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9ST13 Enabling Structures


Part A


To appraise the students for the requirement of temporary supports, as construction aid on the design part as under.


Course Contents:

  1. Introduction of the subject including defining enabling structure, categories, purpose and importance.

  2. Design aspect on the basis of principles of theory of structures, various loads to be considered, their Evaluation, and working of required design parameters in relation to the applied load and supporting structures. Including reactions with position, value and direction for verification of permanent structural system.

  3. Selection of materials, their physical and mechanical properties, stresses to be allowed, deformation and a system to develop an enabling structure.

  4. Proportioning of members as per current practices for different types of structural members in tension, compression, bending, etc. as they occur.

  5. An emphasis is indicated to achieve economy and cost aspects of the enabling structures but not in detail.

  6. Preparation of sketches for the formation of structural systems, members size, spacing etc. to support construction.

Part B


To appraise the students with introduction and development of innovative designs, construction techniques in the subject of enabling structures.


Course Contents:

    1. Bridge & Aqueducts     2. Marines Structures        3. Tall Structures        4. Special Structures:

    Underground work, canal works, dome structures, Precast and pre stressed projects, canal siphons etc.


Reference Books:

    1. Form work for Concrete – By M.K.Hurd.

    2. ACI Recommendation to form work design - No. 347-78

    3. Manufactures information to supporting devices like Access Ltd.

    4. Temporary Structures – By C.E. Reynolds

    5. National Seminar on Enabling Structures in Construction – By SBST Oct’ 2000.



Internal 60 %

    (Class assignments/tutorials, Class attendance, Tests, Class interactions, and any laboratory work if required

Final 40 %

    (Exam, Jury, Term Paper etc.)