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9MT06 Advance  Concrete Technology


To introduce the students to the recent advances in the concrete technology.


Course Contents:

  1. Admixtures: Water-reducing agents Mineral admixtures, fly ash, silica fume, slags, met kaolin etc.

  2. Set retreads

  3. Fiber-reinforced concrete: Materials, mix proportioning , properties and application.

  4. High- strength concrete: Definition, materials, mix proportions , properties and application.

  5. High performance concrete

  6. Ready mixed concrete

Reference Books:

    1. New Concrete technologies and building design -By A.M. Neville.

    2. Concrete - By P. K. Mehta.

    3. Indian Concrete Journal

    4. Relevant Journals.

    5. New concrete technologies and building design- By A.M. Neville.



Internal 60 %

    (Class assignments/tutorials, Class attendance, Tests, Class interactions, and any laboratory work if required

Final 40 %

    (Exam, Jury, Term Paper etc.)