To appraise students regarding planning, designing and construction aspects of water supply and drainage.
Course Contents:
1. Urbanization:
(Trends, ULB’s and their obligatory and discretionary duties).
2. Scenario of urban infrastructure services
Water Supply, Drainage, etc.
3. Water supply:
Water Supply- planning aspects
Water Supply- discussion of cases experiences
Site Visit- design
Water Supply- design
Water Supply-construction aspects including earthquake
Decentralized water supply options
Financing water supply projects: case studies and municipal bonds.
4. Drainage:
Drainage- planning aspects
Drainage- discussion of cases/ experiences
Drainage- design
Drainage- construction
Site Visit- sewage treatment plant
Decentralized Sanitation/ UBS to Urban Poor
Urban Poor and Urban Basic Services (W/S and Drainage in Slum Networking Project)
Reference Books:
1. Water Supply & Pollution Control- By Vies man & Hammer
2. Sewage Disposal & Air Pollution in engineering- By S.K. Gorg.
3. Municipal & Rural Sanitation- By Ehlers & Steel.
4. Water Supply & Sanitary Engineering- By G.S. Bridge.
5. Surface Water Sewerage- By Bartlett.
Internal 60 %
assignments/tutorials, Class attendance, Tests, Class interactions, and any
laboratory work if required
Final 40 %
(Exam, Jury, Term Paper etc.)