· Pre production & production process for film & Television for the Director
· Post production process for film & Television for the Director
· Create a shooting plan for indoor reality show
· Shooting Plan for outdoor reality show
(For all work done during semester I & II & III)
(Submitted at the time of Pre degree Presentation)
(In a studio or a production house)
Make a short film
1 Film and Director - Don Livingston
2 Elements of Film - Lee R. Bobker
3 Art of Dramatic Writing - Lajos Egri
4 Technique of Screenplay Writing - Eugene Vale
5 Our Films Their Films - Satyajit Ray
6 Technique of Film - Raymond Spottiswoode
7 How to Read a Film - James Monaco
8 Film as Art - Ernest Lindgren
9 Film Form - Sergie Eisenstein
10 Film Sense - Sergie Eisenstein
11 Art of the Film - Stephenson and Debrix
12 The Five C’s of Cinematography - Joseph V. Mascelli
13 Theory of Film – the Redemption of Physical
Reality - Siegfried Kracauer
14 Cinema as a Graphic Art - Vladimir Nilsen
15 Film Theory and Criticism – introductory readings - Mast and Cohen
16 Film Language – a Semiotics of the Cinema - Christian Metz
17 Brecht on Theatre – the development of an - John Willett
18 The Messingkauf Dialogues - Bertolt Brecht
19 Pedagogical Sketchbook - Paul Klee
20 Ways of Seeing - John Berger
21 The Act of Creation - Arthur Koestler
22 The Technique of Television Production - G. Millerson
23 Television Production Handbook - Herbert Zettl
24 Television Production - Allan Wurtzel & S.R. Acker