of magnetic field using flux meter.

9.    Susceptibility of FeCl3 using Quienk's method.

10.  To construct a.c. / d.c. voltmeter using FET and to calibrate it.

Practical Paper - IV


1.    A study of transistorized Hartley oscillator using CRO / Wave meter.

2.    A study of transistorized Colpitt's oscillator using CRO / Wave meter.

3.    To determine frequency of AFO using Wein bridge.

4.    I/P and O/P impedance of a R-C C.E. amplifier at different frequency using VTVM/CRO.

5.    A study of Negative feed back Amplifier using VTVM/CRO (voltage gain frequency response and band 


6.    A study of Transformer coupled amplifier using VTVM/CRO (volatage gain frequency response and band

7.    A study of Half Adder and Full Adder.

8.    Determination of absorption coefficient of 13 particles in Aluminium using G.M. counter.

9.    Characteristics of SCR.

10.  Use of Computer : Basic programming in BASIC language, - Simple function

       -    linear equation (y=mx+c), (I/P and O/P, If possible plot function or generate table for similar)

       -    Trigonometric functions (I/P and O/P, If possible plot function or generate table for similar).

       -    Make the programme of given experimental data and expression and take printout of programme and


Reference :

1.    Advanced Practical by Worsnoph and Flint.

2.    Advanced Practical Physics V-I & II by Chauhan & Singh.

3.    Advanced Practical Physics V-I & II by S.P. Singh.

4.    Practical Physics by S.L. Gupta & V.Kumar.

5.    Practical Physics by C.L. Arora.

6.    Practical Physics by Chattopadhyay, Rakshit & Saha.

7.    Handbook of Physics by U.V. Pathak, N.G. Garch & R.V. Naben, S.M. Sapra & R.S. Chittley.

8.    Programming in Basic by E. Balaguruswamy.

9.    Experimental Physics (Gujarati) by P.D. Pathak & N.M. Pandya.

10.  Electronic and Radio Engineering by M.L. Gupta.

11.  Handbook of Electronic by Gupta & Kumar.

    The Proposed New Course in Physics is based on Model curriculum of the University Grant Commission for under graduate classes are redesigned in accordance with new education policy.

Objectives :

1.    To  update course contents by introductory recent development in Physics to ensure the students of 
       this country do not have any academic disadvantages over their counter part's overseas.

2.    To meet the growing demands of specialization and advanced courses in applied and pure science.

3.    To help the colleges to update and modernize their laboratories.


    This syllabus is to be completed by assigning 15 periods of 55 minutes each (3 periods per paper) and 16 periods for practicals per batch per week (4 periods per practical).


    The number of students in a practical batch should not exceed fifteen (15).


    There will be five courses in theory and four practicals in the university examination. The pattern will be as follows :


Theory (Written)
Course P-VI 3 hours 70 30
Course P-VII 3 hours 70 30
Course P-VIII 3 hours 70 30
Course P-IX 3 hours 70 30
Course P-X 3 hours 70 30
Practical P-I 4 hours 44 19
Practical P-II 4 hours 44 19
Practical P-III 4 hours 44 19
Practical P-IV 4 hours 43 18


175 75


*    The syllabus of each course has been divided into 5 units

*    One question must be set from each unit with internal option.

*    As far as possible, proportionate weightage of the marks should be given to different sub-unit (heads) 
      of each unit.

*    Each question will have 3 sub question. (a), (b) and (c) detailed as under

      (a)    Theory question                            6 Marks

      (b)    Theory question                            4 Marks

      (c)    Example / Problem                         4 Marks 


             Total Marks of each question          14 Marks     


    The weightage of the marks given to each unit are as follows :


Unit - I *  Curvilinear Coordinates
*  Differential Equations
*  Second order differential Equation
*  Some Special Functions
18 14
Unit - II *  Lagrangian Formulation
*  Motion of Rigid Body
18 14
Unit - III *  Variational Principle : Lagrange's and Hemilton's 
18 14
Unit - IV *  General formalisms of wave mechanics 18 14
Unit - V *  Exactly Soluble Eigen Value Problems : The
    simple harmonic Oscillator.
*  Angular Momentum and Parity
*  Three Dimensional Square well potential
18 14


90 70


Unit - I *  Alpha Rays : Spectra and Decay
*  Beta Rays : Spectra and Decay
*  Gamma-Ray Emission 
18 14
Unit - II *  The Liquid Drop Model of a Nucleus
*  The Shell model of a nucleus
18 14
Unit - III *  Nuclear Energy
*  Elementary Particles
18 14
Unit - IV *  Types of Molecular Spectra and Pure 
    Rotational Spectra
*  Vibration-Rotational Spectra
18 14
Unit - V *  Raman Spectra
*  Electronic Spectra : Franck - Condon Principles
*  Classification of Molecular Electronic Spectra
18 14


90 70


Unit - I *  Statistical Ensembles
*  Some applications of Statistical mechanics
*  B.E. and F.D. Distribution
18 14
Unit - II *  Free Electron Theory of metals
*  Applications to Plasmons, polaritions and 
18 14
Unit - III *  Superconductivity 18 14
Unit - IV *  Lasers and Masers
*  Fiber Optics
*  Satellite Communication
18 14
Unit - V *  Characteristics of a Plasma in a Magnetic field
*  Hydrodynamic description of the plasma
*  Hydrodynamic description of the plasma
18 14


90 70


Unit - I *  Boundary Value Problems in Electrostatic
    Fields : Special Techniques
18 14
Unit - II *  Electromagnetic Induction
*  Electromagnetic Waves
18 14
Unit - III *  Fundamentals and Applications of Solar Energy
*  Solar energy conversion systems and thermal
    power plants
*  Solar photovoltaic systems
18 14
Unit - IV *  Planetary Atmosphere
*  Remote Sensing
18 14
Unit - V *  Computer Science 18 14


90 70


Unit - I *  Network Transformations
*  Photo Electric Devices
18 14
Unit - II *  Basic Transistor Amplifiers
*  Multistage Amplifiers
18 14
Unit - III *  Feedback Amplifiers
*  Transistor Oscillators (Sinusoidal)
18 14
Unit - IV *  Digital Electronics
*  Regulated DC Power Supply and Thyristore
18 14
Unit - V *  Types of Modulation
*  C.R.O.
18 14


90 70