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Master of Science in Home Science
Measurement Evaluation & Exceptional Children HSHD(201)


Objective : 

  1. To acquaint the students with the various methods of studying human behavior and development across the age span. 

  2. To train students to administer various standardized test. 

  3. To expose the students to the relevance of the standardized tools to the Indian setting. 

Course Outline 

  1. Measurement & evaluation across the age span. Silent features of particular groups, viz, children, adolescents, children with special needs, parents, youth, women & elderly. 

  2. Anthropometrics measurement – Types and measures of motor developments observation – types, structural and semi-structural, rating of behavior, development of rating scales. 


  1. Interviews with different groups, Assessment of Intellectual development tests, scales and methods, verbal and non-verbal tests across the age span, with children of varying. 

  2. Aptitude tests – Differential aptitude tests, motor, manual, tests of vision and hearing with normal children and children with special needs. 


  1. Projective tests – Thematic Apperception Test, world association test, psychodrama, sociometry – sociometric, adolescents and children with behavior disorders. 

  2. Evaluation of available tools, Relevance of tools to the Indian conditions, precautionary measures in the use of tools. 


  1. Introduction – Theoretical concept & Historical perspective. 

  2. The Physically handicapped – visual hearing, communication & orthopedic ally handicapped. 


  1. The mentally retarded and the learning disabled child. 

  2. The gifted child – educational alternatives. 

  3. Behavior disorders in children & their management. 

Practical :


  1. Case practices across Age span, using various psychological test. 

  2. Interviews / Observations of Children / Adolescent / Youth Women. 

  3. Case study of children – normal and children with special need. 

  4. To visit an Institution of every disabled children. 

  5. To observe behavioral characteristic of disable children. 

  6. To prepare teaching aid according to need of exceptional children. 

  7. To study and suggest a remedial measures for disable & gifted children. 
