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9SR09 Infrastructure - II


To appraise the students to bridge engineering. To enable students to study the various aspects of bridge design and design of simple bridge structures.


Course Contents:

  1. Formulation of bridge projects: Introduction phases of project planning preliminary engineering studies, detailed engineering studies.

  2. Hydraulic design: Hydraulic design of bridge- computation of hydraulic parameters, estimation of scour depths around bridge piers. Design of structures for bridges across alluvial soils.

  3. Structural design aspects of short bridges: Loads and stresses, design of culverts and T beam bridges.

  4. Geotechnical aspects: Pile foundations, well foundations, and subsoil exploration for bridge foundations.

  5. Construction techniques: Modern bridge construction technology.

Reference Books:

    1. Design of bridges - By N. Krishna, Raju.

    2. Principles and Practice of bridge engineering- By S.P. Bindra.

    3. Design of bridges – By V. Johnson.

    4. IRC Codes.



Internal 60 %

    (Class assignments/tutorials, Class attendance, Tests, Class interactions, and any laboratory work if required

Final 40 %

    (Exam, Jury, Term Paper etc.)