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Master of Science in Home Science
Early child hood education and management of programme HSHD-104


Objectives :

  1. To enable the students to acquire knowledge on the need and importance of early childhood education. 

  2. To draw the student’s attendance to some of the major issues related to the study of different curriculum. 

  3. To aware the students about family. 


Course Content :

  1. Early Childhood care & education in perspective historical overview of social change and it’s application on E.C.E. 

  2. Role of E.C.E. – Significance of the first few years of childhood; major philosophy of E.C.E. 


  1. Sources of curriculum – use of play, appropriate experiences for infant, toddler, and preschoolers. 

  2. Models of E.C.E. programme – national & international. 


  1. Issues in childcare & education, meeting the needs of children, parents & family. 

  2. Definition of basic concepts, behavioral attitudinal and managerial competencies needed for the successful management of a business enterprise. 


  1. Organization & Management: stating patterns, working with children, teachers and parents. 

  2. Cost & financial Management: Types of cost – direct, indirect, fix, and variables, break-even analysis, source of finance. 


  1. Monitoring & evaluation of programme, human, technical & conceptual skill require for in administration. 

  2. Bookkeeping & Accounting – records to be maintain – simple book keeping & accounting, working out a balance sheet, calculation and profit and loss. 

Practical List :  

  1. Prepare a blueprint of day care center & preschool. 

  2. To observe E.C.E. center to has certain the model followed. 

  3. Interviews of teacher, supervisor unpractical problem encounter. 

  4. In service training in and E.C.E. center. 

  5. Study of syllabus of different languages (English, Gujarati, Hindi) 

  6. Preparing a project proposal 

  7. To survey of methods/practices followed in various institutes. 

  8. To study of registers & records by various agencies. 
