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Paper-IV VCA RDBMS (Main)

Objectives :

To provide elementary exposure to a popular DBMS software and concept of programming of that package (Oracle)

Unit - 1 Introduction to database management system :

[1]  Data and database [2]  Database system : concept & meaning
[3]  Disadvantages of file systems [4]  Advantages of database approach.
[5]  Disadvantages of a DBMS [6]  Database languages : DDL, DML, & DSL.
[7]  Database administrator, Designer, Users and Manager. [8]  Concepts of entities, attributes, relationships and key.

Unit - 2 Interactive SQL :

[1]  Creating a table [2]  Insertion of data into tables. [3]  Viewing data in the tables.
[4]  Detection operations [5]  Updating the contents of tables. [6]  Modifying structure of tables.
[7]  Renaming tables. [8]  Destroying tables.

Unit - 3 More on SQL :

[1]  Computations on table data [2]  Functions - group, scalar and date.
[3]  Data constraints - column, table, null, unique, primary key and foreign key and check constraints.
[4]  Integrity constraints. [5]  Grouping constraints. [6]  Sub queries
[7]  Joint - equip and self. [8]  Unions, intersect and minus clause.

Unit - 4 SQL performance tuning and security :

[1]  Indexes [2]  Views [3]  Sequences
[4]  Granting and revoking permission. [5]  Revoking privileges given.

Unit - 5 Introduction to PL/SQL - 1

[1]  The generic PL/SQL block [2]  The PL/SQL execution environment
[3]  PL/SQL
      -  The character set -  Literals, Data types, Variables, Constants, Logical comparisons.
      -  Displaying messages.   -  Comments.

Unit - 6 Introduction to PL/SQL - 2

[1]  Conditional control [2]  Iterative control [3]  Cursors
[4]  Processing a PL/SQL block [5]  Stored procedures and functions. [6]  Triggers - basic introduction only.

Basic Textbooks :

1. SQL, PL/SQL - The programming language of Oracle, 2nd edition Ivan Bayross, BPB.

Reference Books :

1. An introduction to database systems, C.J. Data, Addision-wesly.
2. Oracle PL/SQL Programming, Scott urman, oracle press TMH.

 Paper-V VCA (Main)

Objectives :

1. Familiarize the students with internet, www, e-mailftp, isp ...and it's software & hardware.
2. Familiarize with e-commerce, e-business and its Related topics.

Unit - 1 Internet :

What is internet, www, isp, e-mail, usenet, ftp, chat - the hardware requirements for making internet connection - the software requirement for making internet connection.

Unit - 2 Electronic commerce :

An overview - traditional v/s electronic business transitions - more than the sum of its parts - opportunities - the advantages & disadvantages of e-commerce.

Unit - 3 Handling money on the net and security :

Transaction on the internet - requirements of payment systems - types of electronic payments - tools for  implementation - security - the benefits of cryptography - the process of encryption - the working of public-key cryptography - importance of digital certificate - comparison of encryption methods - an overview of internet security systems.

Unit - 4 Customer and business markets :

Consumer market and one to one marketing - consumer demographics - loyalty and acceptance - the business market - value chains and the market place - business evolution on the internet - new roles and marketing opportunities - offering custom product on the internet - an electronic market place of buyer and seller - future of e-commerce.

Unit - 5 Electronic business :

An overview business operation - concepts of b2b,b2c,c2c - workflow management mass customization and product differentiation - organization restructuring - role of electronic commerce infrastructure - electronic commerce models - supply chain management - product and service digitization - remote servicing and procurement on line marketing and advertising - e-commerce resources and in fracture.

Unit - 6 Business to consumer & business to business e-commerce :

Cataloguing order planning and order generation cost estimation and pricing order receipt and accounting order selection and prioritization order scheduling, fulfilling and delivery - order billing and payment management - post sales service - need and alternative models of b2b e-commerce - edi and paperless trading edi architecture edi standards cost of edi infrastructure - characteristics features of edi service - internet based edi - benefits and limitations of e-business.

Reference Books :

1. The Abc of the Internet Christian Crumlish Bpb.
2. Internet 6 in 1 Joe & Joe Phi.
3. E-Commerce Bajaj & Nag Tmh.
4. Understanding Electronic Commerce
5. Internet Banking Kamlesh Agrawala Mcm, Ind.
6. Business on the Net Kamlesh Agrawala Mcm, Ind.
7. Introduction to E-commerce :
A Manager's Guide to E-business Inter. Dewan, Prag And Sunil SgarmaBook New Delhi.
8. E-Commerce - A Manager's
Guide to E-business -Do- Excel Books

 Part-B Commercial Software Project (General Gridlines for Project Work)


1. The project work constitutes a major component in most of the vocational programs/courses. It is to be organized with due care and executed with seriousness by the student and the institution.
2. The objective of the project is to help the students develop ability to apply theoretical and practical tools and techniques to solve real life problems related to industry, trade and service institutions.
3. The project work should be carried from august to February of the academic year.
4. The minimum duration of project work should be of 50 hours.
5. For doing the project, the students have to find out topic, organization and guide under whom the work has to be carried out. Illustrative list of projects should be prepared by the institution.
6. Viva-voce is the compulsory part of the project. It will be held after completion of annual examination.
7. Student will have to submit project report in three copies duly signed by the guide, center in-charge and principal  of the college.
8. Total marks of project works are 35.
9. Project can be developed using any language and tools.
10. The student should develop the project individually and non in group.
11. The project should be divided in following section :
-  Detail requirement specification (5 Marks) -  Fact finding and analysis of problem (5 Marks)
-  Design-input from, report, file/database, procedure (5 Marks) -  Coding and documentation (5 Marks)
-  Testing and evaluation by user (5 Marks) -  User documentation (5 Marks)
-  Quality of communication (5 Marks)

