In to prepare the students to face third party and prospective clients effectively to promote their products and services. After sales- services shall be an integral part of promotion.
Course Contents:
Introduction to marketing management: Definition, nature, importance, system approach, marketing approach (concept) construction & environmentation.
Understanding marketing management: Marketing management, Evaluation, responsibility, marketing Objective, marketing mix, marketing organization, marketing environment (Macro).
Understanding the market: Marketing place & types of markets, market segment/ target, consumer behavior, purchase process (Buying Behavior), consumers & industrial market, international market.
Understanding the product: What is a Product?. Product development, product policy, product life- cycle, product decisions
Understanding the price: Role of pricing, pricing Objectives, pricing policy & decisions, types & methods of pricing, break- even analysis.
Understanding the promotion: Marketing communication, promotional mix, promotional strategy, advertising, and personal selling sales promotion, public relations.
Understanding physical distribution: Channels of distribution, developing channels, scope & level of physical distribution. System, role in our organization, components of physical distribution, managing physical distribution.
International marketing
Contemporary issue in marketing : Service marketing, computerization, environmentation, ethical marketing, social marketing, and de. marketing, non- business marketing.
Reference Books:
1. Marketing Management- By Philps Kotler.
2. Marketing Management- By Kuntz & O’ don ell
3. Sales & Distribution- By S.L. Sharma
4. Marketing Management- By Stan tan Williams.
5. Marketing Management- By Rustam Dawar.
Internal 60 %
assignments/tutorials, Class attendance, Tests, Class interactions, and any
laboratory work if required
Final 40 %
(Exam, Jury, Term Paper etc.)