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s!f    Financial Management - S.C. Kuchal

sZf    Basic Business Finance - Hunt Williams & Dhalson

s#f    Business Finance - Sudhir Prakashan

s$f    Business Finance - Popular Prakashan

s5f    Business Organization & Management - B.S. Shah Prakashan.


Paper-V Advance Business Management (Financial Management)

    I.    Financial Environment :
         General understanding of  Indian Financial market including Securities market and legal agencies related to the same viz.   
           Securities Exchange Board of India controller of Capital issues.   
    II    Financial Planning :
           1.    Approaches to Financial planning Contents of Financial Plans Financial Planning  Models.
             2.   Common Stock, Preferred Stock , Debentures Term Loans and lease Financing sources of long term finance.
             3.    Cost of Capital.
             4.    Various approaches to Capital. Structure ; Leverages; Financing Decisions and Market Efficiency.
    III    Financial Analysis :
            Introduction -Ration as a tool for Financial analysis, Ration for measuring profitability debt pay ding solvency ability, risk  and efficiency.
    IV    Investment Decisions :
            Present value, Opportunity Cost of Capital and Investment Decision.
     V    Risk and Return :
          Investment Decisions.
            Relationship between Risk and Return - Portfolio theory.
    VI    (I)    Capital Budgeting and Capital Asset Pricing Model.
            (II)   Practical problems in Capital Budgeting, Sensitivity Analysis, Monte Carlo Simulation, Decision Tree and Subsequent  Decisions.
    VII    Special Topics :
           (I)    International Financial Management.
             (II)   Business Failures and sickness.
            (III)  Mergers-Take over.
            (IV)    (a)   The five most important ideas in finance.
                     (b)   Certain unsolved problems in Finance.
    *    Weight age :   Topics 1,2 and 3 carry 40% marks. Topics 4,5 and 6 carry  40% marks and Topic 7 carry 20% ,marks.
    *    Books :-
            (1)    Principle's of Corporate Finance, {Third Edition 1988, Richard A. Bradley and Stewart {Myers, McGraw Hill 
                    International Edition.} (2)    Financial Management by Archer, Chortle, Recite, John Willey-1983 Edition.


Paper-V Advance Business Management (Essay-Writing)


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