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8ST10 Structure - VII



The purpose of the study is to work out structural design of an RCC structure in application of analytical and design skill with reference to current professional practice.



Pre requisite for the study of the subject is to refer understanding of fundamental principles of statically analysis, applied mechanics and understanding about methods of analysis for static loads. In view of program, scope is to cover design of R C C structures particularly of building and associated structural members, floors-slab and beam, column foundations, stair design, retaining walls, however for simple buildings. Study is limited to the design under vertical loads with only informative knowledge of horizontal loads. The study of foundation design is limited to isolated column footing and informative knowledge for other types.


Course Contents:

Method employed for teaching is divided in four parts.

  1. Study of loads, kinds of loads, way of applications, methods to calculate the loads, reference to standards etc.

  2. Analysis of effects of loads on structural members by study of structural system, formation of structural layout of members, significance of analytical methods on layout, economical aspects on layout. Detailed analysis of each member for required design parameters under application of loads under different conditions, application variables and study is limited how to implement all such analysis, as this is part of the subject.

  3. Design prerequisites for different supporting conditions and for the relevant loads for different members. Design as attempted viewed as a whole structure and completed for design of each member and assembled. Design procedure concurrent with standard design procedures and reference to prevailing codes of practice.

  4. Design calculations both for analysis and design are transformed to detailing of each members in the form of sketches preferably by drawing.

  5. Relevant students are guided to follow standard textbooks on theory of structures and design work. Further reference is also included for prevalent I.S. Codes of like I.S. 875, 456, and design aids as followed in practices.

Reference Books:

    1) Basic reinforced concrete design Volume 1 & 2 – By Charles Reynolds.

    2) Reinforced Concrete designer’s Handbook- By Charles Reynolds.

    3) Design of reinforced concrete structures- By S. Ramamrutham.

    4) Theory and practice of reinforced concrete- By Dunham Clarence

    5) I.S. codes and design aids



Internal 60 %

    (Class assignments/tutorials, Class attendance, Tests, Class interactions, and any laboratory work if required

Final 40 %

    (Exam, Jury, Term Paper etc.)