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7MG04 Human Resource Management


To develop a systematic understanding of human resource management processes, skills and systems.

To develop skills of building human resource practice into the fabric of business.

To understand the process of organizational change and development as a major factor contributing to making human resource a competitive advantage.


Course Contents:

  1. Human resource management: concepts, systems and skills : Human Resources planning and Job design, recruitment and selection, training and development, performance appraisal, career planning and potential appraisal, internal mobility, compensation administration and reward system, employment relationship and grievance handling.

  2. Management of discipline and labour law: Systems approach to management of discipline, conflict management, employee participation, various labour legislation in construction industry.

  3. Structural and behavioral dimensions of an organization: Organizational structure, organizational culture, organizational diagnosis and processes, organizational learning, perception, motivation, personality, variables. Attitudes, communication, feedback, power and influence, leadership, conflict, negotiation competition and cooperation, stress, transactional analysis, ethics, group processes and dynamics, teams, group decision-making.

  4. Organizational change and development: Organizational development process, organizational development interventions, key considerations and issue on organizational development.

  5. Strategic human resource management: Undertaking of changing business environment. Response of human resource management to changing environment, alternate strategies, design of managing human resources, and changing role of human resource management.

Reference Books

    1. Personnel Management- By A. Monappa A & M. Saiyadian.

    2. Personnel Management- Gosh S- Oxford & IBH, New Delhi, 1985.



The classroom delivery of the contents will be highly participative. Case studies, group discussion, personal presentation and modular training during the term will support it. The students will be expected to submit minimum 10 assignments on various topics related to HRM. Minimum 80% presence will also be mandatory. At the end of the term a written test will be conducted which carries 40% weight age in total Evaluation.