To expose the students to construction contracts, issues related to construction administration, aspects arising out of construction administration such as disputes and resolution of disputes.
To introduce the students the aspects of quality assurance, forming programs thereof, quality control and quality audit procedure.
Course Contents:
1. Construction contracts:
Definition, meaning & explanation of contracts
Requirements of valid contracts
Eligible parties for contracts.
2. Types of contracts:
Roles, responsibilities and obligations of parties and their representatives at contract.
Elements of contracts, conditions of contracts, specifications etc.
3. Disputes and resolution of dispute:
Tribunal procedures and laws related to such procedures.
4. Quality audit undertaking:
Quality assurance program. ISO: 9001- 2000 procedures as modified and applied to construction.
Reference Books:
1. Explanation of Indian contract Act- By Mulla and Sanjeeva Rao, B.D. Virmani, B.T. Gujaria.
2. Handbook of Contracts- By Hudson.
3. Construction Contracting, Clough Rich arch- By John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1986.
4. Construction Contract Management- By Prakash V.A.- NICMAR, Bombay.
Internal 60 %
assignments/tutorials, Class attendance, Tests, Class interactions, and any
laboratory work if required
Final 40 %
(Exam, Jury, Term Paper etc.)