To appraise students regarding various causes due to which and the structures are distressed at an early age and in some cases are collapsed too. Keeping these causes in mind the idea is to explain them the role of an engineer at design, construction, maintenance stage of any construction project to avoid such defective, distorted or/and total collapse of structure. In short to emphasize on good engineering practices in all the areas stated above.
To appraise the students regarding Evaluation techniques used for diagnosing the distressed or/and
deteriorated structures along with various materials and systems used for repairing and rehabilitation of
such defective structures, giving due emphasis on the role of an engineer at design and construction
stage whiledealing with such structures.
Course Contents:
1. Meaning of construction failure
2. Historical references
3. Main causes of failure:
deficiency, improper materials & poor workmanship, removal of formwork at an
early stage, improper
or total absence of competent supervision and inspection,
subsidence of foundations, fire, flood,
earthquake etc.
4. Durability of concrete and its compatibility with other materials
5. Professional and legal responsibility in the prevention of failures
6. Basic defect and deterioration in concrete and masonry structures
7. Evaluation of defective concrete structure using non-destructive method of testing
8. Repair materials and their method of application
9. Evaluation of repaired structure
The practical performed in our laboratory by our students are as under:
For Non Destructive testing (NDT):
a. Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity
b. Rebound Hammer
c. Core Test
d. Rebar locating
Reference Books:
Lessons from failures of Concrete Structures - By Jacob Fled
Construction Failure - By Jacob fled
Learning from failures: deficiencies in design, construction and service- By R. N. Raikar
Concrete Reinforced Concrete Deteriorations & protection edited - By V. Moskvin.
Technology of building repairs- By R.N. Raikar.
Proceedings of National seminar on "Lessons from failures of Structures" 17-19 Dec, 1982, Vol. I & II, organized - By Maharashtra India Chapter of American Concrete Institute.
Building Failures: a guide to diagnosis, remedy & prevention - By W. H. Ransom
Building Disasters & Failures - By Geoff Scott
Common Defects in Buildings published - By HMSO, London.
Workshop on detailing of reinforced concrete structures organized - By the Institution of Engineers (India) Nagpur Center on 11-14 Oct, 1983.
Proceedings of workshop on detailing of reinforced concrete structures Vol.I 21-22 April 1986 organized - By Institution of Engineers (India) Roorkee, Local Centre on 21-22 April 1986.
Design and construction of silos and bunkers - By Sargis S. Safari on and Ernest C. Harris
Proceedings of seminar on concrete admixtures and repair materials. At Ahmedabad on February 24-25 1989.
Proceedings of National Seminar on concrete chemicals repair materials at Calcutta 26-27 March 1987.
Guide to Repair of Concrete- By Structures Collection of articles from concrete construction magazine.
Concrete Repair: Materials and Methods. - By Concrete construction magazine.
The Guide book to concrete repair - By Structural preservation systems, USA
International Symposium on rehabilitation of structures - By Maharashtra India Chapter of American Concrete Institute, Bombay on Dec 21-23, 1981.
Concrete structures: repair, waterproofing and protection - By Philip Perkins.
Concrete: Repair and Protection - By Sika Concrete Protection
Guide for the protection of concrete against chemical attack by means of coatings and other corrosion resistant materials. - By ACI committee 515
Repairs to fire damaged structures- By W.S. Long.
Diagnosing the causes of defects or deterioration in concrete structures- By D.D. Higgins.
Routine maintenance of concrete bridges- By ACI committee 545
Guide for repair of concrete bridges superstructure- By ACI committee 546
Guide for making a condition survey of concrete in service- By ACI committee 201
Building failures: a guide to diagnosis, remedy & prevention – By Addle son Lyall.
The total system for concrete repair and protection - By Sika Interpol
Guide to the use of waterproofing, dam proofing, protective and decorative barrier systems for concrete- By ACI committee 515
Corrosion, concrete and chlorides –SP 102.
Causes, Evaluation and repair of a cracks in concrete – By ACI committee 224
Concrete Durability- By Proceedings of the Katharine and Bryant Maher international symposium 1987. Two volumes
Non-destructive testing of concrete- By ACI committee 228
Repairs of concrete structures - Assessments methods and risks SCM 21-89
Rehabilitation, renovation and preservations of concrete and masonry structures - SP-85 ACI
Evaluation and repair of fire damage to concrete -SP-92 ACI
Concrete repair and restoration - ACI compilation No.5
In Situ/Non destructive testing of concrete - SP-82, 1984
Internal 60 %
assignments/tutorials, Class attendance, Tests, Class interactions, and any
laboratory work if required
Final 40 %
(Exam, Jury, Term Paper etc.)