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9SR10 Water Resources Engineering



To create awareness among the students related to generation and management of water resources for various climatic and hydro geological conditions in India. It aims to create knowledge about development of surface water, groundwater and pollution problems.


Course Contents:

  1. Hydrologic cycle check: Hydrologic cycle and its various components: Precipitation, interception, evaporation, transpiration, infiltration and run-off. Water balance and its components. Subsurface water. Relationship of hydrogical cycle processes with quantity as well as quality of surface- and ground water. Characteristics of monsoon rainfall in relation to management of water resources for various climates and hydro- geological conditions in India.

  2. Surface water: Basic Concepts in surface water hydrology Run-off generation in relation to drainage basin characteristics for natural as well as urbanized catchments. Stream flow generation. Runoff hydrograph. General information about rivers. Geological work of surface flowing water- formation of Alluvium and Flood-plain structures. Development of river valleys, their shapes etc.

  3. Ground water: 

    1. Occurrence of groundwater (in Hard rock as well as alluvial aquifers)
      Zone of Aeration, Zone of Saturation, origin and age of groundwater, rock properties affecting groundwater, vertical distribution of groundwater, geologic formations as aquifers, types of aquifers, aquifer parameters (storage coefficient & transmissivity) and their practical significance.

    2. Groundwater movement and well hydraulics:
      Darcy’s law, permeability, determination of hydraulic conductivity, groundwater flow rates, dispersion, steady unidirectional flow steady radial flow to a well, unsteady radial flow in confined and unconfined aquifers. Well losses and their significance. Estimation of well losses.

  4. Water quality and pollution of surface- & ground- water: Measures of water quality, water quality criteria and changes in chemical composition, dissolved gases, temperature, hardness and salinity.
    Pollution of water in relation to its use. Municipal, agricultural, industrial and miscellaneous sources and causes of pollution. Attenuation of pollution, distribution of pollution underground. Monitoring groundwater quality. Salinity ingression in coastal aquifers. Hyphen- Her berg relation between fresh and saline waters, shape of fresh- salt water interface. Upcoming of saline water, fresh water- salt-water relations on oceanic islands.

  5. Water resources management: Concepts of basin management, equation of hydrologic equilibrium, groundwater basin investigations, data collection and fieldwork, basin management by conjunctive uses of surface an d ground water. Rainwater harvesting: traditional as well as current practices in relation to various climatic, hydro-geological and socio- economic factors. Renovation and re-use of wastewater. Basic concepts and methods of artificial recharging of groundwater, e.g. water spreading, injection recharge, percolation wells, percolation tanks etc.

Reference Books:

    1. Water resources engineering - By Fanzine, Lindsey

    2. Water resources engineering- By Fanzine Lindsey and Fanzine, Joseph B

    3. Manuals of standards and Criteria of planning water resources projects -By economic commission for Asia &
        far east, Bangkok.



Internal 60 %

    (Class assignments/tutorials, Class attendance, Tests, Class interactions, and any laboratory work if required

Final 40 %

    (Exam, Jury, Term Paper etc.)