To acquire the knowledge about the specialized (advance) equipments used in the construction industry for various activities and applying this knowledge in working with these TEP'S as well as make possible modifications (Research).
Course Contents:
Comparison between T E P
History of equipments: Source of power generation (2 stroke & 4 stroke) manual source, steam engines, elect. powered engines, diesel, petrol powered engines, pneumatic machines, hydraulic machines.
Energy resources: Fossils, shale’s, timber, crude oil, water, wind, solar, waves, nuclear, biogas, physical power by Machine, brain power by computer.
Classification of equipments: According to size, position, technology and activity performed
Selection of equipments:
affecting selection (general) types, economy, source, availability.
affecting selection (particular) depend on activity, position, and productivity.
Hourly owning & operating costs, with examples
Maintenance and repairs: Maintenance schedule, repair logbook, investigation report, parts availability.
Safety precautions in handling and operating equipments
All equipments in detail from the view of above points
Reference Books:
1. Construction planning, equipments and methods - By R Peurifoy
2. Construction equipments and its planning and application - By Mahesh Verma
3. Construction engineering and management – By S.Seetharaman
4. Managing construction equipment – By S. Nunn ally.
Internal 60 %
assignments/tutorials, Class attendance, Tests, Class interactions, and any
laboratory work if required
Final 40 %
(Exam, Jury, Term Paper etc.)