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8MG05 Quantitative Methods of Optimisation


To expose students to quantitative methods of optimization to enhance their analytical ability in decision-making.


Course Contents:

  1. Introduction, approach and techniques

  2. Linear programming: Formulation of Objective function, graphical & simplex method of minimization and maximization. Transportation and assignment problems.

  3. Inventory control: Types of inventories, cost considerations, EOQ model quantity discounts, approaches to inventory problems.

  4. Games theory: Interactive decision making, zero-sum game, mxn games, games and linear programming,

  5. Queuing Theory: Analysis of queuing process, constituents of a queuing system, single channel models, multiple service channels, finite queuing models.

  6. Simulation: Basic concepts, simulation procedure, uses of random nos, tables, application of simulation.

Reference Books:

    1. Quantitative techniques in management - By N. D. Vohra

    2. Principles of operations research – By Prof. H. M. Wanger

    3. Operations Research- An Introduction- By H. Taha

    4. Quantitative approaches to management- By Levin & Kirkpatrik



Internal 60 %

    (Class assignments/tutorials, Class attendance, Tests, Class interactions, and any laboratory work if required

Final 40 %

    (Exam, Jury, Term Paper etc.)