Objectives :
To develop an awareness of environment and importance in life.
To develop ecocorsiciusness and understand rule of the family and community to maintain ecological balance.
To learn various situations prevailing in country regarding fuel.
To learn & understand role of indigenous technology.
To become aware of the changes in housing values, standards and goals with the changing times.
To understand prevailing housing conditions in our country.
To reeogrice the role of public and private sector in iplittions in our country housing situations in our country.
To realize the role of education and research in over coming the housing problems.
The origine of the society,
Man’s struggle fcr power, courted by nature, alteration by nature, controle by nature.
Demography and pollution ecology population explession, population and it effect on pollution, Green revaluation Energy crisis.
Basic experiments problems at national level, Deprivation as hatural resources, pollution land pollution, noise pollution, thermal pollution.
Natural resources – Conseration, need future prospects and strategies Govt. and private sector’s role, in-hranagemt by natural environment.
Energy Sources – Their use, and effect on environment.
Alternative energy sources their use, advantage of disadvantage and limitation.
Appropriate technology for energy conservation at household level.
Methods by energy conservation at household sector – Rural and urban.
Factors affective energy used at household level.
Environment and energy related researches areas explored and areas heeding research.
* History by housing in India.
Trends in residential architectural.
Changes in residential , architecture style.
Values of goods related to housing.
Housing standards.
Housing in our country as afflicted by trends in – population, earning and rent, rent paying, capacity of family mobility, occupation.
Techro guical Department
* Town Planing.
Unit-IV Prevalent housing condition in India, - rural & urban.
(a) Housing & problems in developing country.
housing shortage : (1) Quality of housing available.
Quantity of housing available .
Cost of housing :
Financial question in relation to housing.
Expenditure on housing in total consumption.
Availability of building materials.
Slum & slum clearance in urban areas.
Government’s role in meeting the housing problem. (1) National and local governments agencies dealing with taken, progress of housing through fine, years plans, social housing schemes for economically weaker section governments funding Ageneis.
Provite sector’s role in meeting the housing problems.
National organizations
Educational institutes
Co-operative housing.
Types of Co-operative societies.
Co-operative housing in India.
Unit – 5
Housing Finance.
(i) Sources of Financial assistance public private Govt.
Adequacy and limitations.
Need for housing research.
Methods and techniques of research.
Post, present and future of housing researches.
Agenesis, undertaking, research
Practical :
Listing as energy sources of devices.
Visit to rhemable energy agency to see energy plant.
Visit to urgagram at klyanplana.
Visit to solar Instituete.
Visit to NIOH Ahmedabad, Meghanlhager.
Visit to ERGO LAB : Istar college Laboratory.
Visit to center for environment Ahemdabad.
Use of various conveartional & Non Convernational energy devices and measure pollution level and find ways to overcome problems.
To check therhcf efficiergy, he at reditination capacity bcally available Insilating materials.