· Write fiction/non-fiction for theater & radio.
· Focuses on the creative, analytical and professional aspects of script writing, in the context of the contemporary film and television industry
· Students will write one screen play for a short length feature film or a tale-play or for a episode with dialogues.
· Write a script and plan for a Quiz Show/Talent Show.
· Write a script with treatment for a TV Reality Show/Game Show
(For all work done during semester I & II & III)
(Submitted at the time of Pre degree Presentation)
(In a studio or a production house)
· Scriptwriting & Treatment for film done as a group project with students of other disciplines i.e. Direction, Cinematography & Editing.
1- Davis, R., (2001) Developing Characters for Scriptwriting, London, A&C Black
2- Campbell, Joseph, (1949) Hero with a Thousand Faces, Princeton University Press
3- Creeber, Glen, (2004) Serial Television, London, BFI Publishing
4- Field, Syd (1979) Screenplay, Dell
5- Field, Syd (1984) The Screenwriter's workbook, Dell
6- Friedmann, Julian, (1995) How to Make Money Scriptwriting. Boxtree
7- Gulino, Paul Joseph, (2004) Screenwriting: The Sequence Approach, Continuum
8- Ang, Ien (1991) Desperately Seeking the Audience
9- Fielden, Ned L (1998) Internet Research: theory and practice
N.C: McFarland & Co
10- Ruddock, Andy (2000) Understanding Audiences London: Sage
11- Altman, Rick (1999) Film/Genre, BFI Publishing
12- Cook, P, Bernink M, (eds) (1999) The Cinema Book, BFI Publishing
13- Creeber, Glen, (2004) Serial Television, London, BFI Publishing
14- Mernit, Billy (2001) Writing the Romantic Comedy, HarperCollins
15- Neale Steve, Krutnik, Frank (1990) Popular Film and Television Comedy, Routledge
16- Neale, Steve (2000) Genre and Hollywood, Routledge
17- Perret, Gene,(1990) Comedy Writing Step By Step, Samuel French, 1990
18- Truby, John (c 1991 – 2004) Advanced Screenwriting, sound recording
19- Wolff, Jurgen, (1988) Successful Sitcom Writing, St. Martin’s Press
20- Film Script Format- Riley, Christopher (2005) The Hollywood Standard, Michael Wise Productions.