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Paper-III Business Regulatory Framework (Including Company Law)

Objectives :

Of this course is to provide a brief idea about the framework of Indian Business laws.

Unit - 1 Law of Contract (1872) :

Nature of contract, classification, offer and acceptance, capacity of parties to contract, free consent, consideration Legality of object, Agreement declared void, Performance of contract, Discharge of contract, remedies for Breach of Contract.

Unit - 2 Sale of goods Act (1930) :

Formation of contracts of sale, goods and their classification, price, conditions and warranties, transfer of property in goods, performance of the contract of sales, unpaid seller and his rights, sale by auction, hire purchase agreement.

Unit - 3 Negotiable Instrument Act (1881) :

Definition of negotiable instruments, features, promissory note, Bill of exchange & cheque. Holder and holder in
the due course, crossing of cheque, types of crossing, negotiation, dishonor and discharge of negotiable instrument.

Unit - 4

(A) The Consumer Protection Act (1986) :
Salient Features, Definition of consumer, Grievance redressal machinery.
(B) Foreign Exchange Management Act (2000) :
Definitions and main provision.

Unit - 5 Company Act (1956) :

Corporate personality, Kinds of Company, Promotion and Incorporation of company - Memorandum and Articles
of Association, Prospectus, Share Capital - Transfer and Transmission of shares.

Unit - 6 Industrial Acts :

Major provisions of

(A) Factories Act :
Definition of factory management procedure objects of Act of woman health, safety and welfare.
(B) Industrial Disputes Act :
Objects of Act, definition of industrial disputes, machinery for prevention and settlement of disputes.

Reference Books :

1. Desai T.R. Indian Contract Act, Sales of Goods Act and Partnership Act, S.C. Sarkar & Sons Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai.
2. Khergamwala J.S. The Negotiable Instrument Act, N.M. Tripathi Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai.
3. Kuchal M.C., Business Law, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
4. Singh Avtar, The Principles of Mercantile Law, Eastern Book Company, Lucknow.
5. Kapoor N.D., Elements of Mercantile Law, Sulctan Chand & Sons, Delhi.
