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Paper-III Commercial Communication in English

  Objectives :      The course has the following objectives :
            1.         To develop advanced-level skills writing in business situation.
            2.         To develop skills of drafting advertisements.
            3.         To develop comprehension of stock exchange reports.
            4.         To develop ability of drafting speeches.
            (I)        Report-writing :                                       
                      Business report only ......                                     10 Marks      
          (II)        Drafting of advertisement .........                          10 Marks  
          (III)       Comprehension of stock-exchange report.. .           10 Marks   
          (IV)       Drafting of speeches ........                                  10 Marks  
                       Prescribed textbook .........                               30 Marks
    Details of the syllabus :
       (I)    Report writing :
                Business report :     Report by individuals and committees on the following topics :
                (a)    Extension of business
                (b)    Functioning of a firm
                (c)    Accidents
                (d)    Decline in the sales of a product
                (e)    Starting of a new business
                (f)    Grievances of workers.
                (g)    Inquiry into charges of mismanagements.
    (II)    Drafting of advertisements :
                   (a)    Drafting of advertisement in  not more than 25 words on commercial products.
                (b)    Drafting of advertisement in not more than 25 words on promotion of sales.
    (III)    Comprehension of daily and weekly stock-exchange report.
    (IV)    Drafting of speeches for the following :
               (a)    Proposing a vote of thanks.
               (b)    Introducing the chief guest at a function.
               (c)    Speech at a farewell function.
               (d)    Canvassing at a union election meeting.
               (e)    Speech at a condolence meeting.
    Books recommended :

  1. Leech, Geoffrey N. : English in advertising {A linguistic study of advertising  in Great Britain} Longmont  Green &  Co. London 1996.
  2. Sharma R.C & Mohan K. : Business correspondence & report writing, Tata McGraw Hill  publishing company LTD,  Bombay 1979.
  3. Bonham, Philip : Executive English, Longmont Group, Landon, 1970. The study of a text-book prescribed by the Board of studies from time of Time.

    The prescribed text :
                       Kim Rudyard Kip ling {sum Bird readers Grade IV Oxford University Press.}

  1. A general question NOT on the WRITER of the work but on the under study
  2. TWO short notes on characters or important incidents in the story, theme of title.
                {This will carry 30 marks out of  70}
  3. Business reports : Individual or Committee report    10 Marks
  4. Comprehension of a stock exchange report {Daily or Weekly} of moderate length based on   5 or 6 questions.  10 Marks 
  5. A question on speeches for variable occasions it is suggested that the questions {s} be framed as  under : Draft a speech to be delivered by / on the occasion of ... in about 125 words.                      10 Marks    
  6. Drafting of advertisements  : Candidates will be expected to draft TWO advertisement from out of the given :
                    1.   On commercial products.
                    2.   On promotion of sales. Ten marks for this question are divided into two sub-question of 5 marks each.   10 Marks
                        a.    Introducing a commercial product.
                       b.    Promotion of the sale of product already introduced. Questions could be framed as under :     
                     1.    Draft an advertisement introducing a .... in not more than 25 words            5 marks
                     2.    Draft an advertisement promoting / increasing the sale of... in not more than  25 words.      5 Marks 

