[Proposal Draft of Ordinance & Rules for Commerce Faculty]


O. COM. 1.

Candidates for Degree of Master of Commerce must have passed :-

(1)    The examination for the Degree of Bachelor of Commerce of this university or an examination  recognized as equivalent thereto, in at least Second Class.


(2)    Must have passed the M.Com. Degree Examinations in both Part I & II after keeping terms as per requirement laid down in that in that behalf, two terms for each of the parts, viz., part I & II Examinations.


O. COM. 1 (a) :

A candidate who has not secured at least 36% of the total marks at the tests held at end of each term by the university departments and the Post Graduate Centres in their respective subjects shall not be permitted to appear at the said examination.


Provided further that the application for admission to the respective examination shall be withdrawn by the Direct of the university School concerned by the Professor-in-charge of the Post-graduate Centre concerned, or by the Principal of the College concerned, or the Head of the Institution concerned as the case may be.


This rule will apply only to the candidates in the faculties of (I) Arts including Education, (II) Science, and (III) Commerce.


O. COM. 2. :

A candidate who has passed his M.Com. Examination offering any one group of the optional groups as mentioned in R.M.Com. 1 & 4 shall be permitted to offer M.Com. Part-I Examination any one of the remaining groups of four papers each. Such a candidate shall be required to register himself afresh and to pay the tuition fees for both terms and keep the necessary attendance required under the rules of the university in that behalf.


Provided that in the case of a candidate who thus appears at the M.Com. Part-II Examination, the marks obtained by him in the four compulsory papers at the previous examination shall be carried forward. Such a candidate will, in that case, be entitled to a class in the examination admissible under the rule of the university in that behalf, but will not be entitled to any prize or scholarship or medal or any other award.


R. COM. - 1 :

Following are the subjects prescribed for study for the M.Com. Part-I Examination :


Group "A" (Compulsory)

Paper-I  Economics of Developing Countries

(One paper, 100 Marks, 3 hours)


Paper - II  Business Finance (Compulsory)

(One paper, 100 Marks, 3 hours)



Group "B" (Voluntary Subject)

(I)    (a)    Cost Accounting, Paper I & II (Two Paper, 100 Marks each, 3 hours each)


       (b)    Advanced Statistics (Two Paper, 100 Marks each, 3 hours each)

               Paper - I    :        Foundation of Statistics                                   (Old Course)

                 Paper - II   :        Economic Statistics                                       (Old Course)

                 Paper - I    :        Statistics                                                    (New Course)

                 Paper - II   :        Sampling Techniques and Demography    (New Course)

      (c)    Actuarial Science :

               Paper - I    :        Theory and Practical of Life Insurance

                                             (One Paper, 100 Marks, 3 hours)  

               Paper - II   :        Theory and Practical of Life Insurance

                                             (One Paper, 100 Marks, 3 hours)  


(II)    A student will take any two of the following groups (d), (e), (f) and (g) each group containing one  paper, 100 marks, 3 hours each :

       (d)    Modern Business   :   Paper - I    Advanced Business Economics

       (e)     Industry                   :   Paper - I     Industry and Labour

       (f)      Agriculture             :   Paper - I     Economic of Agriculture

       (g)     Modern Finance    :   Paper - I    Banking


(III)   Advanced Business Management, Paper I & II (New Course) (In Force from June, 1983)






To pass the M.Com. Degree Examination, a candidate shall be required to obtain -

(1)    at least 36% of the marks separately each in (a) each paper, and (b) practicalls, if any and (e) viva-voca  examination, if any at  the M.Com., Part-II Examination.


Award of classes will be as under :

1.    A successful candidate obtaining 70% or more of the total marks in part-I & II Examinations taken  together will be placed in First Class with Distinction.

2.    A successful candidate obtaining 60% or more marks but less than 70% of the total marks in part-I & II Examination taken together will be placed in First Class.

3.    A successful candidate obtaining 48% or more marks or less than 60% of the total marks in part-I & II  Examination taken together will be placed in Second Class.

4.    Remaining candidate passing the Examination will be placed in Pass Class.
