· Advanced film & video cameras
· Digital Post-Production processes in cinematography
· Create a lighting plan for indoor reality show
· Create a lighting plan for indoor reality show
(For all work done during semester I & II & III)
(Submitted at the time of Pre degree Presentation)
(In a studio or a production house)
Cinematography for a short film
1 Photographic Theory for Motion Picture
Cameraman - Russel Campbell
2 The Five Cs of Cinematography - Joseph Mascelli
3 Student Film Makers Handbook - Kodak Worldwide Student’s Programme
4 Exploring the Colour Image - Kodak Worldwide Student’s Programme
5 Hands on Cinematographer’s Manual - David Samuelson
6 American Cinematographer’s Manual - American Society of Cinematographers
7 Video Camera Techniques - Gerald Millerson
Techniques of the Television Cameraman - Peter Jones
9 Anton Wilson’s Cinema Workshop - Anton Wilson
10 Basic Photography
11 Basic Motion Picture Technology - Happe
12 Video Camera Techniques - Gerald Millerson
13 Techniques of the TV Cameraman - Peter Jones
14 Single Camera Video Production - Robert Musberger
15 Lighting for Portraiture - Walter Nuremberg