FOR  F.Y. / S.Y. / T.Y.   B. COM. [U.G.C.]


Reg. F.Y.B.Com. 1 :  (Common Regulation for the F.Y.B.Com., S.Y.B.Com., T.Y.B.Com., Examinations) :

  1. The marks for the internal evaluation in each paper shall, except when it has been specifically  provided to the country, be 30% of its total marks and every candidate shall be required to pass  separately in internal evaluation.

  2. The 30%  of the total marks reserved for internal evaluation shall except where specifically provided  to the contrary, be distributed as follows : N.P. 25% for not less then prescribed number of test held per relevant rules in this behalf during the year and 5% for class-work attendance and performance in general during the year.

  3. Each question-paper for a full-length test shall be as per the duration fixed by the University of its  examination. 

  4. The result of each test shall be put on the notice board within one month after it is held.

  5. The answer-scripts of the candidates in the various tests shall be duly examined and assessed by the  Examiners concerned in the college and shall be marked in ink, and no marking shall be erased of defaced and no correction of marking made with out corresponding initialing by the Examiner to  whom the work is assigned, in support of the correction.

  6. The answer scripts of the candidates in the various test shall be confidentially preserved by the  colleges for at least eightmonths after the expiry of the academic year to which they relate and shall be produced before the University as and whenasked for by the University Office.



  1. (1)   No candidate who has not passed in at least half the number of heads for internal evaluation shall be admitted to the University examination concerned and in the event of such admission made through  mistake or any reason whatever, it shall be deemed to be cancelled in which event 50% examination fees shall be refunded to the candidate.

  2. The result of the internal evaluation shall be placed on college notice board by the 15th March every  year of before the date on which the examination commerce whichever is earlier and any candidate who has doubt or dispute relating thereto shall apply to the Principal of the College within two days of the declaration of the result for internal evaluation in the subject concerned together with a Fee of  Rs. 15/- which shall be retained by the college in no mistake is found or returned to the candidate if mistake is found. If a mistake is found the Principal shall communicate the amended result within  three day        provided that no amendment shall be entertain by the University, if it is received after 15th  April of the year to which it relates.

  3. The decision of the Principal on the internal evaluation or any doubt or dispute relating thereto  shall, subject to the time-limit mentioned in No. (II) above, be final and no appeal shall be  entertained thereon.


The marks in the Internal evaluation of a candidate who has failed in one or more heads of passing  shall be carried forward unless the candidate is permitted by the Principal to appear the tests for  internal evaluation again as per relevant rules in this behalf, in which cases the received result as  communicate by the Principal shall take the place of the original result in records. 


It shall be the duty of the college to communicate the results of internal evaluation of all the  candidates whether fresh or repeaters by the prescribed date and in the prescribed manner. 


      Provided further that a student appearing at the above examination has to appear for the purpose of  internal evaluation in one full length examination in each terms follows :


  1. The full-length examination will be held in each term as per the pattern and the duration  prescribed for the University  examination.

  2. Wherever any practical work is assigned for every student to appear in one full-length examination in each subject for the practical work appear in the pattern and duration prescribed for the University practical examination in addition to theoretical tests in the subjects. 

  3. The Principal of the college is authorized to arrange for an extra test, if he so wishes, in case student  is not able to appear at any one test for bonafide reason, provided that under no circumstances, a  student shall be given an opportunity to appear at an extra test more then once.

  4. The marks assigned to each student for the total internal evaluation in each subject shall be sent to  the University by 20th March every year by Principal of the college from where the student is sent up for the examination.
