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8MT05 Concrete Technology


The Objective is to impart an in-depth study of behavior of concrete and its ingredients. The chemistry of behavior at micro level will benefit the students as to how and why concrete material behaves like this. This will also enable them to design an economical, technically sound concrete with a better knowledge of basics of materials.

Course Contents:

  1. Hydration of Cement: Hydration reaction, products, role of each products, test of hydration, self-dissection in concrete.

  2. Microstructure of Concrete: Structure of concrete, phases in concrete, solid, void and transition phases. Role of each phase.

  3. Pore Structure of concrete: Capillary pores, gel pores and interstitial pores. Pore structure property relationship. Relationship of pure structure of concrete with hardened properties of concrete like strength, dimension stability and durability of concrete.

  4. Proportioning of concrete mixtures: Significance and Objectives procedures and sample computations. Actual mix design and testing of concrete.

  5. Durability of concrete: Role of moisture in all the deterioration mechanism in concrete, corrosion of steel in concrete- electrochemical phenomena, measurement parameters and corrosion protection methods.

  6. Chemistry of aggregate: Spectrographically classification of aggregates, BIS classification, artificial aggregates, deleterious substance in aggregates, alkali aggregate reaction, formation of transition zones, thermal properties of aggregates, grading and surface area of aggregates.

  7. Water Quality: 

  8. Types of impurities of water, effect of water impurities on properties of concrete, chemical analysis of water, permissible limits of impurities, water for curing of concrete.

  9. 9. Chemicals: Nomenclature of chemicals used in production of concrete, functions, specifications & classification, surface active, set controlling chemicals mineral admixtures, BIS specifications for selection, working with chemicals in Indian conditions, and economics of chemicals.

  10. Proportioning of concrete: Historical background, controlled mix, basic consideration for concrete mix design, factors affecting choice of mix design, methods of mix design, theories & practice, acceptance criteria for concrete. Mix design with admixtures.

  11. Production of concrete: Significance, batching methods, mixing, types of mixes, transportation, modes of transportation, placing, compaction and methods of compaction. Curing methods, chemical curing, and effect of curing on properties of concrete.

  12. Rheology of concrete: Representation of rheological behavior, factor affecting rheological properties, mixture adjustments.

  13. Extreme weather concreting: Concreting in hot & cold climates, under water concreting.

  14. Introduction to NDT methods on field applications

The practical performed by the students in our laboratory is as under:

1. For Concrete – Mix Design.


Reference Books:

    1. Properties of Concrete- By Neville.

    2. Concrete Technology- By Neville.

    3. Concrete Vol. I, II, III- Orchard.

    4. Concrete Technology – By M.L. Bambhir.

    5. Concrete Structures, properties and materials- By P. Kumar Mehta.

    6. Concrete Admixtures- By Peter Russell.

    7. Concrete Science- By Ramchandran.

    8. Progress in concrete Technology- By ACT, SP 39, 1973 Malhotra.

    9. Behavior of Concrete under temperature extremes- By Melhotra.

    10. Technology of cement & concrete- By Blank & Kennedy.

    11. BIS 516, 1199, 456



Internal 60 %

    (Class assignments/tutorials, Class attendance, Tests, Class interactions, and any laboratory work if required

Final 40 %

    (Exam, Jury, Term Paper etc.)