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Master of Science in Home Science
Theories of Management & Institution & House Keeping Administration H.S.F.R.M.(202)


Objectives :
To understand management as a system. 
To become aware of key function of management. 
To understand role of management process in successful administration. 
To learn organizing techniques and apply them to various day-to-day situations to solve the managerial problems. 
To enable learner to acquire management skills in house keeping. 
To train learner for supervisory task in hospitality institutes. 
To acquaint student in budgeting skills, purchasing and maintenance , skills of housekeeping department in various institutes. 

Management discipline and approaches to it’s study definition and concepts of contemporary management, interdisciplinary nature, stage to development modern thought process theory, quantitative and behavioral approaches, system and contingency approach. 
Management as system : Elements of general systems theory, advantages of system approach to management, comparison of linear and system thinking, application of resource management in families and institutions. Key function of management – Technical human and conceptual aspects of the principal. Management functions – planning, organizing, directing and controlling feedbacks, Application to institutions family, commercial institutions. Decision making – Types and process of decision making, quantitative techniques and special tools cost, benefit analysis, decision trees, Basic concept of operations, research limits of applicability to family and institutional situations. 
Planning :
Nature and principles of planning, planning objectives – quality hierarchy, networks and cluster, management by objectives, advantages and limitations, applications to families, resource management and administration, premises – meaning & classification planning through a system perspective. 

    1. Organizing and Directing. 
    2. Principles and Process of organization. 
    3. Leadership styles and directions. 
    4. Management of human factors. 
    5. Motivational theories and their application. 
    6. Work group – types, structure, characteristics. 
    7. Fundamental administrative relationships power authority and status. 
Management Control :
Management control tools. Development of information and communication system – formal and informal channels of communication concept of feedback and feed forward, its control, application to institutional. Comparing human service Vs product (Manufacturing) oriented organization. History of loading inch try need and importance of hospitality management in today’s world – Types and categories of hospitality institutions, facilities and service extended by hospitality institutes. 
Role of house keeping department & personals in successful hospitality management, job specification & job description of house keeping staff, Attitudes of the staff. Staffing and Scheduling of responsibilities Administrative and leadership. Qualities required in head housekeeper. Selection of staff, advertising, interviewing training. Development of managerial skills making schedule, briefing junior staff, check rectifying complaint maintenance of records and registers, maintenance of par stock, tenders and purchasing in different styles. 
Preparing duty roster, leave roster pay roll and knowing labor laws. 
Basic communication and social skills, good social skills mannerism and etiquette development Methods of communication – upward down, usual, parallel, correspondences skill, writing of business letters, circulars, report writing. Housekeeping control desk and front office management, Types of fills and registered needed and maintained procedures of requisite, fresh supply occupancy inventory and revenue calculation procedure for requisitioning guest supplies, storage tips in various areas. Qualities of house keeping and front office staff, uniforms for the staff and its management. 

Practical List :
    1. Learning and drawing various Mgt. System. 
    2. Listing Input and Output from various fields of Interaction and their effect on Mgt. 
    3. Managing a situation and reporting in class. 
    4. Feedback – evaluation – of situation managed & self-evaluation. 
    5. Visiting various categories Institution observed managerial process & prepare report. 
    6. Identify work pattern – staffing job responsibility & job description of various Institutes. 
    7. 2-3 week Internship in any one Institute and present report. 
    8. Prepare checklist, outline Schedule, rosters, and various Registers. 
