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8CT14 Foundation Engineering



To expose the students to the advance understanding of geo technical aspects of foundation design for various structures.


Course Contents:

  1. Introduction: Definition, purpose, types of foundations, general requirements of foundations, selection of foundation, relevant IS codes.

  2. Earth pressure and retaining walls: Introduction types of lateral earth pressures design aspects of retaining walls.

  3. Shallow foundations: Definitions, depth of foundation, types of foundation, footings and rafts.

  4. Bearing capacity of shallow foundations: A definition, theories of bearing capacity, IS Code method foundations on sand and clay, settlements of foundations- immediate and consolidation settlements, allowable settlements, bearing capacity by field tests.

  5. Deep foundations: Definition, depth of foundation, type of foundation- piles, wells and caissons.

  6. Pile foundation: Type of piles, mechanism of resistance developed by pile, load carrying capacity of pile- dynamic and static formulae, critical depth of pile, group action of piles, settlement, of pile groups, sharing of loads on pile group, negative skin friction.

  7. Well foundation: Different shapes of wells, grip length, forces acting on a well, load carrying capacity of well, components of well, sinking of well, tilts and shifts.

  8. Stability of slopes: Types of slopes, factors of safety methods of analysis Swedish, friction circle, Bishop, wedge analysis, various conditions, slope protection.

  9. Foundation instrumentation: Necessity, types of instruments, measurements of stresses, strains, deformations, and pore water pressures, analysis of observational data.

  10. Ground improvement: Necessity, ground improvement techniques, selection of appropriate technique.

Reference Books:

    1 Foundation analysis & design- By J.E. Bowles

    2. Foundation Engineering - By peck, Hanson, Thom burn.

    3. Soil mechanics and foundation engineering - By K.R. Arora.

    4. Pile design and construction practice: - By M.J. Tomlinson.

    5. Foundation design manual: - By Dr. N.V. Nayak.


1. Indian Standard Code.  IS: 6403-1981: IS: 809 Part I & 2-1976: IS: 2911 (All Sections)



    Presence 10%

    Assignment 20%

    Test Exam 30%

    Semester & Exam 40%